### ### $Rev: 91 $ ### $Release: 2.4.1 $ ### copyright(c) 2006-2007 kuwata-lab.com all rights reserved. ### require 'yaml' require 'erubis' require 'erubis/tiny' require 'erubis/engine/enhanced' require 'erubis/engine/optimized' require 'erubis/engine/eruby' require 'erubis/engine/ephp' require 'erubis/engine/ec' require 'erubis/engine/ejava' require 'erubis/engine/escheme' require 'erubis/engine/eperl' require 'erubis/engine/ejavascript' module Erubis Ejs = Ejavascript EscapedEjs = EscapedEjavascript class CommandOptionError < ErubisError end ## ## main class of command ## ## ex. ## Main.main(ARGV) ## class Main def self.main(argv=ARGV) status = 0 begin Main.new.execute(ARGV) rescue CommandOptionError => ex $stderr.puts ex.message status = 1 end exit(status) end def initialize @single_options = "hvxztTSbeBXNUC" @arg_options = "pcrfKIlaE" #C @option_names = { ?h => :help, ?v => :version, ?x => :source, ?z => :syntax, ?T => :unexpand, ?t => :untabify, # obsolete ?S => :intern, ?b => :bodyonly, ?B => :binding, ?p => :pattern, ?c => :context, #?C => :class, ?e => :escape, ?r => :requires, ?f => :datafiles, ?K => :kanji, ?I => :includes, ?l => :lang, ?a => :action, ?E => :enhancers, ?X => :notext, ?N => :linenum, ?U => :unique, ?C => :compact, } assert unless @single_options.length + @arg_options.length == @option_names.length (@single_options + @arg_options).each_byte do |ch| assert unless @option_names.key?(ch) end end def execute(argv=ARGV) ## parse command-line options options, properties = parse_argv(argv, @single_options, @arg_options) filenames = argv options[?h] = true if properties[:help] opts = Object.new arr = @option_names.collect { |ch, name| "def #{name}; @#{name}; end\n" } opts.instance_eval arr.join options.each do |ch, val| name = @option_names[ch] opts.instance_variable_set("@#{name}", val) end ## help, version, enhancer list if opts.help || opts.version puts version() if opts.version puts usage() if opts.help puts show_properties() if opts.help puts show_enhancers() if opts.help return end ## include path opts.includes.split(/,/).each do |path| $: << path end if opts.includes ## require library opts.requires.split(/,/).each do |library| require library end if opts.requires ## action action = opts.action action ||= 'syntax' if opts.syntax action ||= 'convert' if opts.source || opts.notext ## lang lang = opts.lang || 'ruby' action ||= 'convert' if opts.lang ## class name of Eruby #classname = opts.class classname = nil klass = get_classobj(classname, lang, properties[:pi]) ## kanji code $KCODE = opts.kanji if opts.kanji ## read context values from yaml file datafiles = opts.datafiles context = load_datafiles(datafiles, opts) ## parse context data if opts.context context = parse_context_data(opts.context, opts) end ## properties for engine properties[:escape] = true if opts.escape && !properties.key?(:escape) properties[:pattern] = opts.pattern if opts.pattern #properties[:trim] = false if opts.notrim properties[:preamble] = properties[:postamble] = false if opts.bodyonly properties[:pi] = nil if properties[:pi] == true ## create engine and extend enhancers engine = klass.new(nil, properties) enhancers = get_enhancers(opts.enhancers) #enhancers.push(Erubis::EscapeEnhancer) if opts.escape enhancers.each do |enhancer| engine.extend(enhancer) engine.bipattern = properties[:bipattern] if enhancer == Erubis::BiPatternEnhancer end ## no-text engine.extend(Erubis::NoTextEnhancer) if opts.notext ## convert and execute val = nil msg = "Syntax OK\n" if filenames && !filenames.empty? filenames.each do |filename| test(?f, filename) or raise CommandOptionError.new("#{filename}: file not found.") engine.filename = filename engine.convert!(File.read(filename)) val = do_action(action, engine, context, filename, opts) msg = nil if val end else engine.filename = filename = '(stdin)' engine.convert!