require 'spec_helper' describe Maestrano::Account::GroupUsersController, type: :controller do routes { Maestrano::Connector::Rails::Engine.routes } describe "destroy" do let!(:organization) { create(:organization, uid: 'cld-abc', tenant: 'abc') } let!(:user) { create(:user, tenant: 'abc', uid: 'usr-nnc') } let(:params) { {tenant: organization.tenant, group_id: organization.uid, id: user.uid} } subject { delete :destroy, params } before { controller.class.skip_before_filter :authenticate_maestrano! organization.add_member(user) } it 'is successful' do subject expect(response).to be_success end it 'destroys the user_organization_rels' do expect{ subject }.to change{ Maestrano::Connector::Rails::UserOrganizationRel.count }.by(-1) end context 'with default tenant' do before { organization.update(tenant: 'default') user.update(tenant: 'default') } let(:params) { {group_id: organization.uid, id: user.uid} } it 'destroys the organization' do expect{ subject }.to change{ Maestrano::Connector::Rails::UserOrganizationRel.count }.by(-1) end end end end