class NSString def nsurl @url ||= NSURL.alloc.initWithString(self) end # @return [UIColor] def uicolor(alpha=nil) if self[0,1] == '#' if self.length == 4 return (self[1] * 2 + self[2] * 2 + self[3] * 2).to_i(16).uicolor(alpha) end return self[1..-1].to_i(16).uicolor(alpha) end img = UIImage.imageNamed(self) img && img.uicolor(alpha) end def cgcolor(alpha=nil) uicolor(alpha).CGColor end # @return [UIImage] def uiimage UIImage.imageNamed(self).tap do |retval| NSLog("No image named #{self}") unless retval end end # @return [UIFont] def uifont(size=nil) size ||= UIFont.systemFontSize UIFont.fontWithName(self, size:size) end def height(hash={}) font_size = hash[:size] || 16 width = hash[:width] || 320 font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(font_size) #size = self.sizeWithFont(font, constrainedToSize:[width, 10000], lineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByCharWrapping) rect = self.boundingRectWithSize([width, 10000], options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes:{NSFontAttributeName => font}, context:nil) rect.size.height.to_i + 1 end # @param font [UIFont] Optional, defaults to UIFont.systemFontOfSize(UIFont.systemFontSize) # @return [UILabel] def uilabel(hash={}) font_size = hash[:size] || 16 color= hash[:color].uicolor || UIColor.blackColor left = hash[:l] || hash[:left] || 0 top = hash[:t] || hash[:top] || 0 font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(font_size) size = self.sizeWithFont(font) label = UILabel.alloc.initWithFrame([[left, top], size]) label.text = self label.font = font label.textColor = color # why isn't this just the default!? label.backgroundColor = :clear.uicolor label end # @return [UIImageView] def uiimageview self.uiimage.uiimageview end end