Admin functions
read())) {
#echo "- Found: " . $entry;
if (preg_match("/(.*).conf/", $entry, $matches)) {
echo '
- ' . $matches[1] . "\n";
function command_exist($cmd) {
$returnVal = shell_exec("which $cmd");
return !empty($returnVal);
$commands = array('facter' => 'System info', 'df' => 'Disk Free', 'ps' => 'Process Status', 'free' => 'Memory Free Status', 'dpkg' => 'Packages installed', 'ifconfig' => 'Network Interfaces');
foreach ($commands as $cmd => $desc) {
echo '
- ' . $cmd . ' - ' . $desc . "\n";
- phpinfo
localhost port mapping
{%- for port, host_port in pillar['mapped_ports'].items() %}
{%- if port == 22 %}
ssh localhost -p {{ host_port }} mapped to ssh port {{ port }}
{%- else %}
{%- if (port == 443) or (port == 880 and pillar['admin_password']) %}
https://localhost:{{ host_port }}/ -
{%- else %}
http://localhost:{{ host_port }}/ -
{%- endif %}
{%- if port == 80 %}
main site (production via cap deploy)
{%- elif port == 443 %}
main secure site (production via cap deploy)
{%- elif port == 880 %}
this admin site
{%- elif port == 3000 %}
rails app (development mode)
{%- else %}
other app
{%- endif %}
{%- if (port == 443) or (port == 880 and pillar['admin_password']) %}
on port {{ port }}
{%- else %}
on port {{ port }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- for role in pillar['roles'] %}
- {{ role }}
{%- endfor %}
{%- for app in pillar['versions'] %}
- {{ app }}: {{ pillar['versions'][app] }}
{%- endfor %}