require 'lucid/tdl_builder' require 'gherkin/formatter/filter_formatter' require 'gherkin/formatter/tag_count_formatter' require 'gherkin/parser/parser' module Lucid class SpecFile SPEC_PATTERN = /^([\w\W]*?):([\d:]+)$/ #:nodoc: DEFAULT_ENCODING = "UTF-8" #:nodoc: NON_EXEC_PATTERN = /^\s*#|^\s*$/ #:nodoc: ENCODING_PATTERN = /^\s*#\s*encoding\s*:\s*([^\s]+)/ #:nodoc: # The +uri+ argument is the location of the source. It can be a path # or a path:line1:line2 etc. def initialize(uri, source=nil) @source = source _, @path, @lines = *SPEC_PATTERN.match(uri) if @path @lines = @lines.split(':').map { |line| line.to_i } else @path = uri end end # The parse action will parse a specific spec source and will return # a the high level construct of the spec. If any filters are passed # in, the result will be filtered accordingly. # @see Lucid::Runtime::SpecsLoader.load def parse(specified_filters, tag_counts) filters = @lines || specified_filters tdl_builder = filter_formatter = filters.empty? ? tdl_builder :, filters) tag_count_formatter =, tag_counts) # Gherkin Parser parameters: # formatter, raise_on_error, machine_name, force_ruby # The machine name refers to a state machine table. parser =, true, "root", false) begin # parse parameters: # gherkin, feature_uri, line_offset parser.parse(source, @path, 0) tdl_builder.language = parser.i18n_language tdl_builder.result rescue Gherkin::Lexer::LexingError, Gherkin::Parser::ParseError => e e.message.insert(0, "#{@path}: ") raise e end end # The source method is used to return a properly encoded spec file. # If the spec source read in declares a different encoding, then this # method will make sure to use Lucid's default encoding. def source @source ||= if @path =~ /^http/ require 'open-uri' open(@path).read else begin source =, Lucid.file_mode('r', DEFAULT_ENCODING)).read encoding = encoding_for(source) if(DEFAULT_ENCODING.downcase != encoding.downcase) source =, Lucid.file_mode('r', encoding)).read source = to_default_encoding(source, encoding) end source rescue Errno::EACCES => e e.message << "\nLucid was unable to access #{File.expand_path(@path)}." raise e rescue Errno::ENOENT => e if @path == "specs" e.message << ["\nYou don't have a 'specs' directory. This is the default specification", "directory that Lucid will use if one is not specified. So either create", "that directory or specify where your test repository is located."].join("\n") else e.message << ["\nThere is no '#{@path}' directory. Since that is what you specified as", "your spec repository, this directory must be present."].join("\n") end raise e end end end private def encoding_for(source) encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING source.each_line do |line| break unless NON_EXEC_PATTERN =~ line if ENCODING_PATTERN =~ line encoding = $1 break end end encoding end def to_default_encoding(string, encoding) if string.respond_to?(:encode) string.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING) else require 'iconv', encoding).iconv(string) end end end end