! / 1500747262 0 0 0 1482 ` B B B B B B YpYpYpYpYpYpf_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE0EE16GetBuiltinsCountEv_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE0EE16GetDebuggerCountEv_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE0EE8GetIndexEPKc_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE0EE15GetScriptSourceEi_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE0EE13GetScriptNameEi_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE0EE16GetScriptsSourceEv_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE1EE16GetBuiltinsCountEv_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE1EE16GetDebuggerCountEv_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE1EE8GetIndexEPKc_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE1EE15GetScriptSourceEi_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE1EE13GetScriptNameEi_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE1EE16GetScriptsSourceEv_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE2EE16GetBuiltinsCountEv_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE2EE16GetDebuggerCountEv_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE2EE8GetIndexEPKc_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE2EE15GetScriptSourceEi_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE2EE13GetScriptNameEi_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE2EE16GetScriptsSourceEv_ZN2v88internal8Snapshot19DefaultSnapshotBlobEv// 54 ` extras-libraries.o/ experimental-extras-libraries.o/ libraries.o/ 1500747230 1000 1000 100664 146256 ` ELF(,.4( pG pGIIyDFGI FyDEI FyD` BI FyD(l  =I FyD :I FyD 7I FyD 4I FyD 1I FyD .I FyD +I FyD (I FyD %I FyD "I FyD I FyD I FyD I FyD( I FyD(O0  xl`Ry)4)<)D)L)T)])q)z ) ) ) )Y )))))`K"B`{D`pG^KGBB`{D`pG[KCRB`{DC 3`pGWKC2B`{D:C3`pGSK@BB`{DuC=3`pGOK@2B`{D33`pGKK@$RB`{D3s`pGGKDAbB`{D3s`pGBK@gRB`{D3s`pG>KA2B`{D3Q`pG9KFRB`{D33`pG5KBB`{D33`pG1K@-BB`{D3m`pG-K@<"B`{D33`pG(K@s"B`{D3=3`pG$KOarB`{D3s`pGK@B`{D3s`pGK"B`{D33`pGK@2B`{D3|s`pGxndTD4$tdR9)+)/)3)7);)?)I)M )Q )U )Y )9 )[)_)c)g)k9K"B`{D`pG7K"B`{D`pG5K"B`{D`pG3K"B`{D`pG1K"B`{D`pG/K"B`{D`pG-K"B`{D`pG+K"B`{D`pG)K"B`{D`pG'K"B`{D`pG%K"B`{D`pG#K"B`{D`pG!K"B`{D`pGK"B`{D`pGK"B`{D`pGK"B`{D`pGK"B`{D`pGK"B`{D`pGK "B`{D`pG|tld\TLIFB2yD`B`pG (function(a,b){ "use strict"; var c=a.Array; var d=a.isNaN; var e=a.JSON.stringify; var f=a.Map.prototype.entries; var g=(new a.Map).entries().next; var h=(new a.Set).values().next; var i=a.Set.prototype.values; var j={ UNDEFINED_TYPE:'undefined', NULL_TYPE:'null', BOOLEAN_TYPE:'boolean', NUMBER_TYPE:'number', STRING_TYPE:'string', SYMBOL_TYPE:'symbol', OBJECT_TYPE:'object', FUNCTION_TYPE:'function', REGEXP_TYPE:'regexp', ERROR_TYPE:'error', PROPERTY_TYPE:'property', INTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE:'internalProperty', FRAME_TYPE:'frame', SCRIPT_TYPE:'script', CONTEXT_TYPE:'context', SCOPE_TYPE:'scope', PROMISE_TYPE:'promise', MAP_TYPE:'map', SET_TYPE:'set', ITERATOR_TYPE:'iterator', GENERATOR_TYPE:'generator', } function MakeMirror(k){ var l; if((k===(void 0))){ l=new UndefinedMirror(); }else if((k===null)){ l=new NullMirror(); }else if((typeof(k)==='boolean')){ l=new BooleanMirror(k); }else if((typeof(k)==='number')){ l=new NumberMirror(k); }else if((typeof(k)==='string')){ l=new StringMirror(k); }else if((typeof(k)==='symbol')){ l=new SymbolMirror(k); }else if((%_IsArray(k))){ l=new ArrayMirror(k); }else if((%IsDate(k))){ l=new DateMirror(k); }else if((%IsFunction(k))){ l=new FunctionMirror(k); }else if(%IsRegExp(k)){ l=new RegExpMirror(k); }else if((%_ClassOf(k)==='Error')){ l=new ErrorMirror(k); }else if((%_ClassOf(k)==='Script')){ l=new ScriptMirror(k); }else if((%_ClassOf(k)==='Map')||(%_ClassOf(k)==='WeakMap')){ l=new MapMirror(k); }else if((%_ClassOf(k)==='Set')||(%_ClassOf(k)==='WeakSet')){ l=new SetMirror(k); }else if((%_ClassOf(k)==='Map Iterator')||(%_ClassOf(k)==='Set Iterator')){ l=new IteratorMirror(k); }else if(%is_promise(k)){ l=new PromiseMirror(k); }else if((%_ClassOf(k)==='Generator')){ l=new GeneratorMirror(k); }else{ l=new ObjectMirror(k,j.OBJECT_TYPE); } return l; } function GetUndefinedMirror(){ return MakeMirror((void 0)); } function inherits(m,n){ var o=function(){}; o.prototype=n.prototype; m.super_=n.prototype; m.prototype=new o(); m.prototype.constructor=m; } var p=80; var q={}; q.Data=0; q.Accessor=1; var r={}; r.None=0; r.ReadOnly=1; r.DontEnum=2; r.DontDelete=4; var s={Global:0, Local:1, With:2, Closure:3, Catch:4, Block:5, Script:6, Eval:7, Module:8, }; function Mirror(t){ this.type_=t; } Mirror.prototype.type=function(){ return this.type_; }; Mirror.prototype.isValue=function(){ return this instanceof ValueMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isUndefined=function(){ return this instanceof UndefinedMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isNull=function(){ return this instanceof NullMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isBoolean=function(){ return this instanceof BooleanMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isNumber=function(){ return this instanceof NumberMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isString=function(){ return this instanceof StringMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isSymbol=function(){ return this instanceof SymbolMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isObject=function(){ return this instanceof ObjectMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isFunction=function(){ return this instanceof FunctionMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isUnresolvedFunction=function(){ return this instanceof UnresolvedFunctionMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isArray=function(){ return this instanceof ArrayMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isDate=function(){ return this instanceof DateMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isRegExp=function(){ return this instanceof RegExpMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isError=function(){ return this instanceof ErrorMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isPromise=function(){ return this instanceof PromiseMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isGenerator=function(){ return this instanceof GeneratorMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isProperty=function(){ return this instanceof PropertyMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isInternalProperty=function(){ return this instanceof InternalPropertyMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isFrame=function(){ return this instanceof FrameMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isScript=function(){ return this instanceof ScriptMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isContext=function(){ return this instanceof ContextMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isScope=function(){ return this instanceof ScopeMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isMap=function(){ return this instanceof MapMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isSet=function(){ return this instanceof SetMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isIterator=function(){ return this instanceof IteratorMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.toText=function(){ return"#<"+this.constructor.name+">"; }; function ValueMirror(t,k){ %_Call(Mirror,this,t); this.value_=k; } inherits(ValueMirror,Mirror); ValueMirror.prototype.isPrimitive=function(){ var t=this.type(); return t==='undefined'|| t==='null'|| t==='boolean'|| t==='number'|| t==='string'|| t==='symbol'; }; ValueMirror.prototype.value=function(){ return this.value_; }; function UndefinedMirror(){ %_Call(ValueMirror,this,j.UNDEFINED_TYPE,(void 0)); } inherits(UndefinedMirror,ValueMirror); UndefinedMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ return'undefined'; }; function NullMirror(){ %_Call(ValueMirror,this,j.NULL_TYPE,null); } inherits(NullMirror,ValueMirror); NullMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ return'null'; }; function BooleanMirror(k){ %_Call(ValueMirror,this,j.BOOLEAN_TYPE,k); } inherits(BooleanMirror,ValueMirror); BooleanMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ return this.value_?'true':'false'; }; function NumberMirror(k){ %_Call(ValueMirror,this,j.NUMBER_TYPE,k); } inherits(NumberMirror,ValueMirror); NumberMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ return %NumberToString(this.value_); }; function StringMirror(k){ %_Call(ValueMirror,this,j.STRING_TYPE,k); } inherits(StringMirror,ValueMirror); StringMirror.prototype.length=function(){ return this.value_.length; }; StringMirror.prototype.getTruncatedValue=function(u){ if(u!