import sbt._ import Process._ import com.twitter.sbt._ class BirdNameProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends StandardProject(info) with CompileScalaWrappers with SubversionPublisher with NoisyDependencies with DefaultRepos with LibDirClasspath with PackageDist with AdhocInlines { val scalaTools = "org.scala-lang" % "scala-compiler" % "2.8.1" val util = "com.twitter" % "util" % "1.6.9" val finagleC = "com.twitter" % "finagle-core" % "1.1.23" val finagleT = "com.twitter" % "finagle-thrift" % "1.1.23" val finagleO = "com.twitter" % "finagle-ostrich3" % "1.1.23" val ostrich = "com.twitter" % "ostrich" % "3.0.5" val slf4jVersion = "1.5.11" val slf4jApi = "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % slf4jVersion withSources() intransitive() val slf4jBindings = "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-jdk14" % slf4jVersion withSources() intransitive() val specs = "org.scala-tools.testing" % "specs_2.8.1" % "1.6.7" % "test" withSources() val jmock = "org.jmock" % "jmock" % "2.4.0" % "test" val scalaThriftTargetNamespace = "com.twitter.birdname" val rubyThriftNamespace = "BirdName" override def mainClass = Some("com.twitter.birdname.Main") override def subversionRepository = Some("<%= '-public' if is_public %>") }