require "spec_helper" require "fileutils" require "open3" RSpec.describe "Adding Stitches to a New Rails App", :integration do let(:work_dir) { Dir.mktmpdir } let(:rails_app_name) { "swamp-thing" } let(:rails_root) { Pathname(work_dir) / rails_app_name } def run(command) stdout, stderr, stat = Open3.capture3({ 'BUNDLE_GEMFILE' => rails_root.join('Gemfile').to_path }, command) success = stat.success? && stdout !~ /Could not find generator/im if ENV["DEBUG"] == 'true' || !success $stdout.puts stdout $stderr.puts stderr end unless success raise "'#{command}' failed" end end around(:each) do |example| rails_new = [ "rails new #{rails_app_name}", "--skip-yarn", "--skip-git", "--skip-keeps", "--skip-action-mailer", "--skip-active-storage", "--skip-action-cable", "--skip-spring", "--skip-listen", "--skip-coffee", "--skip-javascript", "--skip-turbolinks", "--skip-bootsnap", "--no-rc", "--skip-bundle", ].join(" ") # Use this local version of stitches rather than the one on Rubygems gem_path = File.expand_path("../..", File.dirname(__FILE__)) use_local_stitches = %{echo "gem 'stitches', path: '#{gem_path}'" >> Gemfile} Bundler.with_clean_env do FileUtils.chdir work_dir do run rails_new FileUtils.chdir rails_app_name do run use_local_stitches # It's unclear why, but on CI the gems are not found when installed # through bundler however installing them explicitly first fixes it. run "gem install apitome rspec-rails rspec_api_documentation" run "bundle install" end end end end it "works as described in the README" do run "bin/rails generate stitches:api" # Yuck! So much duplication! BUT: Rails app templates have a notoriously silent failure mode, so mostly # what this is doing is ensuring that the generator inserted stuff when asked and that the very basics of what happens # during generation are there. It's gross, and I'm sorry. # # It's also in one big block because making a new rails app and running the generator multiple times seems bad. aggregate_failures do expect(File.exist?(rails_root / "app" / "controllers" / "api" / "api_controller.rb")).to eq(true) expect(rails_root / "Gemfile").to contain_gem("apitome") expect(rails_root / "Gemfile").to contain_gem("rspec_api_documentation") expect(rails_root / "config" / "routes.rb").to have_route(namespace: :api, module_scope: :v1, resource: 'ping') expect(rails_root / "config" / "routes.rb").to have_route(namespace: :api, module_scope: :v2, resource: 'ping') expect(rails_root / "config" / "routes.rb").to have_mounted_engine("Apitome::Engine") migrations = Dir["#{rails_root}/db/migrate/*.rb"].sort expect(migrations.size).to eq(2) expect(migrations[0]).to match(/\/\d+_enable_uuid_ossp_extension.rb/) expect(migrations[1]).to match(/\/\d+_create_api_clients.rb/) expect( / "spec" / "rails_helper.rb")).to include("config.include RSpec::Rails::RequestExampleGroup, type: :feature") expect( / "spec" / "rails_helper.rb")).to include("require 'stitches/spec'") expect( / "spec" / "rails_helper.rb")).to include("require 'rspec_api_documentation'") expect( / "config" / "initializers" / "apitome.rb")).to include("config.mount_at = nil") expect( / "config" / "initializers" / "apitome.rb")).to include("config.title = 'Service Documentation'") expect( / "app" / "controllers" / "api" / "api_controller.rb")).to include("rescue_from StandardError") expect( / "app" / "controllers" / "api" / "api_controller.rb")).to include("rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound") run "bin/rails generate stitches:add_enabled_to_api_clients" migrations = Dir["#{rails_root}/db/migrate/*.rb"].sort expect(migrations.size).to eq(3) run "bin/rails generate stitches:add_disabled_at_to_api_clients" migrations = Dir["#{rails_root}/db/migrate/*.rb"].sort expect(migrations.size).to eq(4) end end it "inserts the deprecation module into ApiController" do run "bin/rails generate stitches:api" api_controller = rails_root / "app" / "controllers" / "api" / "api_controller.rb" api_controller_contents =\n/),"w") do |file| api_controller_contents.each do |line| file.puts line unless line =~ /Stitches::Deprecation/ end end run "bin/rails generate stitches:add_deprecation" lines =\n/) include_line = lines.detect { |line| line =~ /^\s+include Stitches::Deprecation$/ } expect(include_line).to_not be_nil,lines.inspect end class RoutesFileAnalysis attr_reader :routes_file def initialize(routes_file, namespace: nil, module_scope: nil, resource: nil, mounted_engine: nil) @routes_file =\n/) @found_namespace = false @found_module = false @found_resource = false @found_engine = false @engine_mounted = false @routes_file.each do |line| if line =~ /namespace :#{namespace} do/ @found_namespace = true end if @found_namespace && line =~ /^\s*scope module: :#{module_scope}, constraints: Stitches::ApiVersionConstraint/ @found_module = true end if @found_module && line =~ /^\s*resource\s+['"]#{resource}["']/ @found_resource = true end if line =~ /api_docs =\(#{mounted_engine}/ @found_engine = true end if @found_engine && line =~ /mount api_docs/ @engine_mounted = true end end end def found_namespace? @found_namespace end def found_module? @found_module end def found_resource? @found_resource end def found_engine? @found_engine end def engine_mounted? @engine_mounted end end RSpec::Matchers.define :have_mounted_engine do |engine_name| match do |routes_file| analysis =, mounted_engine: engine_name) analysis.engine_mounted? end failure_message do |routes_file| analysis =, mounted_engine: engine_name) error = if analysis.found_engine? "Found engine #{engine_name}, but it's not mounted" else "Didn't find engine #{engine_name}" end error + "\n#{"\n"))}" end end RSpec::Matchers.define :have_route do |namespace:, module_scope:, resource:| match do |routes_file| analysis =, namespace: namespace, module_scope: module_scope, resource: resource) analysis.found_resource? && analysis.found_module? && analysis.found_namespace? end failure_message do |routes_file| analysis =, namespace: namespace, module_scope: module_scope, resource: resource) error = if analysis.found_namespace? if analysis.found_module? "Could not find resource '#{resource}'" else "Could not find module '#{scope_module}'" end else "Could not find namespace '#{namespace}'" end error + "\n#{"\n"))}" end end RSpec::Matchers.define :contain_gem do |gem_name| match do |gemfile|\n/).any? { |line| line =~ /^\s*gem [\"\']#{gem_name}[\"\']/ } end failure_message do |gemfile| "#{gem_name} not found in #{gemfile}:\n#{}" end end end