include(CMakeFindDependencyMacro) find_dependency(kms_message 0.0.1) include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/mongocrypt_targets.cmake") if (DEFINED MONGOCRYPT_LIBBSON_STATIC_USE) # The user has named a library that should be linked as the static libbson library set_property ( TARGET mongo::_mongocrypt-libbson_for_static APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "$<LINK_ONLY:${MONGOCRYPT_LIBBSON_STATIC_USE}>" ) endif () # BOOL: Whether the libmongocrypt dynamic library in this package needs to link to an external libbson. # In the default configuration, the shared lib will include the TUs for a pinned version of libbson # and will use linker scripts to "hide" these symbols from the outside world. # # If the libmongocrypt package was built to link against a shared libbson library, then the # libmongocrypt dynamic library will contain pending references to libbson symbols that will # need to be resolved before the library can be used. # # (Note: static libmongocrypt *always* needs to link against an external libbson, as it does not # embed the libbson symbols.) set (_using_shared_libbson "@USE_SHARED_LIBBSON@") if (_using_shared_libbson AND DEFINED MONGOCRYPT_LIBBSON_SHARED_USE) # The user has named a library that should be linked as the shared libbson library set_property ( TARGET mongo::_mongocrypt-libbson_for_shared APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "$<LINK_ONLY:${MONGOCRYPT_LIBBSON_SHARED_USE}>" ) endif () set (_using_system_intel_dfp "@USE_SYSTEM_INTEL_DFP@") if (_using_system_intel_dfp) find_library (_MONGOCRYPT_SYSTEM_INTEL_DFP_STATIC "${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX}bidgcc000${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}") set_property ( TARGET mongo::_mongocrypt-intel_dfp PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION "${_MONGOCRYPT_SYSTEM_INTEL_DFP_STATIC}" ) endif () find_dependency(Threads) # Link for dlopen(): set_property (TARGET mongo::mongocrypt::platform APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) # Link for special math functions: if (NOT APPLE) find_library (_MONGOCRYPT_M_LIBRARY m) mark_as_advanced (_MONGOCRYPT_M_LIBRARY) if (_MONGOCRYPT_M_LIBRARY) set_property (TARGET mongo::mongocrypt::platform APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "${_MONGOCRYPT_M_LIBRARY}") endif () endif () # Special runtime: find_library (_MONGOCRYPT_RT_LIBRARY rt) mark_as_advanced (_MONGOCRYPT_RT_LIBRARY) if (_MONGOCRYPT_RT_LIBRARY) set_property (TARGET mongo::mongocrypt::platform APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "${_MONGOCRYPT_RT_LIBRARY}") endif ()