require 'optparse' options = {} # App options are options that the application can supply to extend this command app_options = @application_options || [] opt_parser = do |opts| opts.banner = <<-EOT Clear all existing bin, softbin or test number allocations in the given TestId database. Usage: origen test_ids:clear [ID] [options] Examples: origen test_ids:clear --bins # Clear the bins in the default database origen test_ids:clear wafer_test --numbers # Clear the test numbers in the wafer_test database origen test_ids:clear --bins --softbin --numbers # Clear everything in the default database EOT opts.on('--bins', 'Clear the bin database') { options[:bins] = true } opts.on('--softbins', 'Clear the softbin database') { options[:softbins] = true } opts.on('--numbers', 'Clear the test number database') { options[:numbers] = true } opts.on('--ranges', 'Clear the ranges database') { options[:ranges] = true } # opts.on('-pl', '--plugin PLUGIN_NAME', String, 'Set current plugin') { |pl_n| options[:current_plugin] = pl_n } opts.on('-d', '--debugger', 'Enable the debugger') { options[:debugger] = true } app_options.each do |app_option| opts.on(*app_option) {} end opts.separator '' opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') { puts opts; exit 0 } end opt_parser.parse! ARGV local = TestIds::Git.path_to_local git = local) TestIds.repo = git.repo.remote.url git.get_lock rollback_id = nil begin # Get the commit before the lock to give the user later rollback_id = git.repo.object('HEAD^').sha[0, 11] a = TestIds.load_allocator(ARGV.first) if a.nil? Origen.log.error "No configuration file could be found for file ID: '#{ARGV.first}'!" Origen.log.warn 'By default, the correct ID to pass in will need to match the filename in the form: store_.json' fail end a.clear(options) ensure git.publish end if rollback_id puts puts 'TestIDs database cleared as requested, you can rollback this change by running:' puts puts " origen test_ids:rollback #{rollback_id}" puts end