=-1&&this.length()>u){ return this.value_.substring(0,u)+ '... (length: '+this.length()+')'; } return this.value_; }; StringMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ return this.getTruncatedValue(p); }; function SymbolMirror(k){ %_Call(ValueMirror,this,j.SYMBOL_TYPE,k); } inherits(SymbolMirror,ValueMirror); SymbolMirror.prototype.description=function(){ return %SymbolDescription(%ValueOf(this.value_)); } SymbolMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ return %SymbolDescriptiveString(%ValueOf(this.value_)); } function ObjectMirror(k,t){ t=t||j.OBJECT_TYPE; %_Call(ValueMirror,this,t,k); } inherits(ObjectMirror,ValueMirror); ObjectMirror.prototype.className=function(){ return %_ClassOf(this.value_); }; ObjectMirror.prototype.constructorFunction=function(){ return MakeMirror(%DebugGetProperty(this.value_,'constructor')); }; ObjectMirror.prototype.prototypeObject=function(){ return MakeMirror(%DebugGetProperty(this.value_,'prototype')); }; ObjectMirror.prototype.protoObject=function(){ return MakeMirror(%DebugGetPrototype(this.value_)); }; ObjectMirror.prototype.hasNamedInterceptor=function(){ var v=%GetInterceptorInfo(this.value_); return(v&2)!=0; }; ObjectMirror.prototype.hasIndexedInterceptor=function(){ var v=%GetInterceptorInfo(this.value_); return(v&1)!=0; }; ObjectMirror.prototype.propertyNames=function(){ return %GetOwnPropertyKeys(this.value_,0); }; ObjectMirror.prototype.properties=function(){ var w=this.propertyNames(); var x=new c(w.length); for(var y=0;y'; }; ObjectMirror.GetInternalProperties=function(k){ var x=%DebugGetInternalProperties(k); var D=[]; for(var y=0;yK)return new c(); var L=new c(K-J+1); for(var y=J;y<=K;y++){ var A=%DebugGetPropertyDetails(this.value_,(%_ToString(y))); var k; if(A){ k=new PropertyMirror(this,y,A); }else{ k=GetUndefinedMirror(); } L[y-J]=k; } return L; }; function DateMirror(k){ %_Call(ObjectMirror,this,k); } inherits(DateMirror,ObjectMirror); DateMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ var M=e(this.value_); return M.substring(1,M.length-1); }; function RegExpMirror(k){ %_Call(ObjectMirror,this,k,j.REGEXP_TYPE); } inherits(RegExpMirror,ObjectMirror); RegExpMirror.prototype.source=function(){ return this.value_.source; }; RegExpMirror.prototype.global=function(){ return this.value_.global; }; RegExpMirror.prototype.ignoreCase=function(){ return this.value_.ignoreCase; }; RegExpMirror.prototype.multiline=function(){ return this.value_.multiline; }; RegExpMirror.prototype.sticky=function(){ return this.value_.sticky; }; RegExpMirror.prototype.unicode=function(){ return this.value_.unicode; }; RegExpMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ return"/"+this.source()+"/"; }; function ErrorMirror(k){ %_Call(ObjectMirror,this,k,j.ERROR_TYPE); } inherits(ErrorMirror,ObjectMirror); ErrorMirror.prototype.message=function(){ return this.value_.message; }; ErrorMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ var N; try{ N=%ErrorToString(this.value_); }catch(e){ N='#'; } return N; }; function PromiseMirror(k){ %_Call(ObjectMirror,this,k,j.PROMISE_TYPE); } inherits(PromiseMirror,ObjectMirror); function PromiseGetStatus_(k){ var O=%PromiseStatus(k); if(O==0)return"pending"; if(O==1)return"resolved"; return"rejected"; } function PromiseGetValue_(k){ return %PromiseResult(k); } PromiseMirror.prototype.status=function(){ return PromiseGetStatus_(this.value_); }; PromiseMirror.prototype.promiseValue=function(){ return MakeMirror(PromiseGetValue_(this.value_)); }; function MapMirror(k){ %_Call(ObjectMirror,this,k,j.MAP_TYPE); } inherits(MapMirror,ObjectMirror); MapMirror.prototype.entries=function(P){ var D=[]; if((%_ClassOf(this.value_)==='WeakMap')){ var Q=%GetWeakMapEntries(this.value_,P||0); for(var y=0;y3){ this.exception_=A[3]; this.getter_=A[4]; this.setter_=A[5]; } } inherits(PropertyMirror,Mirror); PropertyMirror.prototype.isReadOnly=function(){ return(this.attributes()&r.ReadOnly)!=0; }; PropertyMirror.prototype.isEnum=function(){ return(this.attributes()&r.DontEnum)==0; }; PropertyMirror.prototype.canDelete=function(){ return(this.attributes()&r.DontDelete)==0; }; PropertyMirror.prototype.name=function(){ return this.name_; }; PropertyMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ if((typeof(this.name_)==='symbol'))return %SymbolDescriptiveString(this.name_); return this.name_; }; PropertyMirror.prototype.isIndexed=function(){ for(var y=0;y0; }; FrameDetails.prototype.inlinedFrameIndex=function(){ %CheckExecutionState(this.break_id_); var ap=an; return(this.details_[ag]&ap)>>2; }; FrameDetails.prototype.argumentCount=function(){ %CheckExecutionState(this.break_id_); return this.details_[ab]; }; FrameDetails.prototype.argumentName=function(G){ %CheckExecutionState(this.break_id_); if(G>=0&&G=0&&G=0&&G=0&&G0){ for(var y=0;y0){ D+=this.lineOffset(); D+='-'; D+=this.lineOffset()+this.lineCount()-1; }else{ D+=this.lineCount(); } D+=')'; return D; }; function ContextMirror(aQ){ %_Call(Mirror,this,j.CONTEXT_TYPE); this.data_=aQ; } inherits(ContextMirror,Mirror); ContextMirror.prototype.data=function(){ return this.data_; }; b.InstallFunctions(a,2,[ "MakeMirror",MakeMirror, ]); b.InstallConstants(a,[ "ScopeType",s, "PropertyType",q, "PropertyAttribute",r, "Mirror",Mirror, "ValueMirror",ValueMirror, "UndefinedMirror",UndefinedMirror, "NullMirror",NullMirror, "BooleanMirror",BooleanMirror, "NumberMirror",NumberMirror, "StringMirror",StringMirror, "SymbolMirror",SymbolMirror, "ObjectMirror",ObjectMirror, "FunctionMirror",FunctionMirror, "UnresolvedFunctionMirror",UnresolvedFunctionMirror, "ArrayMirror",ArrayMirror, "DateMirror",DateMirror, "RegExpMirror",RegExpMirror, "ErrorMirror",ErrorMirror, "PromiseMirror",PromiseMirror, "MapMirror",MapMirror, "SetMirror",SetMirror, "IteratorMirror",IteratorMirror, "GeneratorMirror",GeneratorMirror, "PropertyMirror",PropertyMirror, "InternalPropertyMirror",InternalPropertyMirror, "FrameMirror",FrameMirror, "ScriptMirror",ScriptMirror, "ScopeMirror",ScopeMirror, "FrameDetails",FrameDetails, ]); }) (function(a,b){ "use strict"; var c=a.FrameMirror; var d=a.Array; var e=a.RegExp; var f=a.isNaN; var g=a.MakeMirror; var h=a.Math.min; var i=a.Mirror; var j=a.ValueMirror; var k=10; var l={}; var m=/^(?:\s*(?:\/\*.*?