require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') describe "DynamicView" do def output_expects(output, expects) Helpers::ObjectTable.expects(:render).with(output, expects) Helpers::AutoTable.render(output) end describe "add" do before_all { View.load_config } it "raises error if no :helper option" do lambda { Hirb.add_dynamic_view 'Blah', {} }.should.raise(ArgumentError). message.should =~ /:helper.*required/ end it "raises error if :helper option not a dynamic_view module" do lambda { Hirb.add_dynamic_view('Blah', :helper=>:table) {|obj| } }. should.raise(ArgumentError).message.should =~ /:helper.*must/ end it "raises error if views module not a module" do lambda { Hirb.add_dynamic_view 'Blah', :helper=>:auto_table }.should.raise(ArgumentError). message.should =~ /must be a module/ end it "adds a view with block" do Hirb.add_dynamic_view('Date', :helper=>:auto_table) do |obj| {:fields=>obj.class::DAYNAMES} end output_expects [], :fields=>Date::DAYNAMES end it "when adding views with a block, second view for same class overrides first one" do Hirb.add_dynamic_view('Date', :helper=>:auto_table) do |obj| {:fields=>obj.class::DAYNAMES} end Hirb.add_dynamic_view('Date', :helper=>:auto_table) do |obj| {:fields=>[:blah]} end output_expects [], :fields=>[:blah] end end it "class_to_method and method_to_class convert to each other" do ["DBI::Row", "Hirb::View"].each do |e| Helpers::AutoTable.method_to_class(DynamicView.class_to_method(e).downcase).should == e end end it "class_to_method converts correctly" do DynamicView.class_to_method("DBI::Row").should == 'd_b_i__row_view' end describe "dynamic_view" do def define_view(mod_name= :Blah, &block) mod = Views.const_set(mod_name, mod_block = block_given? ? block : lambda {|obj| {:fields=>obj.class::DAYNAMES}} mod.send(:define_method, :date_view, mod_block) Hirb.add_dynamic_view mod, :helper=>:auto_table end before_all { View.load_config } before { Formatter.dynamic_config = {} } after { Views.send(:remove_const, :Blah) } it "sets a view's options" do define_view output_expects [], :fields=>Date::DAYNAMES end it "does override existing formatter dynamic_config" do Formatter.dynamic_config["Date"] = {:class=>Helpers::Table} define_view Formatter.dynamic_config["Date"].should == {:class=>Hirb::Helpers::AutoTable, :ancestor=>true} end it "raises a readable error when error occurs in a view" do define_view {|obj| raise 'blah' } lambda { Helpers::AutoTable.render([]) }.should.raise(RuntimeError). message.should =~ /'Date'.*date_view.*\nblah/ end it "another view can reuse an old view's options" do define_view define_view(:Blah2) do |obj| {:fields=>obj.class::DAYNAMES + ['blah']} end output_expects [], :fields=>(Date::DAYNAMES + ['blah']) end after_all { reset_config } end after_all { Formatter.dynamic_config = {} } end