# encoding: utf-8 # = producer.rb -- EPUB producer. # # Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Kenshi Muto # # This program is free software. # You can distribute or modify this program under the terms of # the GNU LGPL, Lesser General Public License version 2.1. # For details of the GNU LGPL, see the file "COPYING". require 'tmpdir' require 'fileutils' require 'review/yamlloader' require 'epubmaker/content' require 'epubmaker/epubv2' require 'epubmaker/epubv3' require 'review/i18n' require 'review/configure' require 'review/extentions/hash' module EPUBMaker # EPUBMaker produces EPUB file. class Producer # Array of content objects. attr_accessor :contents # Parameter hash. attr_accessor :params # Message resource object. attr_reader :res # Take YAML +file+ and return parameter hash. def Producer.load(file) raise "Can't open #{file}." if file.nil? || !File.exist?(file) loader = ReVIEW::YAMLLoader.new loader.load_file(file) end # Take YAML +file+ and update parameter hash. def load(file) raise "Can't open #{file}." if file.nil? || !File.exist?(file) loader = ReVIEW::YAMLLoader.new merge_params(@params.deep_merge(loader.load_file(file))) end # Construct producer object. # +params+ takes initial parameter hash. This parameters can be overriden by EPUBMaker#load or EPUBMaker#merge_params. # +version+ takes EPUB version (default is 2). def initialize(params=nil, version=nil) @contents = [] @params = ReVIEW::Configure.new @epub = nil @params["epubversion"] = version unless version.nil? @res = ReVIEW::I18n if params merge_params(params) end end def coverimage return nil unless params["coverimage"] @contents.each do |item| if item.media.start_with?('image') && item.file =~ /#{params["coverimage"]}\Z/ # / return item.file end end return nil end # Update parameters by merging from new parameter hash +params+. def merge_params(params) @params.deep_merge!(params) complement unless @params["epubversion"].nil? case @params["epubversion"].to_i when 2 @epub = EPUBMaker::EPUBv2.new(self) when 3 @epub = EPUBMaker::EPUBv3.new(self) else raise "Invalid EPUB version (#{@params["epubversion"]}.)" end end if params["language"] ReVIEW::I18n.locale = params["language"] end support_legacy_maker end # Write mimetype file to IO object +wobj+. def mimetype(wobj) s = @epub.mimetype wobj.print s if !s.nil? && !wobj.nil? end # Write opf file to IO object +wobj+. def opf(wobj) s = @epub.opf wobj.puts s if !s.nil? && !wobj.nil? end # Write ncx file to IO object +wobj+. +indentarray+ defines prefix # string for each level. def ncx(wobj, indentarray=[]) s = @epub.ncx(indentarray) wobj.puts s if !s.nil? && !wobj.nil? end # Write container file to IO object +wobj+. def container(wobj) s = @epub.container wobj.puts s if !s.nil? && !wobj.nil? end # Write cover file to IO object +wobj+. # If Producer#params["coverimage"] is defined, it will be used for # the cover image. def cover(wobj) type = (@params["epubversion"] >= 3) ? "cover" : nil s = @epub.cover(type) wobj.puts s if !s.nil? && !wobj.nil? end # Write title file (copying) to IO object +wobj+. def titlepage(wobj) s = @epub.titlepage wobj.puts s if !s.nil? && !wobj.nil? end # Write colophon file to IO object +wobj+. def colophon(wobj) s = @epub.colophon wobj.puts s if !s.nil? && !wobj.nil? end # Write own toc file to IO object +wobj+. def mytoc(wobj) s = @epub.mytoc wobj.puts s if !s.nil? && !wobj.nil? end # Add informations of figure files in +path+ to contents array. # +base+ defines a string to remove from path name. def import_imageinfo(path, base=nil, allow_exts=nil) return nil unless File.exist?