\*\/)*)*/; l.DebugEvent={Break:1, Exception:2, AfterCompile:3, CompileError:4, AsyncTaskEvent:5}; l.ExceptionBreak={Caught:0, Uncaught:1}; l.StepAction={StepOut:0, StepNext:1, StepIn:2}; l.ScriptType={Native:0, Extension:1, Normal:2, Wasm:3}; l.ScriptCompilationType={Host:0, Eval:1, JSON:2}; l.ScriptBreakPointType={ScriptId:0, ScriptName:1, ScriptRegExp:2}; l.BreakPositionAlignment={ Statement:0, BreakPosition:1 }; function ScriptTypeFlag(n){ return(1<=this.frameCount()){ throw %make_type_error(35); } return new c(this.break_id,an); }; ExecutionState.prototype.setSelectedFrame=function(ao){ var C=(%_ToNumber(ao)); if(C<0||C>=this.frameCount()){ throw %make_type_error(35); } this.selected_frame=C; }; ExecutionState.prototype.selectedFrame=function(){ return this.selected_frame; }; function MakeBreakEvent(A,ap){ return new BreakEvent(A,ap); } function BreakEvent(A,ap){ this.frame_=new c(A,0); this.break_points_hit_=ap; } BreakEvent.prototype.eventType=function(){ return l.DebugEvent.Break; }; BreakEvent.prototype.func=function(){ return this.frame_.func(); }; BreakEvent.prototype.sourceLine=function(){ return this.frame_.sourceLine(); }; BreakEvent.prototype.sourceColumn=function(){ return this.frame_.sourceColumn(); }; BreakEvent.prototype.sourceLineText=function(){ return this.frame_.sourceLineText(); }; BreakEvent.prototype.breakPointsHit=function(){ return this.break_points_hit_; }; function MakeExceptionEvent(A,aq,ar,as){ return new ExceptionEvent(A,aq,ar,as); } function ExceptionEvent(A,aq,ar,as){ this.exec_state_=new ExecutionState(A); this.exception_=aq; this.uncaught_=ar; this.promise_=as; } ExceptionEvent.prototype.eventType=function(){ return l.DebugEvent.Exception; }; ExceptionEvent.prototype.exception=function(){ return this.exception_; }; ExceptionEvent.prototype.uncaught=function(){ return this.uncaught_; }; ExceptionEvent.prototype.promise=function(){ return this.promise_; }; ExceptionEvent.prototype.func=function(){ return this.exec_state_.frame(0).func(); }; ExceptionEvent.prototype.sourceLine=function(){ return this.exec_state_.frame(0).sourceLine(); }; ExceptionEvent.prototype.sourceColumn=function(){ return this.exec_state_.frame(0).sourceColumn(); }; ExceptionEvent.prototype.sourceLineText=function(){ return this.exec_state_.frame(0).sourceLineText(); }; function MakeCompileEvent(F,n){ return new CompileEvent(F,n); } function CompileEvent(F,n){ this.script_=g(F); this.type_=n; } CompileEvent.prototype.eventType=function(){ return this.type_; }; CompileEvent.prototype.script=function(){ return this.script_; }; function MakeScriptObject_(F,at){ var au={id:F.id(), name:F.name(), lineOffset:F.lineOffset(), columnOffset:F.columnOffset(), lineCount:F.lineCount(), }; if(!(F.data()===(void 0))){ au.data=F.data(); } if(at){ au.source=F.source(); } return au; } function MakeAsyncTaskEvent(n,av){ return new AsyncTaskEvent(n,av); } function AsyncTaskEvent(n,av){ this.type_=n; this.id_=av; } AsyncTaskEvent.prototype.type=function(){ return this.type_; } AsyncTaskEvent.prototype.id=function(){ return this.id_; } b.InstallConstants(a,[ "Debug",l, "BreakEvent",BreakEvent, "CompileEvent",CompileEvent, "BreakPoint",BreakPoint, ]); b.InstallFunctions(b,2,[ "MakeExecutionState",MakeExecutionState, "MakeExceptionEvent",MakeExceptionEvent, "MakeBreakEvent",MakeBreakEvent, "MakeCompileEvent",MakeCompileEvent, "MakeAsyncTaskEvent",MakeAsyncTaskEvent, "IsBreakPointTriggered",IsBreakPointTriggered, ]); }) (function(a,b){ "use strict"; var c=a.Debug.findScriptSourcePosition; var d=a.Array; var e=a.Math.floor; var f=a.Math.max; var g=a.SyntaxError; var h; function ApplyPatchMultiChunk(script,diff_array,new_source,preview_only, change_log){ var i=script.source; var j=GatherCompileInfo(i,script); var k=BuildCodeInfoTree(j); var l=new PosTranslator(diff_array); MarkChangedFunctions(k,l.GetChunks()); FindLiveSharedInfos(k,script); var m; try{ m=GatherCompileInfo(new_source,script); }catch(e){ var n= new Failure("Failed to compile new version of script: "+e); if(e instanceof g){ var o={ type:"liveedit_compile_error", syntaxErrorMessage:e.message }; CopyErrorPositionToDetails(e,o); n.details=o; } throw n; } var p=m.reduce( (max,info)=>f(max,info.function_literal_id),0); var q=BuildCodeInfoTree(m); FindCorrespondingFunctions(k,q); var r=new d(); var s=new d(); var t=new d(); var u=new d(); function HarvestTodo(v){ function CollectDamaged(w){ s.push(w); for(var x=0;xO[E].start_position){ R=E; } } if(R!=x){ var S=O[R]; var T=P[R]; O[R]=O[x]; P[R]=P[x]; O[x]=S; P[x]=T; } } var U=0; function ResetIndexes(V,W){ var X=-1; while(U=ay.pos1+ay.len1){ return as+ay.pos2+ay.len2-ay.pos1-ay.len1; } if(!at){ at=PosTranslator.DefaultInsideChunkHandler; } return at(as,ay); }; PosTranslator.DefaultInsideChunkHandler=function(as,az){ Assert(false,"Cannot translate position in changed area"); }; PosTranslator.ShiftWithTopInsideChunkHandler= function(as,az){ return as-az.pos1+az.pos2; }; var h={ UNCHANGED:"unchanged", SOURCE_CHANGED:"source changed", CHANGED:"changed", DAMAGED:"damaged" }; function CodeInfoTreeNode(aA,aB,aC){ this.info=aA; this.children=aB; this.array_index=aC; this.parent=(void 0); this.status=h.UNCHANGED; this.status_explanation=(void 0); this.new_start_pos=(void 0); this.new_end_pos=(void 0); this.corresponding_node=(void 0); this.unmatched_new_nodes=(void 0); this.textual_corresponding_node=(void 0); this.textually_unmatched_new_nodes=(void 0); this.live_shared_function_infos=(void 0); } function BuildCodeInfoTree(aD){ var aE=0; function BuildNode(){ var aF=aE; aE++; var aG=new d(); while(aE=am.length;}; this.TranslatePos=function(as){return as+aL;}; }; function ProcessInternals(aM){ aM.new_start_pos=aJ.TranslatePos( aM.info.start_position); var aN=0; var aO=false; var aP=false; while(!aJ.done()&& aJ.current().pos1= aJ.current().pos1+aJ.current().len1){ aO=true; aJ.next(); continue; }else if(aQ.info.start_position<=aJ.current().pos1&& aQ.info.end_position>=aJ.current().pos1+ aJ.current().len1){ ProcessInternals(aQ); aP=aP|| (aQ.status!=h.UNCHANGED); aO=aO|| (aQ.status==h.DAMAGED); aN++; continue; }else{ aO=true; aQ.status=h.DAMAGED; aQ.status_explanation= "Text diff overlaps with function boundary"; aN++; continue; } }else{ if(aJ.current().pos1+aJ.current().len1<= aM.info.end_position){ aM.status=h.CHANGED; aJ.next(); continue; }else{ aM.status=h.DAMAGED; aM.status_explanation= "Text diff overlaps with function boundary"; return; } } Assert("Unreachable",false); } while(aN0){ return bd; } } function TraverseTree(w){ w.live_shared_function_infos=FindFunctionInfos(w.info); for(var x=0;x ["+bl+"]"; } return; } var bm; function CheckStackActivations(old_shared_wrapper_list, new_shared_list, Z){ var bn=new d(); for(var x=0;x0){ Z.push({dropped_from_stack:bq}); } if(bp.length>0){ Z.push({functions_on_stack:bp}); throw new Failure("Blocked by functions on stack"); } return bq.length; } var bm={ AVAILABLE_FOR_PATCH:1, BLOCKED_ON_ACTIVE_STACK:2, BLOCKED_ON_OTHER_STACK:3, BLOCKED_UNDER_NATIVE_CODE:4, REPLACED_ON_ACTIVE_STACK:5, BLOCKED_UNDER_GENERATOR:6, BLOCKED_ACTIVE_GENERATOR:7, BLOCKED_NO_NEW_TARGET_ON_RESTART:8 }; bm.SymbolName=function(bt){ var bu=bm; for(var bv in bu){ if(bu[bv]==bt){ return bv; } } }; function Failure(ag){ this.message=ag; } Failure.prototype.toString=function(){ return"LiveEdit Failure: "+this.message; }; function CopyErrorPositionToDetails(bw,o){ function createPositionStruct(M,bx){ if(bx==-1)return; var by=M.locationFromPosition(bx,true); if(by==null)return; return{ line:by.line+1, column:by.column+1, position:bx }; } if(!("scriptObject"in bw)||!