module AhoyEmail class Processor attr_reader :message, :mailer, :ahoy_message UTM_PARAMETERS = %w(utm_source utm_medium utm_term utm_content utm_campaign) def initialize(message, mailer = nil) @message = message @mailer = mailer end def process safely do action_name = mailer.action_name.to_sym if options[:message] && (!options[:only] || options[:only].include?(action_name)) && !options[:except].to_a.include?(action_name) @ahoy_message = ahoy_message.token = generate_token = Array(", ") if ahoy_message.respond_to?(:to=) ahoy_message.user = options[:user] track_open if options[:open] track_links if options[:utm_params] || options[:click] ahoy_message.mailer = options[:mailer] if ahoy_message.respond_to?(:mailer=) ahoy_message.subject = message.subject if ahoy_message.respond_to?(:subject=) ahoy_message.content = message.to_s if ahoy_message.respond_to?(:content=) UTM_PARAMETERS.each do |k| ahoy_message.send("#{k}=", options[k.to_sym]) if ahoy_message.respond_to?("#{k}=") end ahoy_message.assign_attributes(options[:extra] || {}) message["Ahoy-Message-Id"] = end end end def track_send safely do if (message_id = message["Ahoy-Message-Id"]) && message.perform_deliveries ahoy_message = AhoyEmail.message_model.where(id: message_id.to_s).first if ahoy_message ahoy_message.sent_at = end message["Ahoy-Message-Id"] = nil end end end protected def options @options ||= begin options = AhoyEmail.options.merge(mailer.class.ahoy_options) if mailer.ahoy_options options = options.except(:only, :except).merge(mailer.ahoy_options) end options.each do |k, v| if v.respond_to?(:call) options[k] =, mailer) end end options end end def generate_token SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(32).gsub(/[\-_]/, "").first(32) end def track_open if html_part? raw_source = (message.html_part || message).body.raw_source regex = /<\/body>/i url = url_for( controller: "ahoy/messages", action: "open", id: ahoy_message.token, format: "gif" ) pixel = ActionController::Base.helpers.image_tag(url, size: "1x1", alt: nil) # try to add before body tag if raw_source.match(regex) raw_source.gsub!(regex, "#{pixel}\\0") else raw_source << pixel end end end def track_links if html_part? body = (message.html_part || message).body doc = Nokogiri::HTML(body.raw_source) doc.css("a[href]").each do |link| uri = parse_uri(link["href"]) next unless trackable?(uri) # utm params first if options[:utm_params] && !skip_attribute?(link, "utm-params") params = uri.query_values || {} UTM_PARAMETERS.each do |key| params[key] ||= options[key.to_sym] if options[key.to_sym] end uri.query_values = params link["href"] = uri.to_s end if options[:click] && !skip_attribute?(link, "click") signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest("sha1"), AhoyEmail.secret_token, link["href"]) link["href"] = url_for( controller: "ahoy/messages", action: "click", id: ahoy_message.token, url: link["href"], signature: signature ) end end # hacky body.raw_source.sub!(body.raw_source, doc.to_s) end end def html_part? (message.html_part || message).content_type =~ /html/ end def skip_attribute?(link, suffix) attribute = "data-skip-#{suffix}" if link[attribute] # remove it link.remove_attribute(attribute) true elsif link["href"].to_s =~ /unsubscribe/i # try to avoid unsubscribe links true else false end end # Filter trackable URIs, i.e. absolute one with http def trackable?(uri) uri && uri.absolute? && %w(http https).include?(uri.scheme) end # Parse href attribute # Return uri if valid, nil otherwise def parse_uri(href) # to_s prevent to return nil from this method Addressable::URI.parse(href.to_s) rescue nil end def url_for(opt) opt = (ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options || {}) .merge(options[:url_options]) .merge(opt) AhoyEmail::Engine.routes.url_helpers.url_for(opt) end end end