var BBCrud = BBCrud || {}; BBCrud.Modals = (function () { var modals = { /** * Displays a bootbox modal dialog form. * @param {Number} id related model id * @param {String} title modal dialog title * @param {String} btnLabel submit button label * @param {String} url URL address pointing to rails route with form partial * @param {Function} [onLoad] function to be executed after successfully loading the form partial into the modal dialog * @param {Number} [onSubmitTimeout] timeout to use with onSubmit function, if it is defined * @param {Function} [onSubmit] function to be executed after the form was submitted * @param {Object} options * @param {String} options.baseUrl related model base URL, used for delete button * @param {Object} * @param {Boolean} [] prohibits form submission if set to true, submit just hides the dialog * @param {Boolean} [] set to true if you don't want to show a delete button on the dialog */ form: function(id, title, btnLabel, url, onLoad, onSubmitTimeout, onSubmit, options) { options = $.extend({ data: {} }, options); var buttons = { close: { "label" : "Close" }, submit: { "label" : btnLabel, "className" : "btn-success", "callback": function() { if ( !== true) { $('.bootbox.modal').find('input[type="submit"]').closest('form').submit(); } if (onSubmit !== null && typeof onSubmit !== 'undefined') { setTimeout(onSubmit, onSubmitTimeout); } return false; } } }; if (id !== -1 && !== false) { $.extend(buttons, { delete: { "label" : "Delete", "className" : "btn-danger", "callback" : function() { modals.delete(id, options.baseUrl); return false; } } }) } var bbOptions = Object.keys( (result, key) { if (key.indexOf('bb') !== -1) { var cleanKey = key.replace('bb', ''); cleanKey = cleanKey[0].toLowerCase() + cleanKey.slice(1); result[cleanKey] =[key]; } return result; }, {}); var modal = bootbox.dialog($.extend(bbOptions || {}, { message : "Loading form...", title : title, backdrop : "static", keyboard : false, show : true, header : title, buttons: buttons })); var reqParams = Object.keys( (result, key) { if (key.indexOf('bb') === -1) { result[key] =[key]; } return result; }, {}); $.get(url, reqParams, function(data) { var result = $(data); var content = result.attr('id') === 'content' ? result : result.find('#content'); modal.find('.modal-body').html(content); modal.find('.form-actions').hide(); if (onLoad !== null && typeof onLoad !== 'undefined') { onLoad(); } }); }, create: function (title, baseUrl, exec, data) { modals.update(-1, title, baseUrl, exec, true, undefined, undefined, data); }, update: function (id, title, baseUrl, exec, createMode, timeout, timeoutExec, data) { if (typeof id === 'object') id =; var primaryBtnLabel = createMode ? 'Create' : 'Update'; var url = createMode ? baseUrl + 'new' : baseUrl + id + '/edit'; modals.form(id, title, primaryBtnLabel, url, exec, timeout, timeoutExec, { baseUrl: baseUrl, data: data }); }, other: function (id, title, baseUrl, actionName, exec, timeout, timeoutExec, data) { if (typeof id === 'object') id =; var url = baseUrl + id + '/' + actionName; modals.form(id, title, actionName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + actionName.slice(1), url, exec, timeout, timeoutExec, { baseUrl: baseUrl, data: $.extend({'bb-show-delete': false}, data) }); }, delete: function (id, baseUrl, exec) { bootbox.confirm('Are you sure?', function(result) { if (result === true) { $.ajax({ url: baseUrl + id, contentType: "application/javascript", dataType: 'script', type: 'DELETE' }).success(function () { if (typeof exec !== 'undefined') { exec(); }'Deleted'); }).error(function () {'Something went wrong!'); }); } }); }, show: function(id, title, baseUrl, data) { var modal = bootbox.dialog($.extend(, { message : "Loading form...", title : title, backdrop : "static", keyboard : false, show : true, header : title, buttons: { close: { "label" : "Close" } } })); $.get(baseUrl + id, function(result) { handleResponse(result); }).error(function (response) { if (response.status === 200) { handleResponse(response.responseText); } console.log(response); }); function handleResponse(response) { var result = $(response); var content = result.attr('id') === 'content' ? result : result.find('#content'); modal.find('.modal-body').html(content); } }, // general click handler displaying create or update form in modal initBtnHandler: function() { $(document).on('click', '[data-entity]', function() { var link = $(this); var args = $.extend({},; delete args['entity']; delete args['action']; BBCrud.Models['entity')]['action')].call(link, args); return false; }); } }; return modals; }()); BBCrud.Modals.initBtnHandler(); BBCrud.Models = (function () { function defineModelActions(modelName, actions) { if (typeof BBCrud.Models[modelName] === 'undefined') { BBCrud.Models[modelName] = actions; } else { $.extend(BBCrud.Models[modelName], actions); } } return { add: function(modelName, url, titleName) { var modelCRUD = (function () { var baseUrl = url; return { new: function (data) { BBCrud.Modals.create('Create ' + titleName, baseUrl, null, data); }, edit: function (data) { BBCrud.Modals.update(, 'Edit ' + titleName, baseUrl, undefined, false, undefined, undefined, data); }, show: function (data) {, titleName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + titleName.slice(1) + ' detail', baseUrl, data); } }; }()); defineModelActions(modelName, modelCRUD); }, addAction: function(modelName, url, titleName, actionName) { var action = (function () { var baseUrl = url; var modelAction = {}; modelAction[actionName] = function (data) { BBCrud.Modals.other(, actionName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + actionName.slice(1) + ' ' + titleName, baseUrl, actionName, null, 0, null, data); }; return modelAction; }()); defineModelActions(modelName, action); } }; }()); BBCrud.Alert = (function() { var elem, hideHandler, alert = {}; alert.init = function(options) { elem = $(options.selector); }; = function(text) { clearTimeout(hideHandler); elem.find("span").html(text); elem.fadeIn(); hideHandler = setTimeout(function() { alert.hide(); }, 4000); }; alert.hide = function() { elem.fadeOut(); }; return alert; }()); $(function() { BBCrud.Alert.init({selector: '.bb-alert'}); });