require 'spec_helper' describe ApiClient::Base do let(:user) { } let(:collection) { } describe '.initialize' do context "with a hash {:a => 'a', :b => 'b'}" do before :each do @user ={:a => 'a', :b => 'b'}) end it 'should set #a' do @user.a.should == 'a' end it 'should set #b' do @user.b.should == 'b' end it 'should initialize errors' do @user.errors.should be_an_instance_of(ApiClient::Errors) end end context "with a hash with string keys {'a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b' }" do before :each do @user ={ 'user' => { 'a' => 'a', "b" => "b" } }) end it 'should initialize attributes' do @user.attributes.should == { :a => 'a', :b => 'b' } end end context 'with a root node' do before :each do @user ={ :user => { :a => 'a', :b => 'b' } }) end it 'should initialize attributes' do @user.attributes.should == { :a => 'a', :b => 'b' } end end end describe '.path' do describe 'when not configured' do it 'should return a name based on the class name' do User.path.should == 'users' end end describe 'when properly configured' do before :each do User.path = 'admins' end it 'should return the path value' do User.path.should == 'admins' end end end describe '.path=' do describe "with a string without '/'" do before :each do User.path = 'users' end it 'should set it as passed' do User.path.should == 'users' end end describe "with a string with '/'" do before :each do User.path = '/users' end it "should set it without the '/'" do User.path.should == 'users' end end end describe '.remote_object' do context 'on a class without remote object specification' do it 'should return the class name' do User.remote_object.should == 'user' end end context 'on a class with remote object specification' do it 'should return the class name' do Admin.remote_object.should == 'user' end end end describe '.remote_object=' do it 'should set the remote object name' do Admin.remote_object.should == 'user' end end describe '#persisted?' do it 'should return false' do be_persisted end end describe '.associations=' do before :each do @group = => [ :user => {:a => 'a'}], :owner => {:b => 'b'}) end it 'should instantiate a collection of members' do @group.members.should be_an_instance_of(Array) end it 'should instantiate the member' do @group.members.first.should be_an_instance_of(User) end it 'should instantiate the owner' do @group.owner.should be_an_instance_of(Admin) end end describe '.attributes' do it 'should return an array of attributes' do User.attributes.should == [:a, :b] end end describe '#attributes' do it 'should return a hash with the attributes and currently values' do == { :a => nil, :b => nil } end end describe '.collection' do before :each do ApiClient::Collection.stub(:new).with(User, 'users').and_return(collection) collection.stub(:collection => [ user, user ]) end it 'should return a collection of objects' do User.collection.should == [ user, user ] end end describe '#errors=' do before :each do @user = => { 'a' => 'message', 'b' => 'message' }) end it 'should set @errors with symbolic keys and messages as an array' do @user.errors.messages.should == { :a => %w(message), :b => %w(message) } end end describe 'requests' do context 'on the class' do before :each do stub_request(:any, '').to_return(:body => {'a' => 'b'}.to_json) end it 'should return a new instance' do User.get.should be_an_instance_of(User) end it 'should set the response on the instance' do User.get.response.should == { 'a' => 'b' } end end context 'on an object' do before :each do stub_request(:any, '').to_return(:body => {'a' => 'b'}.to_json) @user = end it 'should return a new instance' do @user.get.should be_an_instance_of(User) end it 'should set the response on the instance' do @user.get.response.should == {'a' => 'b'} end end end end