("startPosition"in bw)){ return; } var M=bw.scriptObject; var bz={ start:createPositionStruct(M,bw.startPosition), end:createPositionStruct(M,bw.endPosition) }; o.position=bz; } function SetScriptSource(M,bA,bB,Z){ var i=M.source; var bC=CompareStrings(i,bA); return ApplyPatchMultiChunk(M,bC,bA,bB, Z); } function CompareStrings(bD,bE){ return %LiveEditCompareStrings(bD,bE); } function ApplySingleChunkPatch(M,change_pos,change_len,new_str, Z){ var i=M.source; var bA=i.substring(0,change_pos)+ new_str+i.substring(change_pos+change_len); return ApplyPatchMultiChunk(M, [change_pos,change_pos+change_len,change_pos+new_str.length], bA,false,Z); } function DescribeChangeTree(aR){ function ProcessOldNode(w){ var bF=[]; for(var x=0;x>1); var k=2|4|1; for(var l=0;l>1); for(var l=0;l>1)+(fields?fields.length:0); if(s>=4){ %OptimizeObjectForAddingMultipleProperties(r,s); } if(fields){ for(var l=0;l9007199254740991)throw %make_range_error(i); return j; } function MaxSimple(k,l){ return k>l?k:l; } function MinSimple(k,l){ return k>l?l:k; } %SetForceInlineFlag(MaxSimple); %SetForceInlineFlag(MinSimple); function SpeciesConstructor(m,n){ var o=m.constructor; if((o===(void 0))){ return n; } if(!(%_IsJSReceiver(o))){ throw %make_type_error(30); } var p=o[f]; if((p==null)){ return n; } if(%IsConstructor(p)){ return p; } throw %make_type_error(242); } %FunctionSetPrototype(c,new c(0)); b.Export(function(q){ q.MaxSimple=MaxSimple; q.MinSimple=MinSimple; q.ToPositiveInteger=ToPositiveInteger; q.ToIndex=ToIndex; q.SpeciesConstructor=SpeciesConstructor; }); }) (function(a,b){ %CheckIsBootstrapping(); var c=a.Object; var d=b.ImportNow("iterator_symbol"); var e=b.ImportNow("object_to_string"); var f=2|4|1; function ObjectToLocaleString(){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"Object.prototype.toLocaleString"); return this.toString(); } function ObjectIsPrototypeOf(g){ if(!(%_IsJSReceiver(g)))return false; var h=(%_ToObject(this)); return %HasInPrototypeChain(g,h); } function GetMethod(i,j){ var k=i[j]; if((k==null))return(void 0); if((typeof(k)==='function'))return k; throw %make_type_error(15,typeof k); } function ObjectConstructor(l){ if(c!=new.target&&!(new.target===(void 0))){ return this; } if((l===null)||(l===(void 0)))return{}; return(%_ToObject(l)); } %SetNativeFlag(c); %SetCode(c,ObjectConstructor); %AddNamedProperty(c.prototype,"constructor",c, 2); b.InstallFunctions(c.prototype,2,[ "toString",e, "toLocaleString",ObjectToLocaleString, "isPrototypeOf",ObjectIsPrototypeOf, ]); function GetIterator(i,m){ if((m===(void 0))){ m=i[d]; } if(!(typeof(m)==='function')){ throw %make_type_error(73,i); } var n=%_Call(m,i); if(!(%_IsJSReceiver(n))){ throw %make_type_error(67,n); } return n; } b.Export(function(o){ o.GetIterator=GetIterator; o.GetMethod=GetMethod; o.ObjectHasOwnProperty=c.prototype.hasOwnProperty; }); }) (function(a,b,c){ "use strict"; %CheckIsBootstrapping(); var d; var e; var f=a.Array; var g=b.InternalArray; var h=b.InternalPackedArray; var i; var j; var k; var l=b.ImportNow("object_to_string"); var m=b.ImportNow("iterator_symbol"); var n=b.ImportNow("unscopables_symbol"); b.Import(function(o){ d=o.GetIterator; e=o.GetMethod; i=o.MaxSimple; j=o.MinSimple; k=o.ObjectHasOwnProperty; }); function ArraySpeciesCreate(p,q){ q=((q)+0); var r=%ArraySpeciesConstructor(p); return new r(q); } function KeySortCompare(s,t){ return s-t; } function GetSortedArrayKeys(p,u){ if((typeof(u)==='number')){ var v=u; var w=new g(); for(var x=0;x>2; var H=%EstimateNumberOfElements(p); return(HH*4); } function Stack(){ this.length=0; this.values=new g(); } Stack.prototype.length=null; Stack.prototype.values=null; function StackPush(I,J){ I.values[I.length++]=J; } function StackPop(I){ I.values[--I.length]=null } function StackHas(I,K){ var q=I.length; var L=I.values; for(var x=0;x=O){ var S=p[D]; if(!(S===(void 0))||D in p){ %CreateDataProperty(R,D-O,S); } } } } } function SparseMove(p,O,P,Q,U){ if(U===P)return; var V=new g( j(Q-P+U,0xffffffff)); var W; var u=%GetArrayKeys(p,Q); if((typeof(u)==='number')){ var v=u; for(var x=0;x=O+P){ var S=p[D]; if(!(S===(void 0))||D in p){ var X=D-P+U; V[X]=S; if(X>0xfffffffe){ W=W||new g(); W.push(X); } } } } } %MoveArrayContents(V,p); if(!(W===(void 0))){ var q=W.length; for(var x=0;xP){ for(var x=Q-P;x>O;x--){ var Z=x+P-1; var aa=x+U-1; if(Z in p){ p[aa]=p[Z]; }else{ delete p[aa]; } } }else{ for(var x=O;xQ-P+U;x--){ delete p[x-1]; } } } } function ArrayToString(){ var p; var ab; if((%_IsArray(this))){ ab=this.join; if(ab===ArrayJoin){ return Join(this,this.length,',',false); } p=this; }else{ p=(%_ToObject(this)); ab=p.join; } if(!(typeof(ab)==='function')){ return %_Call(l,p); } return %_Call(ab,p); } function InnerArrayToLocaleString(p,q){ return Join(p,(%_ToLength(q)),',',true); } function ArrayToLocaleString(){ var p=(%_ToObject(this)); var ac=p.length; return InnerArrayToLocaleString(p,ac); } function InnerArrayJoin(A,p,q){ if((A===(void 0))){ A=','; }else{ A=(%_ToString(A)); } if(q===1){ var y=p[0]; if((y==null))return''; return(%_ToString(y)); } return Join(p,q,A,false); } function ArrayJoin(A){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"Array.prototype.join"); var p=(%_ToObject(this)); var q=(%_ToLength(p.length)); return InnerArrayJoin(A,p,q); } function ArrayPop(){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"Array.prototype.pop"); var p=(%_ToObject(this)); var ad=(%_ToLength(p.length)); if(ad==0){ p.length=ad; return; } ad--; var J=p[ad]; %DeleteProperty_Strict(p,ad); p.length=ad; return J; } function ArrayPush(){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"Array.prototype.push"); var p=(%_ToObject(this)); var ad=(%_ToLength(p.length)); var ae=arguments.length; if(ae>9007199254740991-ad)throw %make_type_error(231,ae,ad); for(var x=0;x=x){ ak=x; while(w[++ah]==x){} al=Q-x-1; } var am=p[ak]; if(!(am===(void 0))||ak in p){ var an=p[al]; if(!(an===(void 0))||al in p){ p[ak]=an; p[al]=am; }else{ p[al]=am; delete p[ak]; } }else{ var an=p[al]; if(!(an===(void 0))||al in p){ p[ak]=an; delete p[al]; } } } } function PackedArrayReverse(p,Q){ var ai=Q-1; for(var x=0;x0&&UseSparseVariant(p,Q,(%_IsArray(p)),Q)&& !%object_is_sealed(p)){ SparseMove(p,0,0,Q,ar); }else{ SimpleMove(p,0,0,Q,ar); } for(var x=0;xQ)O=Q; } if(au<0){ au+=Q; if(au<0)au=0; }else{ if(au>Q)au=Q; } var av=ArraySpeciesCreate(p,i(au-O,0)); if(auQ?Q:O; } function ComputeSpliceDeleteCount(aw,ar,Q,O){ var P=0; if(ar==1) return Q-O; P=(%_ToInteger(aw)); if(P<0) return 0; if(P>Q-O) return Q-O; return P; } function ArraySplice(as,aw){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"Array.prototype.splice"); var ar=arguments.length; var p=(%_ToObject(this)); var Q=(%_ToLength(p.length)); var O=ComputeSpliceStartIndex((%_ToInteger(as)),Q); var P=ComputeSpliceDeleteCount(aw,ar,Q, O); var R=ArraySpeciesCreate(p,P); R.length=P; var ax=ar>2?ar-2:0; if(P!=ax&&%object_is_sealed(p)){ throw %make_type_error(13); }else if(P>0&&%object_is_frozen(p)){ throw %make_type_error(12); } var ay=P; if(ax!=P){ ay+=Q-O-P; } if(UseSparseVariant(p,Q,(%_IsArray(p)),ay)){ %NormalizeElements(p); if((%_IsArray(R)))%NormalizeElements(R); SparseSlice(p,O,P,Q,R); SparseMove(p,O,P,Q,ax); }else{ SimpleSlice(p,O,P,Q,R); SimpleMove(p,O,P,Q,ax); } var x=O; var az=2; var aA=arguments.length; while(az=o;ai--){ var aF=s[ai]; var aG=aB(aF,aE); if(aG>0){ s[ai+1]=aF; }else{ break; } } s[ai+1]=aE; } }; function GetThirdIndex(s,o,aD){ var aH=new g(); var aI=200+((aD-o)&15); var ai=0; o+=1; aD-=1; for(var x=o;x>1][0]; return aJ; } function QuickSort(s,o,aD){ var aJ=0; while(true){ if(aD-o<=10){ InsertionSort(s,o,aD); return; } if(aD-o>1000){ aJ=GetThirdIndex(s,o,aD); }else{ aJ=o+((aD-o)>>1); } var aK=s[o]; var aL=s[aD-1]; var aM=s[aJ]; var aN=aB(aK,aL); if(aN>0){ var aF=aK; aK=aL; aL=aF; } var aO=aB(aK,aM); if(aO>=0){ var aF=aK; aK=aM; aM=aL; aL=aF; }else{ var aP=aB(aL,aM); if(aP>0){ var aF=aL; aL=aM; aM=aF; } } s[o]=aK; s[aD-1]=aM; var aQ=aL; var aR=o+1; var aS=aD-1; s[aJ]=s[aR]; s[aR]=aQ; partition:for(var x=aR+1;x0){ do{ aS--; if(aS==x)break partition; var aT=s[aS]; aG=aB(aT,aQ); }while(aG>0); s[x]=s[aS]; s[aS]=aE; if(aG<0){ aE=s[x]; s[x]=s[aR]; s[aR]=aE; aR++; } } } if(aD-aS=aV){aV=x+1;} } } }else{ for(var x=0;x=aV){aV=Y+1;} } } } } return aV; }; function ShadowPrototypeElements(aU,o,aD){ for(var aW=%object_get_prototype_of(aU);aW; aW=%object_get_prototype_of(aW)){ var u=(%_IsJSProxy(aW))?aD:%GetArrayKeys(aW,aD); if((typeof(u)==='number')){ var aX=u; for(var x=o;x=q)Y=q-1; } var bg=0; var aV=Y; if(UseSparseVariant(p,q,(%_IsArray(p)),Y)){ %NormalizeElements(p); var u=%GetArrayKeys(p,Y+1); if((typeof(u)==='number')){ aV=u; }else{ if(u.length==0)return-1; var bh=GetSortedArrayKeys(p,u); var x=bh.length-1; while(x>=0){ var D=bh[x]; if(p[D]===aE)return D; x--; } return-1; } } if(!