require 'spec_helper' require 'facter/ec2/rest' shared_examples_for "an ec2 rest querier" do describe "determining if the uri is reachable" do it "retries if the connection times out" do subject.stubs(:open).returns(stub(:read => nil)) Timeout.expects(:timeout).with(0.2).twice.raises(Timeout::Error).returns(true) expect(subject).to be_reachable end it "retries if the connection is reset" do subject.expects(:open).twice.raises(Errno::ECONNREFUSED).returns("woo")) expect(subject).to be_reachable end it "is false if the given uri returns a 404" do subject.expects(:open).with(anything, :proxy => nil).once.raises("404 Not Found","woo"))) expect(subject).to_not be_reachable end it "is false if the connection always times out" do Timeout.expects(:timeout).with(0.2).times(3).raises(Timeout::Error) expect(subject).to_not be_reachable end end end describe Facter::EC2::Metadata do subject {'') } let(:response) { } describe "fetching a metadata endpoint" do it "splits the body into an array" do response.string = my_fixture_read("meta-data/root") subject.stubs(:open).with("", {:proxy => nil}).returns response output = subject.fetch_endpoint('') expect(output).to eq %w[ ami-id ami-launch-index ami-manifest-path block-device-mapping/ hostname instance-action instance-id instance-type kernel-id local-hostname local-ipv4 mac metrics/ network/ placement/ profile public-hostname public-ipv4 public-keys/ reservation-id ] end it "reformats keys that are array indices" do response.string = "0=adrien@grey/" subject.stubs(:open).with("", {:proxy => nil}).returns response output = subject.fetch_endpoint("public-keys/") expect(output).to eq %w[0/] end it "returns nil if the endpoint returns a 404" do Facter.expects(:log_exception).never subject.stubs(:open).with("", {:proxy => nil}).raises"404 Not Found", response) output = subject.fetch_endpoint('public-keys/1/') expect(output).to be_nil end it "logs an error if the endpoint raises a non-404 HTTPError" do Facter.expects(:log_exception).with(instance_of(OpenURI::HTTPError), anything) subject.stubs(:open).with("", {:proxy => nil}).raises"418 I'm a Teapot", response) output = subject.fetch_endpoint("") expect(output).to be_nil end it "logs an error if the endpoint raises a connection error" do Facter.expects(:log_exception).with(instance_of(Errno::ECONNREFUSED), anything) subject.stubs(:open).with("", {:proxy => nil}).raises Errno::ECONNREFUSED output = subject.fetch_endpoint('') expect(output).to be_nil end end describe "recursively fetching the EC2 metadata API" do it "queries the given endpoint for metadata keys" do subject.expects(:fetch_endpoint).with("").returns([]) subject.fetch end it "fetches the value for a simple metadata key" do subject.expects(:fetch_endpoint).with("").returns(['indexthing']) subject.expects(:fetch_endpoint).with("indexthing").returns(['first', 'second']) output = subject.fetch expect(output).to eq({'indexthing' => ['first', 'second']}) end it "unwraps metadata values that are in single element arrays" do subject.expects(:fetch_endpoint).with("").returns(['ami-id']) subject.expects(:fetch_endpoint).with("ami-id").returns(['i-12x']) output = subject.fetch expect(output).to eq({'ami-id' => 'i-12x'}) end it "recursively queries an endpoint if the key ends with '/'" do subject.expects(:fetch_endpoint).with("").returns(['metrics/']) subject.expects(:fetch_endpoint).with("metrics/").returns(['vhostmd']) subject.expects(:fetch_endpoint).with("metrics/vhostmd").returns(['woo']) output = subject.fetch expect(output).to eq({'metrics' => {'vhostmd' => 'woo'}}) end end it_behaves_like "an ec2 rest querier" end describe Facter::EC2::Userdata do subject {'') } let(:response) { } describe "reaching the userdata" do it "queries the userdata URI" do subject.expects(:open).with('').returns(response) subject.fetch end it "returns the result of the query without modification" do response.string = "clooouuuuud" subject.expects(:open).with('').returns(response) expect(subject.fetch).to eq "clooouuuuud" end it "is nil if the URI returned a 404" do subject.expects(:open).with('').once.raises("404 Not Found","woo"))) expect(subject.fetch).to be_nil end end it_behaves_like "an ec2 rest querier" end