Feature Catalog for Oil and Gas Wells in the United States, 2011 Oil wells; Gas wells; Petroleum; Natural Gas 2011 eng; US Hart Energy Publishing OGWELLS false WELL_API The number assigned to wells by either the American Petroleum Institute or another regulatory agency. (empty) FID Internal feature number. ESRI ESRI OID Shape Feature geometry. ESRI ESRI Geometry ST State API code assigned by the API. String WELL_UNIQ 5 digit well unique identifier. Availability depends the state. String CNTY_CD Country code String SDE_TRACK Code representing the presence of directional drilling. Availability depends on state. String OPERATIONS Used to distinguish between separate operations in a single well. Availability depends on state. String ST_FIPS United States FIPS code for the state within which the well was drilled. String WELL_NAME Well name; may consist of a combination of the well’s operator, well number, and lease name. String OPERATOR Well operator company name. String TYPE Well type code. Used to differentiate between oil, gas, water, and injection wells. Well type codes may differ by state or include references to well status. String STATUS Well status code. Used to represent the status of an oil, gas, water, or injection well. Well status codes may differ by state. String TOWN Township direction: N = North; S = South String TOWN_D Township direction: N = North; S = South String RNGE Range Number String RNGE_D Range Direction: E = East; W = West String SECT Section number. String PERMIT Well drilling permit number. Assigned by the regulatory agency. String FIELD Oil/Gas Field Name. String RESERVOIR Oil/Gas Reservoir Name. String FORMATION Producing formation. String SPUD_DATE Spud date. Date of initial drilling. String COMPL_DATE Completion date. Date a well is fitted for production. String PERM_DATE Permit date. String PROD_DATE Production date. Date a well begins production. String PLUG_DATE Plug date. String TD_PROPOSE Well depth proposed by operator. Units in feet unless otherwise noted. String TD_ACTUAL Measured total well depth. Units in feet unless otherwise noted. String PBTD Total plug back depth. Units in feet unless otherwise noted. String GL_ELEV Ground level elevation in feet. Units in feet unless otherwise noted. String KB_ELEV Kelly Bushing's elevation in feet. Units in feet unless otherwise noted. String DF_ELEV Derrick Floor elevation in feet. Units in feet unless otherwise noted. String X_coord Longitude in NAD86 decimal degrees. Double Y_coord Lattitude in NAD86 decimal degrees. Double len length SmallInteger year year String