(aE===(void 0))){ for(var x=aV;x>=bg;x--){ if(p[x]===aE)return x; } return-1; } for(var x=aV;x>=bg;x--){ if((p[x]===(void 0))&&x in p){ return x; } } return-1; } function ArrayCopyWithin(bi,as,at){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"Array.prototype.copyWithin"); var p=(%_ToObject(this)); var q=(%_ToLength(p.length)); bi=(%_ToInteger(bi)); var aD; if(bi<0){ aD=i(q+bi,0); }else{ aD=j(bi,q); } as=(%_ToInteger(as)); var o; if(as<0){ o=i(q+as,0); }else{ o=j(as,q); } at=(at===(void 0))?q:(%_ToInteger(at)); var bj; if(at<0){ bj=i(q+at,0); }else{ bj=j(at,q); } var bk=j(bj-o,q-aD); var bl=1; if(o0){ if(o in p){ p[aD]=p[o]; }else{ delete p[aD]; } o=o+bl; aD=aD+bl; bk--; } return p; } function InnerArrayFind(bm,bn,p,q){ if(!(typeof(bm)==='function')){ throw %make_type_error(15,bm); } for(var x=0;xq)x=q; } if(at<0){ at+=q; if(at<0)at=0; }else{ if(at>q)at=q; } if((at-x)>0&&%object_is_frozen(p)){ throw %make_type_error(12); } for(;xn){ return''; } } if(p<0){ p+=n; if(p<0){ return''; } }else{ if(p>n){ p=n; } } if(p<=o){ return''; } return %_SubString(m,o,p); } function HtmlEscape(q){ return %RegExpInternalReplace(/"/g,(%_ToString(q)),"""); } function StringAnchor(r){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"String.prototype.anchor"); return""+(%_ToString(this))+ ""; } function StringBig(){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"String.prototype.big"); return""+(%_ToString(this))+""; } function StringBlink(){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"String.prototype.blink"); return""+(%_ToString(this))+""; } function StringBold(){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"String.prototype.bold"); return""+(%_ToString(this))+""; } function StringFixed(){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"String.prototype.fixed"); return""+(%_ToString(this))+""; } function StringFontcolor(s){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"String.prototype.fontcolor"); return""+(%_ToString(this))+ ""; } function StringFontsize(t){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"String.prototype.fontsize"); return""+(%_ToString(this))+ ""; } function StringItalics(){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"String.prototype.italics"); return""+(%_ToString(this))+""; } function StringLink(m){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"String.prototype.link"); return""+(%_ToString(this))+""; } function StringSmall(){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"String.prototype.small"); return""+(%_ToString(this))+""; } function StringStrike(){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"String.prototype.strike"); return""+(%_ToString(this))+""; } function StringSub(){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"String.prototype.sub"); return""+(%_ToString(this))+""; } function StringSup(){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"String.prototype.sup"); return""+(%_ToString(this))+""; } function StringRepeat(u){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"String.prototype.repeat"); var m=(%_ToString(this)); var v=(%_ToInteger(u)); if(v<0||v===(1/0))throw %make_range_error(162); if(m.length===0)return""; if(v>%_MaxSmi())throw %make_range_error(171); var w=""; while(true){ if(v&1)w+=m; v>>=1; if(v===0)return w; m+=m; } } function StringCodePointAt(x){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"String.prototype.codePointAt"); var y=(%_ToString(this)); var t=y.length; x=(%_ToInteger(x)); if(x<0||x>=t){ return(void 0); } var z=%_StringCharCodeAt(y,x); if(z<0xD800||z>0xDBFF||x+1==t){ return z; } var A=%_StringCharCodeAt(y,x+1); if(A<0xDC00||A>0xDFFF){ return z; } return(z-0xD800)*0x400+A+0x2400; } function StringRaw(B){ "use strict"; var C=arguments.length; var D=(%_ToObject(B)); var E=(%_ToObject(D.raw)); var F=(%_ToLength(E.length)); if(F<=0)return""; var G=(%_ToString(E[0])); for(var H=1;H0){ for(var ar=0;ar=aw&&au>=av; ax--){ an[aq+ax]=ao[ax]; au-=at; av-=as; } return ax; } var ax=CopyRightPart(); var ay=new g(ax+1-aw); for(var ar=aw;ar<=ax;ar++){ ay[ar-aw]=ao[ar]; } for(ar=aw;ar<=ax;ar++){ an[aq+ar]=ay[ar-aw]; } } function TypedArraySet(S,aq){ var az=(aq===(void 0))?0:(%_ToInteger(aq)); if(az<0)throw %make_type_error(184); if(az>%_MaxSmi()){ throw %make_range_error(185); } switch(%TypedArraySetFastCases(this,S,az)){ case 0: return; case 1: TypedArraySetFromOverlappingTypedArray(this,S,az); return; case 2: TypedArraySetFromArrayLike(this, S,%_TypedArrayGetLength(S),az); return; case 3: var aA=S.length; if((aA===(void 0))){ if((typeof(S)==='number')){ throw %make_type_error(50); } return; } aA=(%_ToLength(aA)); if(az+aA>%_TypedArrayGetLength(this)){ throw %make_range_error(185); } TypedArraySetFromArrayLike(this,S,aA,az); return; } } %FunctionSetLength(TypedArraySet,1); function TypedArrayGetToStringTag(){ if(!(%_IsTypedArray(this)))return; var aB=%_ClassOf(this); if((aB===(void 0)))return; return aB; } function InnerTypedArrayEvery(aC,aD,aE,aa){ if(!(typeof(aC)==='function'))throw %make_type_error(15,aC); for(var ar=0;ar=0;ar--){ if(ar in aE){ aO=aE[ar--]; break find_initial; } } throw %make_type_error(124); } for(;ar>=0;ar--){ if(ar in aE){ var aF=aE[ar]; aO=aN(aO,aF,ar,aE); } } return aO; } function TypedArrayReduceRight(aN,aO){ if(!(%_IsTypedArray(this)))throw %make_type_error(75); var aa=%_TypedArrayGetLength(this); return InnerArrayReduceRight(aN,aO,this,aa, arguments.length); } %FunctionSetLength(TypedArrayReduceRight,1); function TypedArrayOf(){ var aa=arguments.length; var aE=TypedArrayCreate(this,aa); for(var ar=0;ar>>12); m=m+(m<<2); m=m^(m>>>4); m=(m*2057)|0; m=m^(m>>>16); return m&0x3fffffff; } %SetForceInlineFlag(ComputeIntegerHash); function GetExistingHash(p){ if(%_IsSmi(p)){ return ComputeIntegerHash(p,0); } if((typeof(p)==='string')){ var u=%_StringGetRawHashField(p); if((u&1)===0){ return u>>>2; } }else if((%_IsJSReceiver(p))&&!(%_IsJSProxy(p))&&!(%_ClassOf(p)==='global')){ var m=(p[f]); return m; } return %GenericHash(p); } %SetForceInlineFlag(GetExistingHash); function GetHash(p){ var m=GetExistingHash(p); if((m===(void 0))){ m=(g()*0x40000000)|0; if(m===0)m=1; (p[f]=m); } return m; } %SetForceInlineFlag(GetHash); function SetConstructor(v){ if((new.target===(void 0))){ throw %make_type_error(29,"Set"); } %_SetInitialize(this); if(!(v==null)){ var w=this.add; if(!(typeof(w)==='function')){ throw %make_type_error(90,w,'add',this); } for(var x of v){ %_Call(w,this,x); } } } function SetAdd(p){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Set')){ throw %make_type_error(48,'Set.prototype.add',this); } if(p===0){ p=0; } var l=%_JSCollectionGetTable(this); var n=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(2)|0))); var m=GetHash(p); if(SetFindEntry(l,n,p,m)!