module ActiveFacts module CQL class Compiler < ActiveFacts::CQL::Parser class ReferenceMode attr_reader :name, :value_constraint, :parameters def initialize name, value_constraint, parameters @name = name @value_constraint = value_constraint @parameters = parameters end def to_s "identified by its #{name}" + ((p = @parameters).size > 0 ? '('+p*', '+')' : '') + ((v = @value_constraint) ? v.to_s : '') end end class EntityType < ObjectType def initialize name, supertypes, identification, pragmas, clauses, context_note super name @supertypes = supertypes @identification = identification @pragmas = pragmas @clauses = clauses || [] @context_note = context_note end def compile @entity_type = @vocabulary.valid_entity_type_name(@name) || @constellation.EntityType(@vocabulary, @name, :concept => :new) @entity_type.is_independent = true if (@pragmas.include? 'independent') # REVISIT: CQL needs a way to indicate whether subtype migration can occur. # For example by saying "Xyz is a role of Abc". @supertypes.each_with_index do |supertype_name, i| add_supertype(supertype_name, @identification || i > 0) end context = # Identification may be via a mode (create it) or by forward-referenced entity types (allow those): prepare_identifier context context.bind @clauses, @identification.is_a?(Array) ? @identification : [] # Create the fact types that define the identifying roles: fact_types = create_identifying_fact_types context # At this point, @identification is an array of References and/or Clauses (for unary fact types) # Have to do this after creating the necessary fact types complete_reference_mode_fact_type fact_types # Find the roles to use if we have to create an identifying uniqueness constraint: identifying_roles = bind_identifying_roles context make_preferred_identifier_over_roles identifying_roles if @context_note @context_note.compile(@constellation, @entity_type) end @clauses.each do |clause| next unless clause.context_note clause.context_note.compile(@constellation, @entity_type) end @entity_type end def prepare_identifier context # Figure out the identification mode or roles, if any: if @identification if @identification.is_a? ReferenceMode make_entity_type_refmode_valuetypes(name,, @identification.parameters) vt_name = @identification = [, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, @identification.value_constraint, nil)] else context.allowed_forward_terms = legal_forward_references(@identification) end end end # Names used in the identifying roles list may be forward referenced: def legal_forward_references(identification_phrases) do |phrase| phrase.is_a?(Reference) ? phrase.term : nil end.compact.uniq end def bind_identifying_roles context return unless @identification do |id| if id.is_a?(Reference) binding = id.binding roles ={|r|r.role || (rr=r.role_ref and rr.role)}.compact.uniq raise "Looking for an occurrence of identifying role #{id.inspect}, but found #{roles.size == 0 ? "none" : roles.size}" if roles.size != 1 roles[0] else # id is a clause of a unary fact type. id.identify_other_players context id.bind context matching_clause = @clauses.detect { |clause| clause.phrases_match id.phrases } raise "Unary identifying role '#{id.inspect}' is not found in the defined fact types" unless matching_clause matching_clause.fact_type.all_role.single end end end def make_preferred_identifier_over_roles identifying_roles return unless identifying_roles && identifying_roles.size > 0 role_sequence = @constellation.RoleSequence(:new) identifying_roles.each_with_index do |identifying_role, index| @constellation.RoleRef(role_sequence, index, :role => identifying_role) end # Find a uniqueness constraint as PI, or make one pc = find_pc_over_roles(identifying_roles) if (pc) pc.is_preferred_identifier = true = "#{}PK" unless trace "Existing PC #{pc.verbalise} is now PK for #{}" else # Add a unique constraint over all identifying roles pc = @constellation.PresenceConstraint( :new, :vocabulary => @vocabulary, :name => "#{}PK", # Is this a useful name? :role_sequence => role_sequence, :is_preferred_identifier => true, :max_frequency => 1 # Unique #:is_mandatory => true, #:min_frequency => 1, ) trace :constraint, "Made new preferred PC GUID=#{pc.concept.guid} min=nil max=1 over #{role_sequence.describe}" end end def find_pc_over_roles(roles) return nil if roles.size == 0 # Safeguard; this would chuck an exception otherwise roles[0].all_role_ref.each do |role_ref| next if != roles pc = role_ref.role_sequence.all_presence_constraint.single # Will return nil if there's more than one. #puts "Existing PresenceConstraint matches those roles!" if pc return pc if pc end nil end def create_identifying_fact_types context fact_types = [] # Categorise the clauses into fact types according to the roles they play. @clauses.inject({}) do |hash, clause| players_key ={|vr| vr.key.compact}.sort (hash[players_key] ||= []) << clause hash end.each do |players_key, clauses| # REVISIT: Loose binding goes here; it might merge some Compiler#Roles fact_type = create_identifying_fact_type(context, clauses) fact_types << fact_type if fact_type unless fact_type.all_role.detect{|r| r.object_type == @entity_type} objectify_existing_fact_type(fact_type) end end fact_types end def create_identifying_fact_type context, clauses # Remove uninteresting assertions: clauses.reject!{|clause| clause.is_existential_type } return nil unless clauses.size > 0 # Nothing interesting was said. # See if any fact type already exists (this ET cannot be a player, but might objectify it) existing_clauses ={ |clause| clause.match_existing_fact_type context } if negation = existing_clauses.detect{|c| c.certainty == false } raise "#{@name} cannot be identified by negated fact type #{negation.inspect}" end any_matched = existing_clauses.size > 0 operation = any_matched ? 'Objectifying' : 'Creating' player_names = clauses[0]{|vr| vr.key.compact*'-'} trace :matching, "#{operation} fact type for #{clauses.size} clauses over (#{player_names*', '})" do if any_matched # There's an existing fact type we must be objectifying fact_type = objectify_existing_fact_type(existing_clauses[0].fact_type) end unless fact_type fact_type = clauses[0].make_fact_type(@vocabulary) clauses[0].make_reading(@vocabulary, fact_type) clauses[0].make_embedded_constraints vocabulary existing_clauses = [clauses[0]] end (clauses - existing_clauses).each do |clause| clause.make_reading(@vocabulary, fact_type) clause.make_embedded_constraints vocabulary end fact_type end end def objectify_existing_fact_type fact_type raise "#{@name} cannot objectify fact type '#{}' that's already objectified" if fact_type.entity_type if @fact_type raise "#{@name} cannot objectify '#{fact_type.default_reading}', it already objectifies '#{@fact_type.default_reading}'" end if{|pc| pc.max_frequency == 1}.size == 0 # If there's no existing uniqueness constraint over this fact type, make a spanning one. pc = @constellation.PresenceConstraint( :new, :vocabulary => @vocabulary, :name =>"UQ", :role_sequence => fact_type.preferred_reading.role_sequence, :is_preferred_identifier => false, # We only get here when there is a reference mode on the entity type :max_frequency => 1 ) trace :constraint, "Made new objectification PC GUID=#{pc.concept.guid} min=nil max=1 over #{fact_type.preferred_reading.role_sequence.describe}" end @fact_type = @entity_type.fact_type = fact_type @entity_type.create_implicit_fact_types # REVISIT: Could there be readings for the implicit fact types here? @fact_type end def add_supertype(supertype_name, not_identifying) trace :supertype, "Adding #{not_identifying ? '' : 'identifying '}supertype #{supertype_name} to #{}" do supertype = @vocabulary.valid_entity_type_name(supertype_name) || @constellation.EntityType(@vocabulary, supertype_name, :concept => :new) # Should always already exist # Did we already know about this supertyping? return if @entity_type.all_type_inheritance_as_subtype.detect{|ti| ti.supertype == supertype} # By default, the first supertype identifies this entity type is_identifying_supertype = !not_identifying && @entity_type.all_type_inheritance_as_subtype.size == 0 inheritance_fact = @constellation.TypeInheritance(@entity_type, supertype, :concept => :new) assimilations = { |p| ['absorbed', 'separate', 