require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'notifier') module AuthHelpers module Model # Adds a module that deals with forgot your password. # module Recoverable def self.included(base) base.send(:attr_accessible, :reset_password_code) base.extend ClassMethods end # Reset the password with the new_password is equals its confirmation and # set reset password code to nil. # def reset_password!(new_password, new_password_confirmation) self.password = new_password self.password_confirmation = new_password_confirmation if self.valid? self.reset_password_code = nil return end false end # Set a reset password code in the database and send it through e-mail # def send_reset_password_code new_code = AuthHelpers.generate_unique_string_for(self.class, :reset_password_code, 40) self.update_attribute(:reset_password_code, new_code) AuthHelpers::Notifier.deliver_reset_password(self) return true end module ClassMethods # Receives a hash with reset_password_code, password and password confirmation. # Tries to find the account with the sent password code, and then, if password and password # confirmation matches, changes the password. Otherwise return an account object with errors. # def find_and_reset_password(options={}) recoverable = AuthHelpers.find_or_initialize_by_unless_blank(self, :reset_password_code, options[:reset_password_code]) if recoverable.new_record? recoverable.errors.add :reset_password_code, :invalid else recoverable.reset_password!(options[:password], options[:password_confirmation]) end return recoverable end # Receives a hash with email and tries to find the account to send a new reset password code. # If the e-mail can't be found return an account object with errors. # def find_and_send_reset_password_code(options={}) recoverable = AuthHelpers.find_or_initialize_by_unless_blank(self, :email, options[:email]) if recoverable.new_record? recoverable.errors.add :email, :not_found, options else recoverable.send_reset_password_code end return recoverable end end end end end