==-1)return this; var y=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(0)|0))); var z=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(1)|0))); var A=n<<1; if((y+z)>=A){ %SetGrow(this); l=%_JSCollectionGetTable(this); n=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(2)|0))); y=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(0)|0))); z=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(1)|0))); } var q=y+z; var B=(3+(n)+((q)<<1)); var o=(m&((n)-1)); var C=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(3+(o))|0))); ((%_FixedArraySet(l,(3+(o))|0,q))); (((%_FixedArraySet(l,(0)|0,(y+1)|0)))); (%_FixedArraySet(l,(B)|0,p)); ((%_FixedArraySet(l,(B+1)|0,(C)|0))); return this; } function SetHas(p){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Set')){ throw %make_type_error(48,'Set.prototype.has',this); } var l=%_JSCollectionGetTable(this); var n=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(2)|0))); var m=GetExistingHash(p); if((m===(void 0)))return false; return SetFindEntry(l,n,p,m)!==-1; } function SetDelete(p){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Set')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'Set.prototype.delete',this); } var l=%_JSCollectionGetTable(this); var n=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(2)|0))); var m=GetExistingHash(p); if((m===(void 0)))return false; var q=SetFindEntry(l,n,p,m); if(q===-1)return false; var y=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(0)|0)))-1; var z=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(1)|0)))+1; var B=(3+(n)+((q)<<1)); (%_FixedArraySet(l,(B)|0,%_TheHole())); (((%_FixedArraySet(l,(0)|0,(y)|0)))); (((%_FixedArraySet(l,(1)|0,(z)|0)))); if(y<(n>>>1))%SetShrink(this); return true; } function SetGetSize(){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Set')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'Set.prototype.size',this); } var l=%_JSCollectionGetTable(this); return((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(0)|0))); } function SetClearJS(){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Set')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'Set.prototype.clear',this); } %_SetClear(this); } function SetForEach(D,E){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Set')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'Set.prototype.forEach',this); } if(!(typeof(D)==='function'))throw %make_type_error(15,D); var F=new i(this,2); var p; var G=[(void 0)]; while(%SetIteratorNext(F,G)){ p=G[0]; %_Call(D,E,p,p,this); } } %SetCode(e,SetConstructor); %FunctionSetLength(e,0); %FunctionSetPrototype(e,new d()); %AddNamedProperty(e.prototype,"constructor",e,2); %AddNamedProperty(e.prototype,j,"Set", 2|1); %FunctionSetLength(SetForEach,1); b.InstallGetter(e.prototype,"size",SetGetSize); b.InstallFunctions(e.prototype,2,[ "add",SetAdd, "has",SetHas, "delete",SetDelete, "clear",SetClearJS, "forEach",SetForEach ]); function MapConstructor(v){ if((new.target===(void 0))){ throw %make_type_error(29,"Map"); } %_MapInitialize(this); if(!(v==null)){ var w=this.set; if(!(typeof(w)==='function')){ throw %make_type_error(90,w,'set',this); } for(var H of v){ if(!(%_IsJSReceiver(H))){ throw %make_type_error(54,H); } %_Call(w,this,H[0],H[1]); } } } function MapGet(p){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Map')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'Map.prototype.get',this); } var l=%_JSCollectionGetTable(this); var n=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(2)|0))); var m=GetExistingHash(p); if((m===(void 0)))return(void 0); var q=MapFindEntry(l,n,p,m); if(q===-1)return(void 0); return((%_FixedArrayGet(l,((3+(n)+((q)*3))+1)|0))); } function MapSet(p,x){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Map')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'Map.prototype.set',this); } if(p===0){ p=0; } var l=%_JSCollectionGetTable(this); var n=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(2)|0))); var m=GetHash(p); var q=MapFindEntry(l,n,p,m); if(q!==-1){ var I=(3+(n)+((q)*3)); (%_FixedArraySet(l,(I+1)|0,x)); return this; } var y=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(0)|0))); var z=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(1)|0))); var A=n<<1; if((y+z)>=A){ %MapGrow(this); l=%_JSCollectionGetTable(this); n=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(2)|0))); y=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(0)|0))); z=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(1)|0))); } q=y+z; var B=(3+(n)+((q)*3)); var o=(m&((n)-1)); var C=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(3+(o))|0))); ((%_FixedArraySet(l,(3+(o))|0,q))); (((%_FixedArraySet(l,(0)|0,(y+1)|0)))); (%_FixedArraySet(l,(B)|0,p)); (%_FixedArraySet(l,(B+1)|0,x)); (%_FixedArraySet(l,(B+2)|0,C)); return this; } function MapHas(p){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Map')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'Map.prototype.has',this); } var l=%_JSCollectionGetTable(this); var n=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(2)|0))); var m=GetHash(p); return MapFindEntry(l,n,p,m)!==-1; } function MapDelete(p){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Map')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'Map.prototype.delete',this); } var l=%_JSCollectionGetTable(this); var n=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(2)|0))); var m=GetHash(p); var q=MapFindEntry(l,n,p,m); if(q===-1)return false; var y=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(0)|0)))-1; var z=((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(1)|0)))+1; var B=(3+(n)+((q)*3)); (%_FixedArraySet(l,(B)|0,%_TheHole())); (%_FixedArraySet(l,(B+1)|0,%_TheHole())); (((%_FixedArraySet(l,(0)|0,(y)|0)))); (((%_FixedArraySet(l,(1)|0,(z)|0)))); if(y<(n>>>1))%MapShrink(this); return true; } function MapGetSize(){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Map')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'Map.prototype.size',this); } var l=%_JSCollectionGetTable(this); return((%_FixedArrayGet(l,(0)|0))); } function MapClearJS(){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Map')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'Map.prototype.clear',this); } %_MapClear(this); } function MapForEach(D,E){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Map')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'Map.prototype.forEach',this); } if(!(typeof(D)==='function'))throw %make_type_error(15,D); var F=new h(this,3); var G=[(void 0),(void 0)]; while(%MapIteratorNext(F,G)){ %_Call(D,E,G[1],G[0],this); } } %SetCode(c,MapConstructor); %FunctionSetLength(c,0); %FunctionSetPrototype(c,new d()); %AddNamedProperty(c.prototype,"constructor",c,2); %AddNamedProperty( c.prototype,j,"Map",2|1); %FunctionSetLength(MapForEach,1); b.InstallGetter(c.prototype,"size",MapGetSize); b.InstallFunctions(c.prototype,2,[ "get",MapGet, "set",MapSet, "has",MapHas, "delete",MapDelete, "clear",MapClearJS, "forEach",MapForEach ]); %InstallToContext([ "map_get",MapGet, "map_set",MapSet, "map_has",MapHas, "map_delete",MapDelete, "set_add",SetAdd, "set_has",SetHas, "set_delete",SetDelete, ]); b.Export(function(J){ J.GetExistingHash=GetExistingHash; J.GetHash=GetHash; }); }) (function(a,b){ "use strict"; %CheckIsBootstrapping(); var c; var d; var e=a.Object; var f=a.WeakMap; var g=a.WeakSet; var h=b.ImportNow("to_string_tag_symbol"); b.Import(function(i){ c=i.GetExistingHash; d=i.GetHash; }); function WeakMapConstructor(j){ if((new.target===(void 0))){ throw %make_type_error(29,"WeakMap"); } %WeakCollectionInitialize(this); if(!(j==null)){ var k=this.set; if(!(typeof(k)==='function')){ throw %make_type_error(90,k,'set',this); } for(var l of j){ if(!(%_IsJSReceiver(l))){ throw %make_type_error(54,l); } %_Call(k,this,l[0],l[1]); } } } function WeakMapGet(m){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='WeakMap')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'WeakMap.prototype.get',this); } if(!