'partitioned'].include? p} raise "Conflicting assimilation pragmas #{assimilations*', '}" if assimilations.size > 1 inheritance_fact.assimilation = assimilations[0] # Create a reading: sub_role = @constellation.Role(inheritance_fact, 0, :object_type => @entity_type, :concept => :new) super_role = @constellation.Role(inheritance_fact, 1, :object_type => supertype, :concept => :new) rs = @constellation.RoleSequence(:new) @constellation.RoleRef(rs, 0, :role => sub_role) @constellation.RoleRef(rs, 1, :role => super_role) @constellation.Reading(inheritance_fact, 0, :role_sequence => rs, :text => "{0} is a kind of {1}", :is_negative => false) rs2 = @constellation.RoleSequence(:new) @constellation.RoleRef(rs2, 0, :role => super_role) @constellation.RoleRef(rs2, 1, :role => sub_role) # Decide in which order to include is a/is an. Provide both, but in order. n = 'aeiouh'.include?([0]) ? 'n' : '' @constellation.Reading(inheritance_fact, 2, :role_sequence => rs2, :text => "{0} is a#{n} {1}", :is_negative => false) if is_identifying_supertype inheritance_fact.provides_identification = true end # Create uniqueness constraints over the subtyping fact type. p1rs = @constellation.RoleSequence(:new) @constellation.RoleRef(p1rs, 0).role = sub_role pc1 = @constellation.PresenceConstraint(:new, :vocabulary => @vocabulary) = "#{}MustHaveSupertype#{}" pc1.role_sequence = p1rs pc1.is_mandatory = true # A subtype instance must have a supertype instance pc1.min_frequency = 1 pc1.max_frequency = 1 pc1.is_preferred_identifier = false trace :constraint, "Made new subtype PC GUID=#{pc1.concept.guid} min=1 max=1 over #{p1rs.describe}" p2rs = @constellation.RoleSequence(:new) constellation.RoleRef(p2rs, 0).role = super_role pc2 = constellation.PresenceConstraint(:new, :vocabulary => @vocabulary) = "#{}MayBeA#{}" pc2.role_sequence = p2rs pc2.is_mandatory = false pc2.min_frequency = 0 pc2.max_frequency = 1 # The supertype role often identifies the subtype: pc2.is_preferred_identifier = inheritance_fact.provides_identification trace :supertype, "identification of #{} via supertype #{} was #{inheritance_fact.provides_identification ? '' : 'not '}added" trace :constraint, "Made new supertype PC GUID=#{pc2.concept.guid} min=1 max=1 over #{p2rs.describe}" end end def make_entity_type_refmode_valuetypes(name, mode, parameters) vt_name = "#{name}#{mode}" vt = nil trace :entity, "Preparing value type #{vt_name} for reference mode" do # Find an existing ValueType called 'vt_name' or 'name vtname' # or find/create the supertype '#{mode}' and the subtype unless vt = @vocabulary.valid_object_type_name(vt_name) or vt = @vocabulary.valid_object_type_name(vt_name = "#{name} #{mode}") base_vt = @vocabulary.valid_value_type_name(mode) || @constellation.ValueType(@vocabulary, mode, :concept => :new) vt = @constellation.ValueType(@vocabulary, vt_name, :supertype => base_vt, :concept => :new) if parameters length, scale = *parameters vt.length = length if length vt.scale = scale if scale end else trace :entity, "Value type #{vt_name} already exists" end end # REVISIT: If we do this, it gets emitted twice when we generate CQL. # The generator should detect that the value_constraint is the same and not emit it. #if (ranges = identification[:value_constraint]) # vt.value_constraint = value_constraint(ranges, identification[:enforcement]) #end @reference_mode_value_type = vt end def complete_reference_mode_fact_type(fact_types) return unless identifying_type = @reference_mode_value_type # Find an existing fact type, if any: entity_role = identifying_role = nil fact_type = fact_types.detect do |ft| identifying_role = ft.all_role.detect{|r| r.object_type == identifying_type } and entity_role = ft.all_role.detect{|r| r.object_type == @entity_type } end # Create an identifying fact type if needed: unless fact_type fact_type = @constellation.FactType(:new) fact_types << fact_type entity_role = @constellation.Role(fact_type, 0, :object_type => @entity_type, :concept => :new) identifying_role = @constellation.Role(fact_type, 1, :object_type => identifying_type, :concept => :new) end @identification[0].role = identifying_role