/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Copyright 2022-Present Couchbase, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF * ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "range_scan_orchestrator.hxx" #include "agent.hxx" #include "collections_options.hxx" #include "logger/logger.hxx" #include "range_scan_load_balancer.hxx" #include "range_scan_options.hxx" #include "couchbase/error_codes.hxx" #include "utils/movable_function.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace couchbase::core { [[nodiscard]] auto mutation_state_to_snapshot_requirements(const std::optional& state) -> std::map> { if (!state) { return {}; } std::map> requirements; for (const auto& token : state->tokens) { auto& requirement = requirements[token.partition_id()]; if (!requirement.has_value() || requirement->sequence_number < token.sequence_number()) { requirement.emplace( range_snapshot_requirements{ token.partition_uuid(), token.sequence_number() }); } } return requirements; } // Sent by the vbucket scan stream when it either completes or fails with a fatal error struct scan_stream_end_signal { std::uint16_t vbucket_id; std::optional error{}; }; class range_scan_stream : public std::enable_shared_from_this { // The stream has failed and should not be retried struct failed { std::error_code ec; bool fatal{ true }; }; // The stream is currently running struct running { std::vector uuid; }; // The stream has completed and the items have been retrieved struct completed { }; public: range_scan_stream(asio::io_context& io, agent kv_provider, std::uint16_t vbucket_id, std::int16_t node_id, range_scan_create_options create_options, range_scan_continue_options continue_options, std::weak_ptr stream_manager) : agent_{ std::move(kv_provider) } , io_{ io } , vbucket_id_{ vbucket_id } , node_id_{ node_id } , create_options_{ std::move(create_options) } , continue_options_{ std::move(continue_options) } , stream_manager_{ std::move(stream_manager) } { } void start() { // Fail the stream if more time than the timeout has elapsed since the stream was first // attempted (if this is a retry) if (first_attempt_timestamp_.has_value()) { if (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - first_attempt_timestamp_.value() > create_options_.timeout) { CB_LOG_DEBUG( "stream for vbucket_id {} cannot be retried because it has exceeded the timeout", vbucket_id_); state_ = failed{ errc::common::unambiguous_timeout, !is_sampling_scan() }; if (auto mgr = stream_manager_.lock(); mgr != nullptr) { mgr->stream_failed( node_id_, vbucket_id_, errc::common::unambiguous_timeout, error_is_fatal()); } return; } } else { first_attempt_timestamp_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); } CB_LOG_TRACE("starting stream for vbucket {} in node {}", vbucket_id_, node_id_); if (std::holds_alternative(create_options_.scan_type) && !last_seen_key_.empty()) { std::get(create_options_.scan_type).from = scan_term{ last_seen_key_ }; } agent_.range_scan_create( vbucket_id_, create_options_, [self = shared_from_this()](auto res, auto ec) { if (ec) { if (ec == errc::key_value::document_not_found) { // Benign error CB_LOG_TRACE("ignoring vbucket_id {} because no documents exist for it", self->vbucket_id_); self->state_ = failed{ ec, false }; if (auto mgr = self->stream_manager_.lock(); mgr != nullptr) { mgr->stream_failed(self->node_id_, self->vbucket_id_, ec, self->error_is_fatal()); } } else if (ec == errc::common::temporary_failure) { // Retryable error - server is overwhelmed, retry after reducing concurrency CB_LOG_DEBUG("received busy status during scan from vbucket with ID {} - reducing " "concurrency & retrying", self->vbucket_id_); self->state_ = std::monostate{}; if (auto mgr = self->stream_manager_.lock(); mgr != nullptr) { mgr->stream_start_failed_awaiting_retry(self->node_id_, self->vbucket_id_); } } else if (ec == errc::common::internal_server_failure || ec == errc::common::collection_not_found) { // Fatal errors self->state_ = failed{ ec, true }; if (auto mgr = self->stream_manager_.lock(); mgr != nullptr) { mgr->stream_failed(self->node_id_, self->vbucket_id_, ec, self->error_is_fatal()); } } else { // Unexpected errors CB_LOG_DEBUG("received unexpected error {} from stream for vbucket {} during range " "scan continue ({})", ec.value(), self->vbucket_id_, ec.message()); self->state_ = failed{ ec, true }; if (auto mgr = self->stream_manager_.lock(); mgr != nullptr) { mgr->stream_failed(self->node_id_, self->vbucket_id_, ec, self->error_is_fatal()); } } return; } self->state_ = running{ std::move(res.scan_uuid) }; return self->resume(); }); } void should_cancel() { should_cancel_ = true; } [[nodiscard]] auto node_id() const -> std::int16_t { return node_id_; } private: void fail(std::error_code ec) { if (is_failed()) { return; } bool fatal = false; if (ec == errc::key_value::document_not_found || ec == errc::common::authentication_failure || ec == errc::common::collection_not_found || ec == errc::common::request_canceled) { // Errors that are fatal unless this is a sampling scan fatal = !is_sampling_scan(); } else if (ec == errc::common::feature_not_available || ec == errc::common::invalid_argument || ec == errc::common::temporary_failure) { // Errors that are always fatal fatal = true; } else { // Unexpected error - always fatal CB_LOG_DEBUG( "received unexpected error {} from stream for vbucket {} during range scan continue ({})", ec.value(), vbucket_id_, ec.message()); fatal = true; } state_ = failed{ ec, fatal }; if (auto mgr = stream_manager_.lock(); mgr != nullptr) { mgr->stream_failed(node_id_, vbucket_id_, ec, fatal); } } void complete() { if (is_failed() || is_completed()) { return; } if (auto mgr = stream_manager_.lock(); mgr != nullptr) { mgr->stream_completed(node_id_, vbucket_id_); } state_ = completed{}; } void cancel() { auto scan_uuid = uuid(); if (scan_uuid.empty()) { // The stream is not currently running return; } asio::post(asio::bind_executor(io_, [self = shared_from_this(), scan_uuid]() mutable { self->agent_.range_scan_cancel( scan_uuid, self->vbucket_id_, {}, [](auto /* res */, auto /* ec */) { }); })); } [[nodiscard]] auto is_running() const -> bool { return std::holds_alternative(state_); } [[nodiscard]] auto is_failed() const -> bool { return std::holds_alternative(state_); } [[nodiscard]] auto is_completed() const -> bool { return std::holds_alternative(state_); } void resume() { if (!is_running()) { return; } if (should_cancel_) { cancel(); return; } asio::post(asio::bind_executor(io_, [self = shared_from_this()]() mutable { self->agent_.range_scan_continue( self->uuid(), self->vbucket_id_, self->continue_options_, [self](auto item) { // The scan has already been cancelled, no need to send items if (self->should_cancel_) { return; } self->last_seen_key_ = item.key; if (auto mgr = self->stream_manager_.lock(); mgr != nullptr) { mgr->stream_received_item(std::move(item)); } }, [self](auto res, auto ec) { if (ec) { return self->fail(ec); } if (res.complete) { return self->complete(); } if (res.more) { return self->resume(); } }); })); } [[nodiscard]] auto uuid() const -> std::vector { try { return std::get(state_).uuid; } catch (std::bad_variant_access&) { return {}; } } [[nodiscard]] auto error() const -> std::error_code { if (is_failed()) { return std::get(state_).ec; } return {}; } [[nodiscard]] auto error_is_fatal() const -> bool { if (is_failed()) { return std::get(state_).fatal; } return {}; } [[nodiscard]] auto is_sampling_scan() const -> bool { return std::holds_alternative(create_options_.scan_type); } agent agent_; asio::io_context& io_; std::uint16_t vbucket_id_; std::int16_t node_id_; range_scan_create_options create_options_; range_scan_continue_options continue_options_; std::weak_ptr stream_manager_; std::string last_seen_key_{}; std::variant state_{}; std::atomic should_cancel_{ false }; std::optional> first_attempt_timestamp_{}; }; class range_scan_orchestrator_impl : public std::enable_shared_from_this , public range_scan_item_iterator , public scan_stream_manager { public: range_scan_orchestrator_impl( asio::io_context& io, agent kv_provider, topology::configuration::vbucket_map vbucket_map, std::string scope_name, std::string