(%_IsJSReceiver(m)))return(void 0); var n=c(m); if((n===(void 0)))return(void 0); return %WeakCollectionGet(this,m,n); } function WeakMapSet(m,o){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='WeakMap')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'WeakMap.prototype.set',this); } if(!(%_IsJSReceiver(m)))throw %make_type_error(169); return %WeakCollectionSet(this,m,o,d(m)); } function WeakMapHas(m){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='WeakMap')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'WeakMap.prototype.has',this); } if(!(%_IsJSReceiver(m)))return false; var n=c(m); if((n===(void 0)))return false; return %WeakCollectionHas(this,m,n); } function WeakMapDelete(m){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='WeakMap')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'WeakMap.prototype.delete',this); } if(!(%_IsJSReceiver(m)))return false; var n=c(m); if((n===(void 0)))return false; return %WeakCollectionDelete(this,m,n); } %SetCode(f,WeakMapConstructor); %FunctionSetLength(f,0); %FunctionSetPrototype(f,new e()); %AddNamedProperty(f.prototype,"constructor",f, 2); %AddNamedProperty(f.prototype,h,"WeakMap", 2|1); b.InstallFunctions(f.prototype,2,[ "get",WeakMapGet, "set",WeakMapSet, "has",WeakMapHas, "delete",WeakMapDelete ]); function WeakSetConstructor(j){ if((new.target===(void 0))){ throw %make_type_error(29,"WeakSet"); } %WeakCollectionInitialize(this); if(!(j==null)){ var k=this.add; if(!(typeof(k)==='function')){ throw %make_type_error(90,k,'add',this); } for(var o of j){ %_Call(k,this,o); } } } function WeakSetAdd(o){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='WeakSet')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'WeakSet.prototype.add',this); } if(!(%_IsJSReceiver(o)))throw %make_type_error(170); return %WeakCollectionSet(this,o,true,d(o)); } function WeakSetHas(o){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='WeakSet')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'WeakSet.prototype.has',this); } if(!(%_IsJSReceiver(o)))return false; var n=c(o); if((n===(void 0)))return false; return %WeakCollectionHas(this,o,n); } function WeakSetDelete(o){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='WeakSet')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'WeakSet.prototype.delete',this); } if(!(%_IsJSReceiver(o)))return false; var n=c(o); if((n===(void 0)))return false; return %WeakCollectionDelete(this,o,n); } %SetCode(g,WeakSetConstructor); %FunctionSetLength(g,0); %FunctionSetPrototype(g,new e()); %AddNamedProperty(g.prototype,"constructor",g, 2); %AddNamedProperty(g.prototype,h,"WeakSet", 2|1); b.InstallFunctions(g.prototype,2,[ "add",WeakSetAdd, "has",WeakSetHas, "delete",WeakSetDelete ]); }) (function(a,b){ "use strict"; %CheckIsBootstrapping(); var c=a.Map; var d=a.Set; var e=b.ImportNow("iterator_symbol"); var f=b.ImportNow("MapIterator"); var g=b.ImportNow("to_string_tag_symbol"); var h=b.ImportNow("SetIterator"); function SetIteratorConstructor(i,j){ %SetIteratorInitialize(this,i,j); } function SetIteratorNextJS(){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Set Iterator')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'Set Iterator.prototype.next',this); } var k=[(void 0),(void 0)]; var l=%_CreateIterResultObject(k,false); switch(%SetIteratorNext(this,k)){ case 0: l.value=(void 0); l.done=true; break; case 2: l.value=k[0]; break; case 3: k[1]=k[0]; break; } return l; } function SetEntries(){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Set')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'Set.prototype.entries',this); } return new h(this,3); } function SetValues(){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Set')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'Set.prototype.values',this); } return new h(this,2); } %SetCode(h,SetIteratorConstructor); %FunctionSetInstanceClassName(h,'Set Iterator'); b.InstallFunctions(h.prototype,2,[ 'next',SetIteratorNextJS ]); %AddNamedProperty(h.prototype,g, "Set Iterator",1|2); b.InstallFunctions(d.prototype,2,[ 'entries',SetEntries, 'keys',SetValues, 'values',SetValues ]); %AddNamedProperty(d.prototype,e,SetValues,2); function MapIteratorConstructor(m,j){ %MapIteratorInitialize(this,m,j); } function MapIteratorNextJS(){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Map Iterator')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'Map Iterator.prototype.next',this); } var k=[(void 0),(void 0)]; var l=%_CreateIterResultObject(k,false); switch(%MapIteratorNext(this,k)){ case 0: l.value=(void 0); l.done=true; break; case 1: l.value=k[0]; break; case 2: l.value=k[1]; break; } return l; } function MapEntries(){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Map')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'Map.prototype.entries',this); } return new f(this,3); } function MapKeys(){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Map')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'Map.prototype.keys',this); } return new f(this,1); } function MapValues(){ if(!(%_ClassOf(this)==='Map')){ throw %make_type_error(48, 'Map.prototype.values',this); } return new f(this,2); } %SetCode(f,MapIteratorConstructor); %FunctionSetInstanceClassName(f,'Map Iterator'); b.InstallFunctions(f.prototype,2,[ 'next',MapIteratorNextJS ]); %AddNamedProperty(f.prototype,g, "Map Iterator",1|2); b.InstallFunctions(c.prototype,2,[ 'entries',MapEntries, 'keys',MapKeys, 'values',MapValues ]); %AddNamedProperty(c.prototype,e,MapEntries,2); b.Export(function(n){ n.MapEntries=MapEntries; n.MapIteratorNext=MapIteratorNextJS; n.SetIteratorNext=SetIteratorNextJS; n.SetValues=SetValues; }); }) (function(a,b,c){ "use strict"; %CheckIsBootstrapping(); var d=b.InternalArray; var e= b.ImportNow("promise_handled_by_symbol"); var f= b.ImportNow("promise_forwarding_handler_symbol"); var g=a.Promise; function PromiseAll(h){ if(!(%_IsJSReceiver(this))){ throw %make_type_error(16,"Promise.all"); } var i=%new_promise_capability(this,false); var j=new d(); var k; var l=(%_DebugIsActive()!=0); if(l){ (i.reject[f]=true); } function CreateResolveElementFunction(m,n,o){ var p=false; return(x)=>{ if(p===true)return; p=true; n[m]=x; if(--k===0){ var q=[]; %MoveArrayContents(n,q); %_Call(o.resolve,(void 0),q); } }; } try{ var r=0; k=1; for(var s of h){ var t=this.resolve(s); ++k; var u=t.then( CreateResolveElementFunction(r,j,i), i.reject); if(l&&%is_promise(u)){ (u[e]=i.promise); } ++r; } if(--k===0){ var q=[]; %MoveArrayContents(j,q); %_Call(i.resolve,(void 0),q); } }catch(e){ %_Call(i.reject,(void 0),e); } return i.promise; } function PromiseRace(h){ if(!(%_IsJSReceiver(this))){ throw %make_type_error(16,PromiseRace); } var i=%new_promise_capability(this,false); var l=(%_DebugIsActive()!=0); if(l){ (i.reject[f]=true); } try{ for(var s of h){ var u=this.resolve(s).then(i.resolve, i.reject); if(l&&%is_promise(u)){ (u[e]=i.promise); } } }catch(e){ %_Call(i.reject,(void 0),e); } return i.promise; } b.InstallFunctions(g,2,[ "all",PromiseAll, "race",PromiseRace, ]); }) (function(a,b){ %CheckIsBootstrapping(); var c=b.ImportNow("Script"); %FunctionSetInstanceClassName(c,'Script'); %AddNamedProperty(c.prototype,'constructor',c, 2|4|1); function ScriptLocationFromPosition(position, include_resource_offset){ return %ScriptPositionInfo(this,position,!!include_resource_offset); } function ScriptNameOrSourceURL(){ if(this.source_url)return this.source_url; return this.name; } b.SetUpLockedPrototype(c,[ "source", "name", "source_url", "source_mapping_url", "line_offset", "column_offset" ],[ "locationFromPosition",ScriptLocationFromPosition, "nameOrSourceURL",ScriptNameOrSourceURL, ] ); }); (function(a,b){ "use strict"; %CheckIsBootstrapping(); var c=a.Map; var d=b.InternalArray; var e=new c; var f=c.prototype.get; var g=c.prototype.set; function SameCallSiteElements(h,i){ var j=h.length; var i=i.raw; if(j!