(path) allow_exts = @params["image_ext"] if allow_exts.nil? Dir.foreach(path) do |f| next if f.start_with?('.') if f =~ /\.(#{allow_exts.join("|")})\Z/i path.chop! if path =~ /\/\Z/ if base.nil? @contents.push(EPUBMaker::Content.new({"file" => "#{path}/#{f}"})) else @contents.push(EPUBMaker::Content.new({"file" => "#{path.sub(base + "/", '')}/#{f}"})) end end if FileTest.directory?("#{path}/#{f}") import_imageinfo("#{path}/#{f}", base) end end end alias_method :importImageInfo, :import_imageinfo # Produce EPUB file +epubfile+. # +basedir+ points the directory has contents (default: current directory.) # +tmpdir+ defines temporary directory. def produce(epubfile, basedir=nil, tmpdir=nil) current = Dir.pwd basedir = current if basedir.nil? _tmpdir = tmpdir.nil? ? Dir.mktmpdir : tmpdir epubfile = "#{current}/#{epubfile}" if epubfile !~ /\A\// # / # FIXME: error check File.unlink(epubfile) if File.exist?(epubfile) begin @epub.produce(epubfile, basedir, _tmpdir) ensure FileUtils.rm_r(_tmpdir) if tmpdir.nil? end end def call_hook(filename, *params) if !filename.nil? && File.exist?(filename) && FileTest.executable?(filename) if ENV["REVIEW_SAFE_MODE"].to_i & 1 > 0 warn "hook is prohibited in safe mode. ignored." else system(filename, *params) end end end def isbn_hyphen str = @params["isbn"].to_s if str =~ /\A\d{10}\Z/ "#{str[0..0]}-#{str[1..5]}-#{str[6..8]}-#{str[9..9]}" elsif str =~ /\A\d{13}\Z/ "#{str[0..2]}-#{str[3..3]}-#{str[4..8]}-#{str[9..11]}-#{str[12..12]}" else nil end end private # Complement parameters. def complement @params["htmlext"] = "html" if @params["htmlext"].nil? defaults = ReVIEW::Configure.new.merge({ "language" => "ja", "date" => Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "modified" => Time.now.strftime("%Y-%02m-%02dT%02H:%02M:%02SZ"), "isbn" => nil, "toclevel" => 2, "stylesheet" => [], "epubversion" => 3, "htmlversion" => 5, "secnolevel" => 2, "pre_secnolevel" => 0, "post_secnolevel" => 1, "part_secnolevel" => 1, "titlepage" => nil, "titlefile" => nil, "originaltitlefile" => nil, "profile" => nil, "colophon" => nil, "colophon_order" => %w[aut csl trl dsr ill edt pbl prt pht], "direction" => "ltr", "epubmaker" => { "flattoc" => nil, "flattocindent" => true, "ncx_indent" => [], "zip_stage1" => "zip -0Xq", "zip_stage2" => "zip -Xr9Dq", "zip_addpath" => nil, "hook_beforeprocess" => nil, "hook_afterfrontmatter" => nil, "hook_afterbody" => nil, "hook_afterbackmatter" => nil, "hook_aftercopyimage" => nil, "hook_prepack" => nil, "rename_for_legacy" => nil, "verify_target_images" => nil, "force_include_images" => [], "cover_linear" => nil, }, "externallink" => true, "imagedir" => "images", "fontdir" => "fonts", "image_ext" => %w(png gif jpg jpeg svg ttf woff otf), "font_ext" => %w(ttf woff otf), }) @params = defaults.deep_merge(@params) @params["title"] = @params["booktitle"] unless @params["title"] deprecated_parameters = { "ncxindent" => "epubmaker:ncxindent", "flattoc" => "epubmaker:flattoc", "flattocindent" => "epubmaker:flattocindent", "hook_beforeprocess" => "epubmaker:hook_beforeprocess", "hook_afterfrontmatter" => "epubmaker:hook_afterfrontmatter", "hook_afterbody" => "epubmaker:hook_afterbody", "hook_afterbackmatter" => "epubmaker:hook_afterbackmatter", "hook_aftercopyimage" => "epubmaker:hook_aftercopyimage", "hook_prepack" => "epubmaker:hook_prepack", "rename_for_legacy" => "epubmaker:rename_for_legacy", "zip_stage1" => "epubmaker:zip_stage1", "zip_stage2" => "epubmaker:zip_stage2", "zip_addpath" => "epubmaker:zip_addpath", "verify_target_images" => "epubmaker:verify_target_images", "force_include_images" => "epubmaker:force_include_images", "cover_linear" => "epubmaker:cover_linear", } deprecated_parameters.each_pair do |k, v| unless @params[k].nil? sa = v.split(":", 2) warn "Parameter #{k} is deprecated. Use:\n#{sa[0]}:\n #{sa[1]}: ...\n\n" @params[sa[0]][sa[1]] = @params[k] @params.delete(k) end end @params["htmlversion"] = 5 if @params["epubversion"] >= 3 @params.maker = "epubmaker" @params["cover"] = "#{@params["bookname"]}.#{@params["htmlext"]}" unless @params["cover"] %w[bookname title].each do |k| raise "Key #{k} must have a value. Abort." unless @params[k] end # array %w[subject aut a-adp a-ann a-arr a-art a-asn a-aqt a-aft a-aui a-ant a-bkp a-clb a-cmm a-dsr a-edt a-ill a-lyr a-mdc a-mus a-nrt a-oth a-pht a-prt a-red a-rev a-spn a-ths a-trc a-trl adp ann arr art asn aut aqt aft aui ant bkp clb cmm dsr edt ill lyr mdc mus nrt oth pht pbl prt red rev spn ths trc trl stylesheet rights].each do |item| next unless @params[item] @params[item] = [@params[item]] if @params[item].kind_of?(String) end # optional # type, format, identifier, source, relation, coverpage, aut end def support_legacy_maker # legacy review-epubmaker support if @params["flag_legacy_coverfile"].nil? && !@params["coverfile"].nil? && File.exist?(@params["coverfile"]) @params["cover"] = "#{@params["bookname"]}-cover.#{@params["htmlext"]}" @epub.legacy_cover_and_title_file(@params["coverfile"], @params["cover"]) @params["flag_legacy_coverfile"] = true warn "Parameter 'coverfile' is obsolete. Please use 'cover' and make complete html file with header and footer." end if @params["flag_legacy_titlepagefile"].nil? && !@params["titlepagefile"].nil? && File.exist?(@params["titlepagefile"]) @params["titlefile"] = "#{@params["bookname"]}-title.#{@params["htmlext"]}" @params["titlepage"] = true @epub.legacy_cover_and_title_file(@params["titlepagefile"], @params["titlefile"]) @params["flag_legacy_titlepagefile"] = true warn "Parameter 'titlepagefile' is obsolete. Please use 'titlefile' and make complete html file with header and footer." end if @params["flag_legacy_backcoverfile"].nil? && !@params["backcoverfile"].nil? && File.exist?(@params["backcoverfile"]) @params["backcover"] = "#{@params["bookname"]}-backcover.#{@params["htmlext"]}" @epub.legacy_cover_and_title_file(@params["backcoverfile"], @params["backcover"]) @params["flag_legacy_backcoverfile"] = true warn "Parameter 'backcoverfile' is obsolete. Please use 'backcover' and make complete html file with header and footer." end if @params["flag_legacy_pubhistory"].nil? && !@params["pubhistory"].nil? @params["history"] = [[]] @params["pubhistory"].split("\n").each do |date| @params["history"][0].push(date.sub(/(\d+)年(\d+)月(\d+)日/, '\1-\2-\3')) end @params["flag_legacy_pubhistory"] = true warn "Parameter 'pubhistory' is obsolete. Please use 'history' array." end end end end