collection_name, std::variant scan_type, range_scan_orchestrator_options options) : io_{ io } , agent_{ std::move(kv_provider) } , vbucket_map_{ std::move(vbucket_map) } , scope_name_{ std::move(scope_name) } , collection_name_{ std::move(collection_name) } , load_balancer_{ vbucket_map_ } , items_{ io, 1024 } , scan_type_{ std::move(scan_type) } , options_{ std::move(options) } , vbucket_to_snapshot_requirements_{ mutation_state_to_snapshot_requirements( options_.consistent_with) } , concurrency_{ options_.concurrency } { if (std::holds_alternative(scan_type_)) { auto s = std::get(scan_type); item_limit_ = s.limit; // Set the seed of the load balancer to ensure that if the sampling scan is run multiple times // the vbuckets are scanned in the same order when concurrency is 1. This guarantees that the // items returned will be the same. We cannot guarantee this when concurrency is greater than // 1, as the order of the vbucket scans depends on how long each scan takes and what the load // on a node is at any given time. if (s.seed.has_value()) { load_balancer_.seed(s.seed.value()); } } } void scan(scan_callback&& cb) { if (item_limit_ == 0 || concurrency_ == 0) { return cb(errc::common::invalid_argument, {}); } const get_collection_id_options get_cid_options{ options_.retry_strategy, options_.timeout, options_.parent_span }; agent_.get_collection_id( scope_name_, collection_name_, get_cid_options, [self = shared_from_this(), cb = std::move(cb)](auto get_cid_res, auto ec) mutable { if (ec) { return cb(ec, {}); } self->collection_id_ = get_cid_res.collection_id; auto batch_time_limit = std::chrono::duration_cast(0.9 * self->options_.timeout); const range_scan_continue_options continue_options{ self->options_.batch_item_limit, self->options_.batch_byte_limit, batch_time_limit, self->options_.timeout, self->options_.retry_strategy, }; for (std::uint16_t vbucket = 0; vbucket < gsl::narrow_cast(self->vbucket_map_.size()); ++vbucket) { const range_scan_create_options create_options{ self->scope_name_, self->collection_name_, self->scan_type_, self->options_.timeout, self->collection_id_, self->vbucket_to_snapshot_requirements_[vbucket], self->options_.ids_only, self->options_.retry_strategy, }; // Get the active node for the vbucket (values in vbucket map are the active node id // followed by the ids of the replicas) auto node_id = self->vbucket_map_[vbucket][0]; auto stream = std::make_shared( self->io_, self->agent_, vbucket, node_id, create_options, continue_options, std::static_pointer_cast(self)); self->streams_[vbucket] = stream; } self->start_streams(self->concurrency_); // Transferring ownership of the range_scan_orchestrator impl to the scan_result return cb({}, scan_result(std::move(self))); }); } void cancel() override { cancelled_ = true; for (const auto& [vbucket_id, stream] : streams_) { stream->should_cancel(); } } auto is_cancelled() -> bool override { return cancelled_; } auto next() -> std::future> override { auto barrier = std::make_shared>>(); next([barrier](range_scan_item item, std::error_code ec) mutable { if (ec) { barrier->set_value(tl::unexpected{ ec }); } else { barrier->set_value(std::move(item)); } }); return barrier->get_future(); } void next(utils::movable_function callback) override { if (item_limit_ == 0) { callback({}, errc::key_value::range_scan_completed); cancel(); return; } --item_limit_; next_item(std::move(callback)); } template void next_item(Handler&& handler) { if (streams_.empty() || cancelled_) { items_.cancel(); items_.close(); return handler({}, errc::key_value::range_scan_completed); } items_.async_receive( [self = shared_from_this(), handler = std::forward(handler)]( std::error_code ec, std::variant it) mutable { if (ec) { return handler({}, ec); } if (std::holds_alternative(it)) { handler(std::get(it), {}); } else { auto signal = std::get(it); if (signal.error.has_value()) { // Fatal error handler({}, signal.error.value()); } else { // Empty signal means that stream has completed { const std::lock_guard lock{ self->stream_map_mutex_ }; self->streams_.erase(signal.vbucket_id); } return