==i.length)return false; for(var k=0;k%JSProxyRevoke(f)}; } b.InstallFunctions(c,2,[ "revocable",ProxyCreateRevocable ]); }) (function(a,b){ %CheckIsBootstrapping(); var c=a.String; function StringPad(d,e,f){ e=(%_ToLength(e)); var g=d.length; if(e<=g)return""; if((f===(void 0))){ f=" "; }else{ f=(%_ToString(f)); if(f===""){ return""; } } var h=e-g; var i=(h/f.length)|0; var j=(h-f.length*i)|0; var k=""; while(true){ if(i&1)k+=f; i>>=1; if(i===0)break; f+=f; } if(j){ k+=%_SubString(f,0,j); } return k; } function StringPadStart(e,f){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"String.prototype.padStart") var d=(%_ToString(this)); return StringPad(d,e,f)+d; } %FunctionSetLength(StringPadStart,1); function StringPadEnd(e,f){ if((%IS_VAR(this)===null)||(this===(void 0)))throw %make_type_error(17,"String.prototype.padEnd") var d=(%_ToString(this)); return d+StringPad(d,e,f); } %FunctionSetLength(StringPadEnd,1); b.InstallFunctions(c.prototype,2,[ "padStart",StringPadStart, "padEnd",StringPadEnd ]); }); mirrorsdebugliveeditprologueruntimev8nativesarraystringtypedarraycollectionweak-collectioncollection-iteratorpromisemessagestemplatesspreadproxyharmony-string-paddingnative mirrors.jsnative debug.jsnative liveedit.jsnative prologue.jsnative runtime.jsnative v8natives.jsnative array.jsnative string.jsnative typedarray.jsnative collection.jsnative weak-collection.jsnative collection-iterator.jsnative promise.jsnative messages.jsnative templates.jsnative spread.jsnative proxy.jsnative harmony-string-padding.jsGCC: (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3) 4.8.4A4aeabi*7-A A  ".symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.data.bss.text._ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE0EE16GetBuiltinsCountEv.text._ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE0EE16GetDebuggerCountEv.rel.text._ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE0EE8GetIndexEPKc.rel.text._ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE0EE15GetScriptSourceEi.rel.text._ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE0EE13GetScriptNameEi.rel.text._ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE0EE16GetScriptsSourceEv.rodata._ZN2v88internalL7sourcesE.rodata.str1.4.comment.note.GNU-stack.ARM.attributes4!4'4,48<p 8 &$" :|xx : H H; #`#E2(\T0D+3]w+mpw+5+}1B ,6(#).(308<=DBLGXLdRtX^djpv  , |  4HXl(8   #Op$5x  libraries.cc$t$d.LC0.LC1.LC2.LC16.LC3.LC4.LC5.LC6.LC7.LC8.LC9.LC10.LC11.LC12.LC13.LC14.LC15.LC17.LC18.LC19.LC20.LC21.LC22.LC23.LC24.LC25.LC31.LC26.LC27.LC28.LC29.LC30.LC32.LC33.LC34.LC35.LC36_ZN2v88internalL7sourcesE_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE0EE16GetBuiltinsCountEv_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE0EE16GetDebuggerCountEv_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE0EE8GetIndexEPKcstrcmp_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE0EE15GetScriptSourceEi_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE0EE13GetScriptNameEi_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE0EE16GetScriptsSourceEv E E E0 EF EV Ef Ev E E E E E E E E E E E( , 048<@DHLPTX\`dhl!:::::::::::: ::::: :,!0%4&8'<(@)D*H+L,P-T.X/\0`1d2h3l4p5t6:/0 1500747227 1000 1000 100664 5928 ` ELF(4( pG pGIyD0O0 F1J!FY`zD`pGJ@21FY`zD`pGF1J!FY`zD`pGJ!FY`zD`pGJ@21A`zD`pG (function (global, binding, v8) { 'use strict'; binding.testExtraShouldReturnFive = function() { return 5; }; binding.testExtraShouldCallToRuntime = function() { return binding.runtime(3); }; binding.testFunctionToString = function() { function foo() { return 1; } return foo.toString(); }; binding.testStackTrace = function(f) { return f(); } const Object = global.Object; const hasOwn = v8.uncurryThis(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty); const Function = global.Function; const call = v8.uncurryThis(Function.prototype.call); const apply = v8.uncurryThis(Function.prototype.apply); const Promise = global.Promise; const Promise_resolve = v8.simpleBind(Promise.resolve, Promise); const arrayToTest = new v8.InternalPackedArray(); arrayToTest.push(1); arrayToTest.push(2); arrayToTest.pop(); arrayToTest.unshift("a", "b", "c"); arrayToTest.shift(); arrayToTest.splice(0, 1); const slicedArray = arrayToTest.slice(); const arraysOK = arrayToTest.length === 2 && arrayToTest[0] === "c" && arrayToTest[1] === 1 && slicedArray.length === 2 && slicedArray[0] === "c" && slicedArray[1] === 1; binding.testExtraCanUseUtils = function() { const fulfilledPromise = v8.createPromise(); v8.resolvePromise( fulfilledPromise, hasOwn({ test: 'test' }, 'test') ? 1 : -1, undefined ); const fulfilledPromise2 = Promise_resolve(call(function (arg1, arg2) { return (this.prop === arg1 && arg1 === 'value' && arg2) ? 2 : -1; }, { prop: 'value' }, 'value', arraysOK)); const rejectedPromise = v8.createPromise(); v8.rejectPromise(rejectedPromise, apply(function (arg1, arg2) { return (arg1 === arg2 && arg2 === 'x') ? 3 : -1; }, null, new v8.InternalPackedArray('x', 'x'))); const rejectedButHandledPromise = v8.createPromise(); v8.rejectPromise(rejectedButHandledPromise, 4); v8.markPromiseAsHandled(rejectedButHandledPromise); function promiseStateToString(promise) { switch (v8.promiseState(promise)) { case v8.kPROMISE_PENDING: return "pending"; case v8.kPROMISE_FULFILLED: return "fulfilled"; case v8.kPROMISE_REJECTED: return "rejected"; default: throw new Error("Unexpected value for promiseState"); } } let promiseStates = promiseStateToString(new Promise(() => {})) + ' ' + promiseStateToString(fulfilledPromise) + ' ' + promiseStateToString(rejectedPromise); return { privateSymbol: v8.createPrivateSymbol('sym'), fulfilledPromise, fulfilledPromise2, rejectedPromise, rejectedButHandledPromise, promiseStates, promiseIsPromise: v8.isPromise(fulfilledPromise), thenableIsPromise: v8.isPromise({ then() { } }) }; }; }) test-extranative test-extra.jsGCC: (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3) 4.8.4A4aeabi*7-A A  ".symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.data.bss.text._ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE1EE16GetBuiltinsCountEv.text._ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE1EE16GetDebuggerCountEv.rel.text._ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE1EE8GetIndexEPKc.rel.text._ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE1EE15GetScriptSourceEi.rel.text._ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE1EE13GetScriptNameEi.rel.text._ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE1EE16GetScriptsSourceEv.rodata._ZN2v88internalL7sourcesE.rodata.str1.4.comment.note.GNU-stack.ARM.attributes4!4'4,48< &T," |(x    #4 E2 (T0 3]K mpK 5 }pp  $    %   *2 D$+,w(  extras-libraries.cc$t$d.LC0.LC1.LC2_ZN2v88internalL7sourcesE_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE1EE16GetBuiltinsCountEv_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE1EE16GetDebuggerCountEv_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE1EE8GetIndexEPKcstrcmp_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE1EE15GetScriptSourceEi_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE1EE13GetScriptNameEi_ZN2v88internal17NativesCollectionILNS0_10NativeTypeE1EE16GetScriptsSourceEv # $( $/20 1500747227 1000 1000 100664 3324 ` ELF(4( pG pGIyD0O0 F1J!FY`zD`pGJ!FY`zD`pGF1J!FY`zD`pGJ!!FY`zD`pGJ!A`zD`pG (function (global, binding) { 'use strict'; 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