($stdin.read()) val = do_action(action, engine, context, filename, opts) msg = nil if val end print msg if action == 'syntax' && msg end private def do_action(action, engine, context, filename, opts) case action when 'convert' s = manipulate_src(engine.src, opts) when nil, 'exec', 'execute' s = opts.binding ? engine.result(context.to_hash) : engine.evaluate(context) when 'syntax' s = check_syntax(filename, engine.src) else raise "*** internal error" end print s if s return s end def manipulate_src(source, opts) flag_linenum = opts.linenum flag_unique = opts.unique flag_compact = opts.compact if flag_linenum n = 0 source.gsub!(/^/) { n += 1; "%5d: " % n } source.gsub!(/^ *\d+:\s+?\n/, '') if flag_compact source.gsub!(/(^ *\d+:\s+?\n)+/, "\n") if flag_unique else source.gsub!(/^\s*?\n/, '') if flag_compact source.gsub!(/(^\s*?\n)+/, "\n") if flag_unique end return source end def usage(command=nil) command ||= File.basename($0) buf = [] buf << "erubis - embedded program converter for multi-language" buf << "Usage: #{command} [..options..] [file ...]" buf << " -h, --help : help" buf << " -v : version" buf << " -x : show converted code" buf << " -X : show converted code, only ruby code and no text part" buf << " -N : numbering: add line numbers (for '-x/-X')" buf << " -U : unique: compress empty lines to a line (for '-x/-X')" buf << " -C : compact: remove empty lines (for '-x/-X')" buf << " -b : body only: no preamble nor postamble (for '-x/-X')" buf << " -z : syntax checking" buf << " -e : escape (equal to '--E Escape')" buf << " -p pattern : embedded pattern (default '<% %>')" buf << " -l lang : convert but no execute (ruby/php/c/java/scheme/perl/js)" buf << " -E e1,e2,... : enhancer names (Escape, PercentLine, BiPattern, ...)" buf << " -I path : library include path" buf << " -K kanji : kanji code (euc/sjis/utf8) (default none)" buf << " -c context : context data string (yaml inline style or ruby code)" buf << " -f datafile : context data file ('*.yaml', '*.yml', or '*.rb')" #buf << " -t : expand tab characters in YAML file" buf << " -T : don't expand tab characters in YAML file" buf << " -S : convert mapping key from string to symbol in YAML file" buf << " -B : invoke 'result(binding)' instead of 'evaluate(context)'" buf << " --pi=name : parse '' instead of '<% ... %>'" #' # -T : don't trim spaces around '<% %>' # -c class : class name (XmlEruby/PercentLineEruby/...) (default Eruby) # -r library : require library # -a : action (convert/execute) return buf.join("\n") end def collect_supported_properties(erubis_klass) list = [] erubis_klass.ancestors.each do |klass| if klass.respond_to?(:supported_properties) list.concat(klass.supported_properties) end end return list end def show_properties s = "supported properties:\n" basic_props = collect_supported_properties(Erubis::Basic::Engine) pi_props = collect_supported_properties(Erubis::PI::Engine) list = [] common_props = basic_props & pi_props list << ['(common)', common_props] list << ['(basic)', basic_props - common_props] list << ['(pi)', pi_props - common_props] %w[ruby php c java scheme perl javascript].each do |lang| klass = Erubis.const_get("E#{lang}") list << [lang, collect_supported_properties(klass) - basic_props] end list.each do |lang, props| s << " * #{lang}\n" props.each do |name, default_val, desc| s << (" --%-23s : %s\n" % ["#{name}=#{default_val.inspect}", desc]) end end s << "\n" return s end def show_enhancers s = "enhancers:\n" list = [] ObjectSpace.each_object(Module) do |m| list << m end list.sort_by { |m| m.name }.each do |m| next unless m.name =~ /\AErubis::(.*)Enhancer\z/ name = $1 desc = m.desc s << (" %-13s : %s\n" % [name, desc]) end return s end def version return Erubis::VERSION end def parse_argv(argv, arg_none='', arg_required='', arg_optional='') options = {} context = {} while argv[0] && argv[0][0] == ?- optstr = argv.shift optstr = optstr[1, optstr.length-1] # if optstr[0] == ?- # context unless optstr =~ /\A\-([-\w]+)(?:=(.*))?