module Riak # IndexCollection provides extra tools for managing index matches returned by # a Secondary Index query. In Riak 1.4, these queries can be paginaged, and # match keys up with the index values they matched against. class IndexCollection < Array # @return [String] The continuation used to retrieve the next page of a # paginated query. attr_accessor :continuation # @return [Hash] A hash of index keys (String or # Integer, depending on whether the query was a binary or integer) to # arrays of keys. attr_accessor :with_terms def self.new_from_json(json) parsed = JSON.parse json fresh = nil if parsed['keys'] fresh = new parsed['keys'] elsif parsed['results'] fresh_terms = load_json_terms(parsed) fresh = new fresh_terms.values.flatten fresh.with_terms = fresh_terms else fresh = new [] end fresh.continuation = parsed['continuation'] fresh end def self.new_from_protobuf(message) fresh = nil if message.keys fresh = new message.keys elsif message.results fresh_terms = load_pb_terms(message) fresh = new fresh_terms.values.flatten fresh.with_terms = fresh_terms else fresh = new end fresh.continuation = message.continuation fresh end private def self.load_json_terms(parsed) fresh_terms ={} parsed['results'].each do |r| k = r.keys.first v = r[k] fresh_terms[k] += [v] end fresh_terms end def self.load_pb_terms(message) fresh_terms ={} message.results.each do |r| fresh_terms[r.key] += [r.value] end fresh_terms end end end