gem 'cassandra-cql' require 'cassandra-cql' module Superstore module Adapters class CassandraAdapter < AbstractAdapter class QueryBuilder def initialize(adapter, scope) @adapter = adapter @scope = scope end def to_query [ "SELECT #{select_string} FROM #{@scope.klass.table_name}", @adapter.write_option_string, where_string, limit_string ].delete_if(&:blank?) * ' ' end def select_string if @scope.select_values.any? (['KEY'] | @scope.select_values) * ',' else '*' end end def where_string wheres = @scope.where_values.dup if @scope.id_values.any? wheres << @adapter.create_ids_where_clause(@scope.id_values) end if wheres.any? "WHERE #{wheres * ' AND '}" end end def limit_string if @scope.limit_value "LIMIT #{@scope.limit_value}" else "" end end end def primary_key_column 'KEY' end def connection @connection ||= begin thrift_options = (config[:thrift] || {}) servers, {keyspace: config[:keyspace], username: username, password: password, cql_version: '2.0.0'}, thrift_options) end end def servers @servers ||= begin if config[:servers].is_a?(String) config[:servers].split(',') elsif config[:servers].is_a?(Array) config[:servers] else "" end end end def execute(statement) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("cql.cassandra_object", cql: statement) do connection.execute statement end end def select(scope) statement =, scope).to_query execute(statement).fetch do |cql_row| attributes = cql_row.to_hash key = attributes.delete(primary_key_column) yield(key, attributes) unless attributes.empty? end end def insert(table, id, attributes) write(table, id, attributes) end def update(table, id, attributes) write(table, id, attributes) end def write(table, id, attributes) if (not_nil_attributes = attributes.reject { |key, value| value.nil? }).any? insert_attributes = {primary_key_column => id}.update(not_nil_attributes) statement = "INSERT INTO #{table} (#{quote_columns(insert_attributes.keys) * ','}) VALUES (#{, '?') * ','})#{write_option_string}" execute_batchable sanitize(statement, *insert_attributes.values) end if (nil_attributes = { |key, value| value.nil? }).any? execute_batchable sanitize("DELETE #{quote_columns(nil_attributes.keys) * ','} FROM #{table}#{write_option_string} WHERE #{primary_key_column} = ?", id) end end def delete(table, ids) statement = "DELETE FROM #{table}#{write_option_string} WHERE #{create_ids_where_clause(ids)}" execute_batchable statement end def execute_batch(statements) raise 'No can do' if statements.empty? stmt = [ "BEGIN BATCH#{write_option_string(true)}", statements * "\n", 'APPLY BATCH' ] * "\n" execute stmt end # SCHEMA def create_table(table_name, options = {}) stmt = "CREATE COLUMNFAMILY #{table_name} " + "(KEY varchar PRIMARY KEY)" schema_execute statement_with_options(stmt, options), config[:keyspace] end def drop_table(table_name) schema_execute "DROP TABLE #{table_name}", config[:keyspace] end def schema_execute(cql, keyspace) schema_db = servers, {keyspace: keyspace, username: username, password: password, cql_version: '2.0.0'}, {connect_timeout: 30, timeout: 30} ) schema_db.execute cql end def consistency @consistency ||= config[:consistency] end def consistency=(val) @consistency = val end def write_option_string(ignore_batching = false) if (ignore_batching || !batching?) && consistency " USING CONSISTENCY #{consistency}" end end def statement_with_options(stmt, options) if options.any? with_stmt = do |k,v| "#{k} = #{CassandraCQL::Statement.quote(v)}" end.join(' AND ') "#{stmt} WITH #{with_stmt}" else stmt end end def create_ids_where_clause(ids) ids = ids.first if ids.is_a?(Array) && sql = ids.is_a?(Array) ? "#{primary_key_column} IN (?)" : "#{primary_key_column} = ?" sanitize(sql, ids) end private def username config[:username].presence end def password config[:password].presence end def sanitize(statement, *bind_vars) CassandraCQL::Statement.sanitize(statement, bind_vars).force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end def quote_columns(column_names) { |name| "'#{name}'" } end end end end