asio::post(asio::bind_executor( self->io_, [self, handler = std::forward(handler)]() mutable { self->next_item(std::forward(handler)); })); } } }); } void start_streams(std::uint16_t stream_count) { if (cancelled_) { CB_LOG_TRACE("scan has been cancelled, do not start another stream"); return; } std::uint16_t counter{ 0 }; while (counter < stream_count) { auto vbucket_id = load_balancer_.select_vbucket(); if (!vbucket_id.has_value()) { CB_LOG_TRACE("no more scans, all vbuckets have been scanned"); return; } auto v = vbucket_id.value(); std::shared_ptr stream{}; { const std::lock_guard lock{ stream_map_mutex_ }; stream = streams_.at(v); } CB_LOG_TRACE("scanning vbucket {} at node {}", vbucket_id.value(), stream->node_id()); active_stream_count_++; counter++; asio::post(asio::bind_executor(io_, [stream]() mutable { stream->start(); })); } } void stream_received_item(range_scan_item item) override { items_.async_send({}, std::move(item), [](std::error_code ec) { if (ec && ec != asio::experimental::error::channel_closed && ec != asio::experimental::error::channel_cancelled) { CB_LOG_WARNING( "unexpected error while sending to scan item channel: {} ({})", ec.value(), ec.message()); } }); } void stream_failed(std::int16_t node_id, std::uint16_t vbucket_id, std::error_code ec, bool fatal) override { if (!fatal) { return stream_completed(node_id, vbucket_id); } load_balancer_.notify_stream_ended(node_id); active_stream_count_--; items_.async_send({}, scan_stream_end_signal{ vbucket_id, ec }, [](std::error_code ec) { if (ec && ec != asio::experimental::error::channel_closed && ec != asio::experimental::error::channel_cancelled) { CB_LOG_WARNING( "unexpected error while sending to scan item channel: {} ({})", ec.value(), ec.message()); } }); return cancel(); } void stream_completed(std::int16_t node_id, std::uint16_t vbucket_id) override { load_balancer_.notify_stream_ended(node_id); active_stream_count_--; items_.async_send({}, scan_stream_end_signal{ vbucket_id }, [](std::error_code ec) { if (ec && ec != asio::experimental::error::channel_closed && ec != asio::experimental::error::channel_cancelled) { CB_LOG_WARNING( "unexpected error while sending to scan item channel: {} ({})", ec.value(), ec.message()); } }); return start_streams(1); } void stream_start_failed_awaiting_retry(std::int16_t node_id, std::uint16_t vbucket_id) override { load_balancer_.notify_stream_ended(node_id); active_stream_count_--; load_balancer_.enqueue_vbucket(node_id, vbucket_id); if (active_stream_count_ == 0) { return start_streams(1); } } private: asio::io_context& io_; agent agent_; topology::configuration::vbucket_map vbucket_map_; std::string scope_name_; std::string collection_name_; range_scan_load_balancer load_balancer_; asio::experimental::concurrent_channel< void(std::error_code, std::variant)> items_; std::uint32_t collection_id_{ 0 }; std::variant scan_type_; range_scan_orchestrator_options options_; std::map> vbucket_to_snapshot_requirements_; std::map> streams_{}; std::mutex stream_map_mutex_{}; std::atomic_uint16_t active_stream_count_{ 0 }; std::uint16_t concurrency_{ 1 }; std::size_t item_limit_{ std::numeric_limits::max() }; std::atomic cancelled_{ false }; }; range_scan_orchestrator::range_scan_orchestrator( asio::io_context& io, agent kv_provider, topology::configuration::vbucket_map vbucket_map, std::string scope_name, std::string collection_name, std::variant scan_type, range_scan_orchestrator_options options) : impl_{ std::make_shared(io, std::move(kv_provider), std::move(vbucket_map), std::move(scope_name), std::move(collection_name), std::move(scan_type), std::move(options)) } { } auto range_scan_orchestrator::scan() -> tl::expected { auto barrier = std::make_shared>>(); auto f = barrier->get_future(); scan([barrier](auto ec, auto res) mutable { if (ec) { return barrier->set_value(tl::unexpected(ec)); } barrier->set_value(res); }); return f.get(); } void range_scan_orchestrator::scan(couchbase::core::scan_callback&& cb) { if (impl_) { return impl_->scan(std::move(cb)); } cb(errc::common::request_canceled, {}); } } // namespace couchbase::core