if (value_constraint = @identification[0].value_constraint) # The value_constraint applies only to the value role, not to the underlying value type # Decide whether this puts the value_constraint in the right place: value_constraint.constellation = fact_type.constellation identifying_role.role_value_constraint = value_constraint.compile end # Find all role sequences over the fact type's two roles rss = do |rr| rr.role_sequence.all_role_ref.size == 2 && (rr.role_sequence.all_role_ref.to_a-[rr])[0].role == identifying_role{|rr| rr.role_sequence} # Make a forward reading, if there is none already: # Find or create RoleSequences for the forward and reverse readings: rs01 ={|rs| rs.all_role_ref.sort_by{|rr| rr.ordinal}.map(&:role) == [entity_role, identifying_role] }[0] if !rs01 rs01 = @constellation.RoleSequence(:new) @constellation.RoleRef(rs01, 0, :role => entity_role) @constellation.RoleRef(rs01, 1, :role => identifying_role) end if rs01.all_reading.empty? @constellation.Reading(fact_type, fact_type.all_reading.size, :role_sequence => rs01, :text => "{0} has {1}", :is_negative => false) trace :mode, "Creating new forward reading '#{} has #{}'" else trace :mode, "Using existing forward reading" end # Make a reverse reading if none exists rs10 ={|rs| rs.all_role_ref.sort_by{|rr| rr.ordinal}.map(&:role) == [identifying_role, entity_role] }[0] if !rs10 rs10 = @constellation.RoleSequence(:new) @constellation.RoleRef(rs10, 0, :role => identifying_role) @constellation.RoleRef(rs10, 1, :role => entity_role) end if rs10.all_reading.empty? @constellation.Reading(fact_type, fact_type.all_reading.size, :role_sequence => rs10, :text => "{0} is of {1}", :is_negative => false) trace :mode, "Creating new reverse reading '#{} is of #{}'" else trace :mode, "Using existing reverse reading" end # Entity must have one identifying instance. Find or create the role sequence, then create a PC if necessary rs0 ={|rr| rr.role_sequence.all_role_ref.size == 1}[0] if rs0 rs0 = rs0.role_sequence trace :mode, "Using existing EntityType role sequence" else rs0 = @constellation.RoleSequence(:new) @constellation.RoleRef(rs0, 0, :role => entity_role) trace :mode, "Creating new EntityType role sequence" end if (rs0.all_presence_constraint.size == 0) constraint = @constellation.PresenceConstraint( :new, :name => '', :vocabulary => @vocabulary, :role_sequence => rs0, :min_frequency => 1, :max_frequency => 1, :is_preferred_identifier => false, :is_mandatory => true ) trace :constraint, "Made new refmode PC GUID=#{constraint.concept.guid} min=1 max=1 over #{rs0.describe}" else trace :mode, "Using existing EntityType PresenceConstraint" end # Value Type must have a value type. Find or create the role sequence, then create a PC if necessary trace :mode, "identifying_role has #{identifying_role.all_role_ref.size} attached sequences" trace :mode, "identifying_role has #{{|rr| rr.role_sequence.all_role_ref.size == 1}.size} unary sequences" rs1 ={|rr| rr.role_sequence.all_role_ref.size == 1 ? rr.role_sequence : nil }.compact[0] if (!rs1) rs1 = @constellation.RoleSequence(:new) @constellation.RoleRef(rs1, 0, :role => identifying_role) trace :mode, "Creating new ValueType role sequence" else rs1 = rs1.role_sequence trace :mode, "Using existing ValueType role sequence" end if (rs1.all_presence_constraint.size == 0) constraint = @constellation.PresenceConstraint( :new, :name => '', :vocabulary => @vocabulary, :role_sequence => rs1, :min_frequency => 0, :max_frequency => 1, :is_preferred_identifier => true, :is_mandatory => false ) trace :constraint, "Made new refmode ValueType PC GUID=#{constraint.concept.guid} min=0 max=1 over #{rs1.describe}" else trace :mode, "Marking existing ValueType PresenceConstraint as preferred" rs1.all_presence_constraint.single.is_preferred_identifier = true end end def to_s "EntityType: #{super} #{ @supertypes.size > 0 ? "< #{@supertypes*','} " : '' }#{ @identification.is_a?(ReferenceMode) ? @identification.to_s : @identification.inspect }#{ @clauses.size > 0 ? " where #{@clauses.inspect}" : '' }#{ @pragmas.size > 0 ? ", pragmas [#{@pragmas*','}]" : '' };" end end end end end