require "gorgon/job_definition" require "gorgon/configuration" require 'gorgon/source_tree_syncer' require "gorgon/g_logger" require "gorgon/callback_handler" require "gorgon/version" require "gorgon/worker_manager" require "gorgon/crash_reporter" require "gorgon/gem_command_handler" require 'gorgon/originator_protocol' require "yajl" require "gorgon_bunny/lib/gorgon_bunny" require "awesome_print" require "open4" require "tmpdir" require "socket" module Gorgon class Listener include Configuration include GLogger include CrashReporter def initialize @listener_config_filename = Dir.pwd + "/gorgon_listener.json" initialize_logger configuration[:log_file] log "Listener #{Gorgon::VERSION} initializing" connect initialize_personal_job_queue announce_readiness_to_originators end def listen at_exit_hook log "Waiting for jobs..." while true sleep 2 unless poll end end def connect @bunny = @bunny.start end def initialize_personal_job_queue @job_queue = @bunny.queue("job_queue_" + UUIDTools::UUID.timestamp_create.to_s, :auto_delete => true) exchange =, :type => :fanout) @job_queue.bind(exchange) end def announce_readiness_to_originators exchange =, :type => :fanout) data = {:listener_queue_name =>} exchange.publish(Yajl::Encoder.encode(data)) end def poll message = @job_queue.pop return false if message == [nil, nil, nil] log "Received: #{message}" payload = message[2] handle_request payload log "Waiting for more jobs..." return true end def handle_request json_payload payload = => true).parse(json_payload) case payload[:type] when "job_definition" run_job(payload) when "ping" respond_to_ping payload[:reply_exchange_name] when "gem_command" payload, configuration end end def run_job(payload) @job_definition = @reply_exchange =, :auto_delete => true) syncer = syncer.pull do |execution_context| if execution_context.success log "Command '#{execution_context.command}' completed successfully." fork_worker_manager if run_after_sync? else log_and_send_crash_message(execution_context.command, execution_context.output, execution_context.errors) end end end def at_exit_hook at_exit { log "Listener will exit!"} end private def run_after_sync? log "Running after_sync callback..." begin callback_handler.after_sync rescue Exception => e log_error "Exception raised when running after_sync callback_handler. Please, check your script in #{@job_definition.callbacks[:after_sync]}:" log_error e.message log_error "\n" + e.backtrace.join("\n") reply = {:type => :exception, :hostname => Socket.gethostname, :message => "after_sync callback failed. Please, check your script in #{@job_definition.callbacks[:after_sync]}. Message: #{e.message}", :backtrace => e.backtrace.join("\n") } @reply_exchange.publish(Yajl::Encoder.encode(reply)) return false end true end def callback_handler @callback_handler ||= end def log_and_send_crash_message(command, output, errors) send_crash_message @reply_exchange, output, errors log_error "Command '#{command}' failed!" log_error "Stdout:\n#{output}" log_error "Stderr:\n#{errors}" end ERROR_FOOTER_TEXT = "\n***** See #{WorkerManager::STDERR_FILE} and #{WorkerManager::STDOUT_FILE} at '#{Socket.gethostname}' for complete output *****\n" def fork_worker_manager log "Forking Worker Manager..." ENV["GORGON_CONFIG_PATH"] = @listener_config_filename pid, stdin = Open4::popen4 "gorgon manage_workers" stdin.write(@job_definition.to_json) stdin.close _, status = Process.waitpid2 pid log "Worker Manager #{pid} finished" if status.exitstatus != 0 exitstatus = status.exitstatus log_error "Worker Manager #{pid} crashed with exit status #{exitstatus}!" msg = report_crash @reply_exchange, :out_file => WorkerManager::STDOUT_FILE, :err_file => WorkerManager::STDERR_FILE, :footer_text => ERROR_FOOTER_TEXT log_error "Process output:\n#{msg}" end end def respond_to_ping reply_exchange_name reply = {:type => "ping_response", :hostname => Socket.gethostname, :version => Gorgon::VERSION, :worker_slots => configuration[:worker_slots]} publish_to reply_exchange_name, reply end def publish_to reply_exchange_name, message reply_exchange =, :auto_delete => true) log "Sending #{message}" reply_exchange.publish(Yajl::Encoder.encode(message)) end def job_exchange_name OriginatorProtocol.job_exchange_name(configuration.fetch(:cluster_id, nil)) end def originator_exchange_name OriginatorProtocol.originator_exchange_name(configuration.fetch(:cluster_id, nil)) end def connection_information configuration[:connection] end def configuration @configuration ||= load_configuration_from_file("gorgon_listener.json") end end end