require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','jake.rb') namespace "config" do task :symbian => :common do $targetdir = File.join($bindir,'target','symbian') $excludelib = ['**/builtinME.rb','**/ServeME.rb','**/TestServe.rb'] end end task :loadframework do require 'rhodes-framework' puts $rhodeslib end namespace "bundle" do task :symbian => ["config:symbian", "loadframework", "makedirs"] do rm_rf $srcdir mkdir_p $srcdir mkdir_p File.join($srcdir,'apps') rubypath = File.join($res,'RhoRuby.exe') compileERB = File.join($compileERBbase,'default.rb') compileRB = File.join($compileRBbase,'compileRB.rb') dest = $srcdir src = $rhodeslib cp_r src,dest chdir dest Dir.glob("**/rhodes-framework.rb").each {|f| rm f} Dir.glob("**/erb.rb").each {|f| rm f} Dir.glob("**/find.rb").each {|f| rm f} $excludelib.each {|e| Dir.glob(e).each {|f| rm f}} chdir $basedir cp_r 'app',File.join($srcdir,'apps') cp_r 'public', File.join($srcdir,'apps') cp 'rhoconfig.txt', File.join($srcdir,'apps') cp $appmanifest, $srcdir puts `#{rubypath} -R#{$rhodeslib} #{$srcdir}/createAppManifest.rb` rm File.join($srcdir,'createAppManifest.rb') cp compileERB, $srcdir puts `#{rubypath} -R#{$rhodeslib} #{$srcdir}/default.rb` rm "#{$srcdir}/default.rb" cp compileRB, $srcdir puts `#{rubypath} -R#{$rhodeslib} #{$srcdir}/compileRB.rb` chdir $srcdir Dir.glob("**/*.rb") { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.erb") { |f| rm f } #throw "ME" chdir $basedir src = File.join($prebuilt,"common","db") dest = $srcdir cp_r src,dest src = File.join($prebuilt,"symbian") dest = $tmpdir cp_r File.join(src,"Epoc32"), dest cp File.join(src,"backup_registration.xml"), dest cp File.join(src,"rhodes.hlp"), dest cp File.join(src,"rhologpath.txt"), dest cp File.join(src,"rhodes_device.pkg"), File.join(dest, "rhodes_tmp.pkg") cp File.join($res,"insertRhoBundle2pkg.rb"), dest rubypath = File.join($res,'RhoRuby.exe') puts `#{rubypath} -R#{$rhodeslib} #{$tmpdir}/insertRhoBundle2pkg.rb` tools = $config["env"]["paths"]["symbiantools"] chdir $tmpdir makesis = File.join(tools,"makesis.exe") pkgfile = """rhodes_tmp.pkg","r") { |f| pkgfile = } modifiedpkg = "" pkgfile.each do |line| modifiedpkg << line if not line.match(/^;/) end"rhodes_tmp.pkg","w") { |f| f.write modifiedpkg } puts `"#{makesis}" rhodes_tmp.pkg` chdir $basedir end end namespace "device" do #desc "Create downloadable app for symbian mobile" task :symbian => "bundle:symbian" do tools = $config["env"]["paths"]["symbiantools"] chdir $tmpdir certdir = File.join($tmpdir,"cert") certpath = File.join(certdir,$config["env"]["symbian"]["certname"]) keypath = File.join(certdir,$config["env"]["symbian"]["certkey"]) pass = $config["env"]["symbian"]["selfsignpwd"] name = $config["env"]["symbian"]["selfsignname"] mkdir_p certdir cp File.join($res,"rhodes_pid.key"),certdir makekeys = File.join(tools,"makekeys.exe") puts `"#{makekeys}" -cert -password "#{pass}" -len 2048 -dname "#{name}" "#{keypath}" "#{certpath}"` signsis = File.join(tools,"signsis.exe") puts `#{signsis} rhodes_tmp.sis rhodes.sisx #{certpath} #{keypath} #{pass}` mv "rhodes.sisx",$targetdir end end namespace "run" do namespace "symbian" do #desc "Run app in symbian Sim" task :app => ["bundle:symbian"] do symroot = $config["env"]["paths"]["symroot"] appsroot = File.join(symroot,"/epoc32/winscw/c/Data/Rho") rm_rf appsroot mkdir_p appsroot if not File.exists? appsroot cp_r $srcdir + "/lib", appsroot cp_r $srcdir + "/apps", appsroot cp_r $srcdir + "/db", appsroot cp_r File.join($prebuilt,"symbian","Epoc32"), symroot executable = File.join(symroot,"epoc32","release","winscw","udeb","rhodes.exe") { system(executable) } end end end namespace "check" do task :symbian => "config:symbian" do errors = begin tools = $config["env"]["paths"]["symbiantools"] symroot = $config["env"]["paths"]["symroot"] rescue puts " - Error parsing build.yml make sure you have all of the required fields (see generated build.yml)" errors << "invalid build.yml" end makesis = File.join(tools,"makesis.exe") makekeys = File.join(tools,"makekeys.exe") signsis = File.join(tools,"signsis.exe") if not FileTest.exists? makesis puts " - makesis not found. Make sure you have the correct path to the symbian tools folder in your build.yml file " errors << "makesis missing" end if not FileTest.exists? makekeys puts " - makekeys not found. Make sure you have the correct path to the symbian tools folder in your build.yml file " errors << "makekeys missing" end if not FileTest.exists? signsis puts " - signsis not found. Make sure you have the correct path to the symbian tools folder in your build.yml file " errors << "signsis missing" end if not FileTest.exists? symroot puts " - symroot not found. Make sure you have the correct path to the symbian root folder in your build.yml file " errors << "symroot missing" end puts "\nSYMROOT: " + symroot if errors.size > 0 puts "\nFound the following errors for symbian: " errors.each { |error| puts "\t" + error.to_s } else puts "Symbian config appears valid" end end end