module KatelloApi
  module Resources
    class TemplatesContent < KatelloApi::Base
      def self.doc
        @doc ||= KatelloApi.doc['resources']["templates_content"]

      # @param [Hash] params a hash of params to be passed to the service
      # @option params [String] template_id  template numeric identifier 
      # @option params [String] name  package identifier 
      # @param [Hash] headers additional http headers
      # @return [Array] First item: parsed data; second item: raw body
      def add_package(params = {}, headers = {})
        perform_call(__method__, params, headers)

      # @param [Hash] params a hash of params to be passed to the service
      # @option params [String] id  package identifier 
      # @option params [String] template_id  template numeric identifier 
      # @param [Hash] headers additional http headers
      # @return [Array] First item: parsed data; second item: raw body
      def remove_package(params = {}, headers = {})
        perform_call(__method__, params, headers)

      # @param [Hash] params a hash of params to be passed to the service
      # @option params [String] template_id  template numeric identifier 
      # @option params [String] name  parameter identifier 
      # @option params [String] value  parameter value 
      # @param [Hash] headers additional http headers
      # @return [Array] First item: parsed data; second item: raw body
      def add_parameter(params = {}, headers = {})
        perform_call(__method__, params, headers)

      # @param [Hash] params a hash of params to be passed to the service
      # @option params [String] id  parameter identifier 
      # @option params [String] template_id  template numeric identifier 
      # @param [Hash] headers additional http headers
      # @return [Array] First item: parsed data; second item: raw body
      def remove_parameter(params = {}, headers = {})
        perform_call(__method__, params, headers)

      # @param [Hash] params a hash of params to be passed to the service
      # @option params [String] template_id  template numeric identifier 
      # @option params [String] name  package group identifier 
      # @param [Hash] headers additional http headers
      # @return [Array] First item: parsed data; second item: raw body
      def add_package_group(params = {}, headers = {})
        perform_call(__method__, params, headers)

      # @param [Hash] params a hash of params to be passed to the service
      # @option params [String] id  package group identifier 
      # @option params [String] template_id  template numeric identifier 
      # @param [Hash] headers additional http headers
      # @return [Array] First item: parsed data; second item: raw body
      def remove_package_group(params = {}, headers = {})
        perform_call(__method__, params, headers)

      # @param [Hash] params a hash of params to be passed to the service
      # @option params [String] template_id  template numeric identifier 
      # @option params [String] name  package group category identifier 
      # @param [Hash] headers additional http headers
      # @return [Array] First item: parsed data; second item: raw body
      def add_package_group_category(params = {}, headers = {})
        perform_call(__method__, params, headers)

      # @param [Hash] params a hash of params to be passed to the service
      # @option params [String] id  package group category identifier 
      # @option params [String] template_id  template numeric identifier 
      # @param [Hash] headers additional http headers
      # @return [Array] First item: parsed data; second item: raw body
      def remove_package_group_category(params = {}, headers = {})
        perform_call(__method__, params, headers)

      # @param [Hash] params a hash of params to be passed to the service
      # @option params [String] id  distribution identifier 
      # @option params [String] template_id  template numeric identifier 
      # @param [Hash] headers additional http headers
      # @return [Array] First item: parsed data; second item: raw body
      def add_distribution(params = {}, headers = {})
        perform_call(__method__, params, headers)

      # @param [Hash] params a hash of params to be passed to the service
      # @option params [String] id  distribution identifier 
      # @option params [String] template_id  template numeric identifier 
      # @param [Hash] headers additional http headers
      # @return [Array] First item: parsed data; second item: raw body
      def remove_distribution(params = {}, headers = {})
        perform_call(__method__, params, headers)

      # @param [Hash] params a hash of params to be passed to the service
      # @option params [String] id  repository numeric identifier 
      # @option params [String] template_id  template numeric identifier 
      # @param [Hash] headers additional http headers
      # @return [Array] First item: parsed data; second item: raw body
      def add_repo(params = {}, headers = {})
        perform_call(__method__, params, headers)

      # @param [Hash] params a hash of params to be passed to the service
      # @option params [String] id  repository numeric identifier 
      # @option params [String] template_id  template numeric identifier 
      # @param [Hash] headers additional http headers
      # @return [Array] First item: parsed data; second item: raw body
      def remove_repo(params = {}, headers = {})
        perform_call(__method__, params, headers)
