/// /// Ethereal by HTML5 UP /// html5up.net | @ajlkn /// Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license) /// /* Wrapper */ #wrapper { @include vendor('display', 'flex'); @include vendor('flex-direction', 'row'); @include vendor('transition', ( 'opacity 1s ease-out', 'transform 0.75s ease-out' )); @include vendor('transition-delay', '0.25s'); cursor: default; position: relative; height: 32rem; box-shadow: 0 2rem 4rem 0.25rem transparentize(_palette(bg), 0.425); > .scrollZone { position: fixed; width: 6rem; height: inherit; cursor: -moz-grab; cursor: -webkit-grab; cursor: -ms-grab; cursor: grab; z-index: _misc(z-index-base) + 100; &.left { left: 0; } &.right { right: 0; } } > .copyright { position: absolute; bottom: -3rem; right: 0; font-size: 0.8rem; color: transparentize(_palette(bg), 0.625); margin-bottom: 0; a { &:hover { color: inherit; } } } &.is-dragging { @include vendor('user-select', 'none'); cursor: -moz-grab; cursor: -webkit-grab; cursor: -ms-grab; cursor: grab; * { @include vendor('user-select', 'none'); } *:not(a, .image) { cursor: -moz-grab; cursor: -webkit-grab; cursor: -ms-grab; cursor: grab; } } &.is-dragged { * { @include vendor('pointer-events', 'none'); } } body.is-preload & { @include vendor('transform', 'translateX(2rem)'); opacity: 0; } }