Feature: Project creation In order to quickly start flexing my brain muscles as a Ruby developer, I need to create an empty kata project with one command Scenario: Create a kata project Given I wish to create a kata for StringCalculator When I run `newkata StringCalculator` Then the following files should exist: | stringcalculator/Gemfile | | stringcalculator/Guardfile | And the file "stringcalculator/lib/stringcalculator.rb" should contain "class StringCalculator" And the file "stringcalculator/spec/stringcalculator_spec.rb" should contain "describe StringCalculator" Scenario: Specify a lower-cased name When I run `newkata stringcalculator` Then the output should contain "The name argument must be usable as a Ruby class name" Scenario: Creating a gem kata When I run `newkata StringCalculator --gem` Then the following files should exist: | stringcalculator/Rakefile | | stringcalculator/stringcalculator.gemspec | And the file "stringcalculator/stringcalculator.gemspec" should contain "stringcalculator" And the file "stringcalculator/Gemfile" should contain "# Statements produced by 'bundle gem'" And the file "stringcalculator/Gemfile" should contain "# Statements produced by newkata" # LocalWords: StringCalculator stringcalculator newkata