namespace :build do desc 'Builds the documentation using YARD' task :doc => ['clean:yard'] do root = File.expand_path('../../../../', __FILE__) Dir.chdir(root) sh('yard doc') end desc 'Builds a new Gem' task :gem do root = File.expand_path('../../../../', __FILE__) name = "#{}-#{Zen::Gemspec.version.version}.gem" path = File.join(root, name) pkg = File.join(root, 'pkg', name) # Build and install the gem sh('gem', 'build', File.join(root, 'zen.gemspec')) sh('mv' , path, pkg) sh('gem', 'install', pkg) end # Stolen from Ramaze desc 'Builds a list of all the people that have contributed to Zen' task :authors do authors = `git shortlog -nse`.scan(/(\d+)\s(.+)\s<(.*)>$/) do |count, name, email| authors[[name, email]] += count.to_i end'AUTHORS', 'w+') do |io| io.puts "Following persons have contributed to Zen." io.puts '(Sorted by number of submitted patches, then alphabetically)' io.puts '' authors.sort_by { |(n,e),c| [-c, n.downcase] }.each do |(name, email), count| io.puts("%6d %s <%s>" % [count, name, email]) end end end desc 'Builds a list of changes since a given Git tag and outputs it' task :changes, [:tag] do |t, args| args.with_defaults(:tag => `git tag`.split(/\n/)[-1]) stop = `git log -1 --pretty=oneline --color=never`.split(/\s+/)[0] log = `git --no-pager log --color=never --pretty=oneline \ #{args[:tag]}..#{stop}`.split(/\n/) log.each do |line| line = line.split(/\s+/, 2)[1].strip wrapped = '* ' chars = 0 # Wrap the string line.split(/\s+/).each do |chunk| length = chunk.length if ( chars + length ) <= ( 80 - length ) wrapped += "#{chunk} " chars += length else wrapped += "\n #{chunk} " chars = 0 end end puts wrapped end end end