/ raise CommandOptionError.new("-#{optstr}: invalid context value.") end name = $1; value = $2 name = name.gsub(/-/, '_').intern #value = value.nil? ? true : YAML.load(value) # error, why? value = value.nil? ? true : YAML.load("---\n#{value}\n") context[name] = value # else # options while optstr && !optstr.empty? optchar = optstr[0] optstr[0,1] = "" if arg_none.include?(optchar) options[optchar] = true elsif arg_required.include?(optchar) arg = optstr.empty? ? argv.shift : optstr unless arg mesg = "-#{optchar.chr}: #{@option_args[optchar]} required." raise CommandOptionError.new(mesg) end options[optchar] = arg optstr = nil elsif arg_optional.include?(optchar) arg = optstr.empty? ? true : optstr options[optchar] = arg optstr = nil else raise CommandOptionError.new("-#{optchar.chr}: unknown option.") end end end # end # end of while return options, context end def untabify(str, width=8) list = str.split(/\t/) last = list.pop sb = '' list.each do |s| column = (n = s.rindex(?\n)) ? s.length - n - 1 : s.length n = width - (column % width) sb << s << (' ' * n) end sb << last return sb end #-- #def untabify(str, width=8) # sb = '' # str.scan(/(.*?)\t/m) do |s, | # len = (n = s.rindex(?\n)) ? s.length - n - 1 : s.length # sb << s << (" " * (width - len % width)) # end # return $' ? (sb << $') : str #end #++ def get_classobj(classname, lang, pi) classname ||= "E#{lang}" base_module = pi ? Erubis::PI : Erubis begin klass = base_module.const_get(classname) rescue NameError klass = nil end unless klass if lang msg = "-l #{lang}: invalid language name (class #{base_module.name}::#{classname} not found)." else msg = "-c #{classname}: invalid class name." end raise CommandOptionError.new(msg) end return klass end def get_enhancers(enhancer_names) return [] unless enhancer_names enhancers = [] shortname = nil begin enhancer_names.split(/,/).each do |shortname| enhancers << Erubis.const_get("#{shortname}Enhancer") end rescue NameError raise CommandOptionError.new("#{shortname}: no such Enhancer (try '-E' to show all enhancers).") end return enhancers end def load_datafiles(filenames, opts) context = Erubis::Context.new return context unless filenames filenames.split(/,/).each do |filename| filename.strip! test(?f, filename) or raise CommandOptionError.new("#{filename}: file not found.") if filename =~ /\.ya?ml$/ if opts.unexpand ydoc = YAML.load_file(filename) else ydoc = YAML.load(untabify(File.read(filename))) end ydoc.is_a?(Hash) or raise CommandOptionError.new("#{filename}: root object is not a mapping.") intern_hash_keys(ydoc) if opts.intern context.update(ydoc) elsif filename =~ /\.rb$/ str = File.read(filename) context2 = Erubis::Context.new _instance_eval(context2, str) context.update(context2) else CommandOptionError.new("#{filename}: '*.yaml', '*.yml', or '*.rb' required.") end end return context end def _instance_eval(_context, _str) _context.instance_eval(_str) end def parse_context_data(context_str, opts) if context_str[0] == ?{ require 'yaml' ydoc = YAML.load(context_str) unless ydoc.is_a?(Hash) raise CommandOptionError.new("-c: root object is not a mapping.") end intern_hash_keys(ydoc) if opts.intern return ydoc else context = Erubis::Context.new context.instance_eval(context_str, '-c') return context end end def intern_hash_keys(obj, done={}) return if done.key?(obj.__id__) case obj when Hash done[obj.__id__] = obj obj.keys.each do |key| obj[key.intern] = obj.delete(key) if key.is_a?(String) end obj.values.each do |val| intern_hash_keys(val, done) if val.is_a?(Hash) || val.is_a?(Array) end when Array done[obj.__id__] = obj obj.each do |val| intern_hash_keys(val, done) if val.is_a?(Hash) || val.is_a?(Array) end end end def check_syntax(filename, src) require 'open3' stdin, stdout, stderr = Open3.popen3('ruby -wc') stdin.write(src) stdin.close result = stdout.read() stdout.close() errmsg = stderr.read() stderr.close() return nil unless errmsg && !errmsg.empty? errmsg =~ /\A-:(\d+): / linenum, message = $1, $' return "#{filename}:#{linenum}: #{message}" end end end