# These aren't expected to be called by a developer. They are internal methods. module EffectiveDatatablesPrivateHelper # https://datatables.net/reference/option/columns def datatable_columns(datatable) sortable = datatable.sortable? datatable.columns.map do |name, opts| { className: opts[:col_class], name: name, responsivePriority: opts[:responsive], search: datatable.state[:search][name], searchHtml: datatable_search_tag(datatable, name, opts), sortable: (opts[:sort] && sortable), title: datatable_label_tag(datatable, name, opts), visible: datatable.state[:visible][name] } end.to_json.html_safe end def datatable_bulk_actions(datatable) if datatable._bulk_actions.present? render(partial: '/effective/datatables/bulk_actions_dropdown', locals: { datatable: datatable }).gsub("'", '"').html_safe end end def datatable_display_order(datatable) (datatable.sortable? ? [datatable.order_index, datatable.order_direction] : false).to_json.html_safe end def datatable_reset(datatable) link_to(content_tag(:span, t('effective_datatables.reset')), '#', class: 'btn btn-link btn-sm buttons-reset-search') end def datatable_reorder(datatable) return unless datatable.reorder? && EffectiveDatatables.authorized?(self, :update, datatable.collection_class) link_to(content_tag(:span, t('effective_datatables.reorder')), '#', class: 'btn btn-link btn-sm buttons-reorder', disabled: true) end def datatable_new_resource_button(datatable, name, column) return unless column[:inline] && (column[:actions][:new] != false) && (datatable.resource.actions.include?(:new) rescue false) actions = {t('effective_datatables.new') => { action: :new, class: ['btn', column[:btn_class].presence].compact.join(' '), 'data-remote': true } } render_resource_actions(datatable.resource.klass, actions: actions, effective_resource: datatable.resource) # Will only work if permitted end def datatable_label_tag(datatable, name, opts) case opts[:as] when :actions content_tag(:span, t('effective_datatables.actions'), style: 'display: none;') when :bulk_actions content_tag(:span, t('effective_datatables.bulk_actions'), style: 'display: none;') when :reorder content_tag(:span, t('effective_datatables.reorder'), style: 'display: none;') else content_tag(:span, opts[:label].presence) end end def datatable_search_tag(datatable, name, opts) return datatable_new_resource_button(datatable, name, opts) if name == :_actions return if opts[:search] == false # Build the search @_effective_datatables_form_builder || effective_form_with(scope: :datatable_search, url: '#') { |f| @_effective_datatables_form_builder = f } form = @_effective_datatables_form_builder collection = opts[:search].delete(:collection) value = datatable.state[:search][name] options = opts[:search].except(:fuzzy).merge!( name: nil, feedback: false, label: false, value: value, data: { 'column-name': name, 'column-index': opts[:index] } ) case options.delete(:as) when :string, :text, :number form.text_field name, options when :date, :datetime form.date_field name, options.reverse_merge( date_linked: false, prepend: false, input_js: { useStrict: true, keepInvalid: true } ) when :time form.time_field name, options.reverse_merge( date_linked: false, prepend: false, input_js: { useStrict: false, keepInvalid: true } ) when :select, :boolean options[:input_js] = (options[:input_js] || {}).reverse_merge(placeholder: '') form.select name, collection, options when :bulk_actions options[:data]['role'] = 'bulk-actions' form.check_box name, options.merge(label: ' ') end end def render_datatable_filters(datatable) raise 'expected datatable to be present' unless datatable datatable.view ||= self return unless datatable._scopes.present? || datatable._filters.present? if datatable._filters_form_required? render partial: 'effective/datatables/filters', locals: { datatable: datatable } else render(partial: 'effective/datatables/filters', locals: { datatable: datatable }).gsub('', '/div>').html_safe end end def datatable_filter_tag(form, datatable, name, opts) as = opts[:as].to_s.chomp('_field').to_sym value = datatable.state[:filter][name] collection = opts[:collection] options = { autocomplete: 'off', feedback: false, label: false, placeholder: (opts[:label] || name.to_s.titleize), value: value, wrapper: { class: 'form-group col-auto'} }.merge(opts.except(:as, :collection, :parse)) options[:name] = '' unless datatable._filters_form_required? if [:select, :radios, :checks].include?(as) options.delete(:name) unless as == :select form.public_send(as, name, collection, options) # select, radios, checks elsif as == :boolean collection ||= [true, false].map { |value| [t("effective_datatables.boolean_#{value}"), value] } form.public_send(:select, name, collection, options) # boolean elsif form.respond_to?(as) form.public_send(as, name, options) # check_box, text_area else form.public_send("#{as}_field", name, options) # text_field, number_field, all the rest. end end def datatable_scope_tag(form, datatable, opts = {}) collection = datatable._scopes.map { |name, opts| [opts[:label], name] } value = datatable.state[:scope] options = { autocomplete: 'off', buttons: true, checked: value, feedback: false, label: false, required: false, wrapper: { class: 'form-group col-auto'} }.merge(opts) form.radios :scope, collection, options end def render_datatable_charts(datatable) raise 'expected datatable to be present' unless datatable datatable.view ||= self return unless datatable._charts.present? datatable._charts.map { |name, _| render_datatable_chart(datatable, name) }.join.html_safe end def render_datatable_chart(datatable, name) raise 'expected datatable to be present' unless datatable datatable.view ||= self return unless datatable._charts[name].present? chart = datatable._charts[name] chart_data = datatable.to_json[:charts][name][:data] render partial: chart[:partial], locals: { datatable: datatable, chart: chart, chart_data: chart_data } end end