module ActiveRecord module Acts #:nodoc: module UploaderUpload #:nodoc: def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods # acts_as_uploader requires an option for :has_attached_file. These values will be passed to paperclip. # i.e. # acts_as_uploader :has_attached_file => { # :url => "/uploads/:class/:id/:style_:basename.:extension", # :path => ":rails_root/public/uploads/:class/:id/:style_:basename.:extension", # :styles => { :icon => "30x30!", :thumb => "100>", :small => "150>", :medium => "300>", :large => "660>"}, # :default_url => "/images/profile_default.jpg" } def acts_as_uploader(options) #Named scopes named_scope :newest_first, :order => "created_at DESC" named_scope :alphabetic, :order => "filename DESC" named_scope :recent, :order => "created_at DESC" named_scope :public, :conditions => 'is_public = true' named_scope :images, :conditions => "local_content_type IN (#{Uploader::MimeTypeGroups::IMAGE_TYPES.collect{|type| "'#{type}'"}.join(',')})" named_scope :documents, :conditions => "local_content_type IN (#{(Uploader::MimeTypeGroups::WORD_TYPES + Uploader::MimeTypeGroups::EXCEL_TYPES + Uploader::MimeTypeGroups::PDF_TYPES).collect{|type| "'#{type}'"}.join(',')})" named_scope :files, :conditions => "local_content_type NOT IN (#{Uploader::MimeTypeGroups::IMAGE_TYPES.collect{|type| "'#{type}'"}.join(',')})" named_scope :since, lambda { |*args| { :conditions => ["created_at > ?", (args.first || 7.days.ago.to_s(:db)) ]} } named_scope :pending_s3_migration, lambda { { :conditions => ["remote_file_name IS NULL AND created_at <= ?", 20.minutes.ago.to_s(:db)], :order => 'created_at DESC' } } # Paperclip has_attached_file :local, options[:has_attached_file].merge(:storage => :filesystem) # Override any storage settings. This one has to be local. if options[:enable_s3] == true has_attached_file :remote, options[:has_attached_file].merge(:url => ':s3_alias_url', :path => options[:s3_path], :storage => :s3) end belongs_to :uploadable, :polymorphic => true belongs_to :creator, :class_name => 'User', :foreign_key => 'creator_id' class_eval <<-EOV validates_attachment_size :local, :less_than => 10.megabytes before_post_process :transliterate_file_name before_create :add_width_and_height # prevents a user from submitting a crafted form that bypasses activation attr_protected :creator_id, :uploadable_id, :uploadable_type EOV include ActiveRecord::Acts::UploaderUpload::InstanceMethods extend ActiveRecord::Acts::UploaderUpload::SingletonMethods end end # class methods module SingletonMethods end # All the methods available to a record that has had acts_as_uploader specified. module InstanceMethods def file local_file_name ? local : remote end def file_name remote_file_name || local_file_name end def send_to_remote if local_file_name self.remote = local.to_file if and remote.original_filename and remote.exists? self.local = nil else false end end end def swfupload_local=(filedata) filedata.content_type = MIME::Types.type_for(filedata.original_filename)[0].to_s self.local = filedata end def is_image? Uploader::MimeTypeGroups::IMAGE_TYPES.include?(self.local_content_type) end def is_mp3? Uploader::MimeTypeGroups::MP3_TYPES.include?(self.local_content_type) end def is_excel? Uploader::MimeTypeGroups::EXCEL_TYPES.include?(self.local_content_type) end def is_pdf? Uploader::MimeTypeGroups::PDF_TYPES.include?(self.local_content_type) end def is_word? Uploader::MimeTypeGroups::WORD_TYPES.include?(self.local_content_type) end def is_text? Uploader::MimeTypeGroups::TEXT_TYPES.include?(self.local_content_type) end def upload_type if self.is_pdf? 'Adobe pdf file' elsif self.is_word? 'Word document' elsif self.is_image? 'photo' elsif self.is_mp3? 'mp3' elsif self.is_excel? 'Excel document' elsif self.is_text? 'text file' else 'file' end end def icon if self.is_pdf? '/images/file_icons/file_pdf.gif' elsif self.is_word? '/images/file_icons/file_doc.gif' elsif self.is_image? self.file.url(:icon) elsif self.is_mp3? '/images/file_icons/file_mp3.gif' elsif self.is_excel? '/images/file_icons/file_xls.gif' elsif self.is_text? '/images/file_icons/file_txt.gif' else '/images/file_icons/file_raw.gif' end end def display_name CGI::escapeHTML(self.local_file_name) end def can_edit?(check_user) return false if check_user.blank? check_user == self.creator end # Image dimension calculations def width(style = :default) return nil unless self[:width] return self[:width] if style == :default calculate_sizes(style.to_sym) return @image_width.to_i end def height(style = :default) return nil unless self[:height] return self[:height] if style == :default calculate_sizes(style.to_sym) return @image_height.to_i end def size(style = :default) return nil unless width || height return "#{width}x#{height}" if style == :default calculate_sizes(style.to_sym) return @image_size end def max_dimension(style) @max_dimension ||= Paperclip::Geometry.parse(self.local.styles[style][:geometry]).width.to_f end def image_ratio @image_ratio ||= width.to_f / height.to_f end def calculate_sizes(style) if image_ratio > 1 @image_width ||= width > max_dimension(style) ? max_dimension(style) : width @image_height ||= (@image_width / image_ratio).round else @image_height ||= height > max_dimension(style) ? max_dimension(style) : height @image_width ||= (@image_height * image_ratio).round end @image_size ||= "#{@image_width.to_i}x#{@image_height.to_i}" end protected def transliterate_file_name extension = File.extname(local_file_name).gsub(/^\.+/, '') filename = local_file_name.gsub(/\.#{extension}$/, '') self.local.instance_write(:file_name, "#{transliterate(filename)}.#{transliterate(extension)}") end def transliterate(str) # Lifted from permalink_fu by Rick Olsen # Escape str by transliterating to UTF-8 with Iconv, # downcasing, then removing illegal characters and replacing them with ’-’ s = Iconv.iconv('ascii//ignore//translit', 'utf-8', str).to_s s.downcase! s.gsub!(/\'/, '') s.gsub!(/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/, ' ') s.strip! s.gsub!(/\ +/, '-') # set single or multiple spaces to a single dash return s end def add_width_and_height return unless self.is_image? if self.local.to_file geometry = Paperclip::Geometry.from_file self.local.to_file self[:width] = geometry.width.to_i self[:height] = geometry.height.to_i end end end end end end