# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- require 'blacklight/catalog' class CatalogController < ApplicationController include Hydra::Catalog # These before_filters apply the hydra access controls before_filter :enforce_show_permissions, only: :show configure_blacklight do |config| ## Class for sending and receiving requests from a search index # config.repository_class = Blacklight::Solr::Repository # ## Class for converting Blacklight's url parameters to into request parameters for the search index # config.search_builder_class = ::SearchBuilder # ## Model that maps search index responses to the blacklight response model # config.response_model = Blacklight::Solr::Response ## Default parameters to send to solr for all search-like requests. See also SearchBuilder#processed_parameters config.default_solr_params = { qt: 'search', rows: 10 } # solr field configuration for search results/index views config.index.title_field = 'title_tesim' config.index.display_type_field = 'has_model_ssim' # solr fields that will be treated as facets by the blacklight application # The ordering of the field names is the order of the display # # Setting a limit will trigger Blacklight's 'more' facet values link. # * If left unset, then all facet values returned by solr will be displayed. # * If set to an integer, then "f.somefield.facet.limit" will be added to # solr request, with actual solr request being +1 your configured limit -- # you configure the number of items you actually want _tsimed_ in a page. # * If set to 'true', then no additional parameters will be sent to solr, # but any 'sniffed' request limit parameters will be used for paging, with # paging at requested limit -1. Can sniff from facet.limit or # f.specific_field.facet.limit solr request params. This 'true' config # can be used if you set limits in :default_solr_params, or as defaults # on the solr side in the request handler itself. Request handler defaults # sniffing requires solr requests to be made with "echoParams=all", for # app code to actually have it echo'd back to see it. # # :show may be set to false if you don't want the facet to be drawn in the # facet bar config.add_facet_field solr_name('object_type', :facetable), label: 'Format' config.add_facet_field solr_name('pub_date', :facetable), label: 'Publication Year' config.add_facet_field solr_name('subject_topic', :facetable), label: 'Topic', limit: 20 config.add_facet_field solr_name('language', :facetable), label: 'Language', limit: true config.add_facet_field solr_name('lc1_letter', :facetable), label: 'Call Number' config.add_facet_field solr_name('subject_geo', :facetable), label: 'Region' config.add_facet_field solr_name('subject_era', :facetable), label: 'Era' # Have BL send all facet field names to Solr, which has been the default # previously. Simply remove these lines if you'd rather use Solr request # handler defaults, or have no facets. config.default_solr_params[:'facet.field'] = config.facet_fields.keys #use this instead if you don't want to query facets marked :show=>false #config.default_solr_params[:'facet.field'] = config.facet_fields.select{ |k, v| v[:show] != false}.keys # solr fields to be displayed in the index (search results) view # The ordering of the field names is the order of the display config.add_index_field solr_name('title', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'Title' config.add_index_field solr_name('title_vern', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'Title' config.add_index_field solr_name('author', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'Author' config.add_index_field solr_name('author_vern', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'Author' config.add_index_field solr_name('format', :symbol), label: 'Format' config.add_index_field solr_name('language', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'Language' config.add_index_field solr_name('published', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'Published' config.add_index_field solr_name('published_vern', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'Published' config.add_index_field solr_name('lc_callnum', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'Call number' # solr fields to be displayed in the show (single result) view # The ordering of the field names is the order of the display config.add_show_field solr_name('title', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'Title' config.add_show_field solr_name('title_vern', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'Title' config.add_show_field solr_name('subtitle', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'Subtitle' config.add_show_field solr_name('subtitle_vern', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'Subtitle' config.add_show_field solr_name('author', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'Author' config.add_show_field solr_name('author_vern', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'Author' config.add_show_field solr_name('format', :symbol), label: 'Format' config.add_show_field solr_name('url_fulltext_tsim', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'URL' config.add_show_field solr_name('url_suppl_tsim', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'More Information' config.add_show_field solr_name('language', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'Language' config.add_show_field solr_name('published', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'Published' config.add_show_field solr_name('published_vern', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'Published' config.add_show_field solr_name('lc_callnum', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'Call number' config.add_show_field solr_name('isbn', :stored_searchable, type: :string), label: 'ISBN' # "fielded" search configuration. Used by pulldown among other places. # For supported keys in hash, see rdoc for Blacklight::SearchFields # # Search fields will inherit the :qt solr request handler from # config[:default_solr_parameters], OR can specify a different one # with a :qt key/value. Below examples inherit, except for subject # that specifies the same :qt as default for our own internal # testing purposes. # # The :key is what will be used to identify this BL search field internally, # as well as in URLs -- so changing it after deployment may break bookmarked # urls. A display label will be automatically calculated from the :key, # or can be specified manually to be different. # This one uses all the defaults set by the solr request handler. Which # solr request handler? The one set in config[:default_solr_parameters][:qt], # since we aren't specifying it otherwise. config.add_search_field 'all_fields', label: 'All Fields' # Now we see how to over-ride Solr request handler defaults, in this # case for a BL "search field", which is really a dismax aggregate # of Solr search fields. config.add_search_field('title') do |field| # :solr_local_parameters will be sent using Solr LocalParams # syntax, as eg {! qf=$title_qf }. This is neccesary to use # Solr parameter de-referencing like $title_qf. # See: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/LocalParams field.solr_local_parameters = { qf: '$title_qf', pf: '$title_pf' } end config.add_search_field('author') do |field| field.solr_local_parameters = { qf: '$author_qf', pf: '$author_pf' } end # Specifying a :qt only to show it's possible, and so our internal automated # tests can test it. In this case it's the same as # config[:default_solr_parameters][:qt], so isn't actually neccesary. config.add_search_field('subject') do |field| field.qt = 'search' field.solr_local_parameters = { qf: '$subject_qf', pf: '$subject_pf' } end # "sort results by" select (pulldown) # label in pulldown is followed by the name of the SOLR field to sort by and # whether the sort is ascending or descending (it must be asc or desc # except in the relevancy case). config.add_sort_field 'score desc, pub_date_dtsi desc, title_tesi asc', label: 'relevance' config.add_sort_field 'pub_date_dtsi desc, title_tesi asc', label: 'year' config.add_sort_field 'author_tesi asc, title_tesi asc', label: 'author' config.add_sort_field 'title_tesi asc, pub_date_dtsi desc', label: 'title' # If there are more than this many search results, no spelling ("did you # mean") suggestion is offered. config.spell_max = 5 end end