Historically, rspec-mocks has used a monkey-patched syntax to allow you to mock or stub any object: ```ruby obj.stub(:foo).and_return(15) obj.should_receive(:bar) ``` Unfortunately, this is prone to weird, confusing failures when applied to [delegate/proxy objects](http://myronmars.to/n/dev-blog/2012/06/rspecs-new-expectation-syntax#delegation_issues). For a method like `stub` to work properly, it must be defined on every object in the system, but RSpec does not own every object in the system and cannot ensure that it always works consistently. For this reason, in RSpec 2.14, we introduced a new syntax that avoids monkey patching altogether. It's the syntax shown in all examples of this documentation outside of this directory. As of RSpec 3, we consider this to be the main, recommended syntax of rspec- mocks. The old monkey-patched syntax continues to work, but you will get a deprecation warning if you use it without explicitly opting-in to it: ```ruby # If you're using rspec-core: RSpec.configure do |config| config.mock_with :rspec do |mocks| mocks.syntax = :should end end # Or, if you're using rspec-mocks in another context: RSpec::Mocks.configuration.syntax = :should ``` We have no plans to ever kill the old syntax, but we may extract it into an external gem in RSpec 4. If you have an old project that uses the old syntax and you want to update it to the current syntax, checkout [transpec](http://yujinakayama.me/transpec/).