module Pod class Prebuild def self.keyword :binary end end class Podfile class TargetDefinition ## --- option for setting using prebuild framework --- def parse_prebuild_framework(name, requirements) should_prebuild = Pod::Podfile::DSL.prebuild_all options = requirements.last if options.is_a?(Hash) && options[Pod::Prebuild.keyword] != nil should_prebuild = options.delete(Pod::Prebuild.keyword) requirements.pop if options.empty? end pod_name = Specification.root_name(name) set_prebuild_for_pod(pod_name, should_prebuild) end def set_prebuild_for_pod(pod_name, should_prebuild) if should_prebuild == true @prebuild_framework_pod_names ||= [] @prebuild_framework_pod_names.push pod_name else @should_not_prebuild_framework_pod_names ||= [] @should_not_prebuild_framework_pod_names.push pod_name end end def prebuild_framework_pod_names names = @prebuild_framework_pod_names || [] if parent != nil and parent.kind_of? TargetDefinition names += parent.prebuild_framework_pod_names end names end def should_not_prebuild_framework_pod_names names = @should_not_prebuild_framework_pod_names || [] if parent != nil and parent.kind_of? TargetDefinition names += parent.should_not_prebuild_framework_pod_names end names end # ---- patch method ---- # We want modify `store_pod` method, but it's hard to insert a line in the # implementation. So we patch a method called in `store_pod`. old_method = instance_method(:parse_inhibit_warnings) define_method(:parse_inhibit_warnings) do |name, requirements| parse_prebuild_framework(name, requirements) old_method.bind(self).(name, requirements) end end end end module Pod class Installer def prebuild_pod_targets @prebuild_pod_targets ||= ( all = [] aggregate_targets = self.aggregate_targets aggregate_targets.each do |aggregate_target| target_definition = aggregate_target.target_definition targets = aggregate_target.pod_targets || [] # filter prebuild prebuild_names = target_definition.prebuild_framework_pod_names if not Podfile::DSL.prebuild_all targets = { |pod_target| prebuild_names.include?(pod_target.pod_name) } end dependency_targets = {|t| t.recursive_dependent_targets }.flatten.uniq || [] targets = (targets + dependency_targets).uniq # filter should not prebuild explict_should_not_names = target_definition.should_not_prebuild_framework_pod_names targets = targets.reject { |pod_target| explict_should_not_names.include?(pod_target.pod_name) } if not Pod::Podfile::DSL.except_binary_list.nil? targets = targets.reject { |pod_target| Pod::Podfile::DSL.except_binary_list.include?(pod_target.pod_name) } end all += targets end all = all.reject {|pod_target| sandbox.local?(pod_target.pod_name) } all.uniq ) end # the root names who needs prebuild, including dependency pods. def prebuild_pod_names @prebuild_pod_names ||= end def validate_every_pod_only_have_one_form multi_targets_pods = self.pod_targets.group_by do |t| t.pod_name do |k, v|{|t| }.count > 1 end multi_targets_pods = multi_targets_pods.reject do |name, targets| contained ={|t| self.prebuild_pod_targets.include? t } contained.uniq.count == 1 # all equal end return if multi_targets_pods.empty? warnings = "One pod can only be prebuilt or not prebuilt. These pod have different forms in multiple targets:\n" warnings +={|name, targets| " #{name}: #{{|t|}}"}.join("\n") raise Informative, warnings end end end