AST and Source Location RFC =========================== ## Open questions: * Should we handle these cases at all? They do not have special syntax associated. 1. How to handle lvar-injecting match (`if /(?foo)/ =~ bar`)? 1. How to handle magic match (`foo if /bar/`)? 1. How to handle sed-like flip-flop? 1. How to handle awk-like flip-flop? ## Literals ### Singletons Format: ~~~ (true) "true" ~~~~ expression (false) "false" ~~~~~ expression (nil) "nil" ~~~ expression ~~~ ### Integer Format: ~~~ (int 123) "123" ~~~ expression ~~~ ### Float Format: ~~~ (float 1.0) "1.0" ~~~ expression ~~~ ### String #### Plain Format: ~~~ (str "foo") "'foo'" ^ begin ^ end ~~~~~ expresion ~~~ #### With interpolation Format: ~~~ (dstr (str "foo") (lvar bar) (str "baz")) '"foo#{bar}baz"' ^ begin ^ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Symbol #### Plain Format: ~~~ (sym :foo) ":foo" ~~~~ expresion ":'foo'" ^ begin ^ end ~~~~~~ expression ~~~ #### With interpolation Format: ~~~ (dsym (str "foo") (lvar bar) (str "baz")) ':"foo#{bar}baz"' ^ begin ^ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Execute-string Format: ~~~ (xstr (str "foo") (lvar bar)) "`foo#{bar}`" ^ begin ^ end ~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Regexp #### Options Format: ~~~ (regopt :i :m) "im" ~~ expression ~~~ #### Regexp Format: ~~~ (regexp (str "foo") (lvar :bar) (regopt :i)) "/foo#{bar}/i" ^ begin ^ end ~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Array #### Plain Format: ~~~ (array (int 1) (int 2)) "[1, 2]" ~~~~~~ expression ~~~ #### Splat Can also be used in argument lists: `foo(bar, *baz)` Format: ~~~ (splat (lvar :foo)) "*foo" ^ operator ~~~~ expression ~~~ #### With interpolation Format: ~~~ (array (int 1) (splat (lvar :foo)) (int 2)) "[1, *foo, 2]" ^ begin ^ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Hash #### Pair ##### With hashrocket Format: ~~~ (pair (int 1) (int 2)) "1 => 2" ~~ operator ~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ##### With label (1.9) Format: ~~~ (pair (sym :answer) (int 42)) "answer: 42" ^ operator (pair) ~~~~~~ expression (sym) ~~~~~~~~~~ expression (pair) ~~~ #### Plain Format: ~~~ (hash (pair (int 1) (int 2)) (pair (int 3) (int 4))) "{1 => 2, 3 => 4}" ^ begin ^ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ #### Keyword splat (2.0) Can also be used in argument lists: `foo(bar, **baz)` Format: ~~~ (kwsplat (lvar :foo)) "**foo" ~~ operator ~~~~~ expression ~~~ #### With interpolation (2.0) Format: ~~~ (hash (pair (sym :foo) (int 2)) (kwsplat (lvar :bar))) "{ foo: 2, **bar }" ^ begin ^ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Range #### Inclusive Format: ~~~ (irange (int 1) (int 2)) "1..2" ~~ operator ~~~~ expression ~~~ #### Exclusive Format: ~~~ (erange (int 1) (int 2)) "1...2" ~~~ operator ~~~~~ expression ~~~ ## Access ### Self Format: ~~~ (self) "self" ~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Local variable Format: ~~~ (lvar :foo) "foo" ~~~ expression ~~~ ### Instance variable Format: ~~~ (ivar :@foo) "@foo" ~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Class variable Format: ~~~ (cvar :$foo) "$foo" ~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Global variable Format: ~~~ (gvar :$foo) "$foo" ~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Constant #### Top-level constant Format: ~~~ (const (cbase) :Foo) "::Foo" ~~~ name ~~ double_colon ~~~~~ expression ~~~ #### Scoped constant Format: ~~~ (const (lvar :a) :Foo) "a::Foo" ~~~ name ~~ double_colon ~~~~~~ expression ~~~ #### Unscoped constant Format: ~~~ (const nil :Foo) "Foo" ~~~ name ~~~ expression ~~~ ### defined? Format: ~~~ (defined? (lvar :a)) "defined? a" ~~~~~~~~ keyword ~~~~~~~~~~ expression "defined?(a)" ~~~~~~~~ keyword ^ begin ^ end ~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ## Assignment ### To local variable Format: ~~~ (lvasgn :foo (lvar :bar)) "foo = bar" ^ operator ~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### To instance variable Format: ~~~ (ivasgn :@foo (lvar :bar)) "@foo = bar" ^ operator ~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### To class variable #### Inside a class scope Format: ~~~ (cvdecl :@@foo (lvar :bar)) "@@foo = bar" ^ operator ~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ #### Inside a method scope Format: ~~~ (cvasgn :@@foo (lvar :bar)) "@@foo = bar" ^ operator ~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### To global variable Format: ~~~ (gvasgn :$foo (lvar :bar)) "$foo = bar" ^ operator ~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### To constant #### Top-level constant Format: ~~~ (cdecl (cbase) :Foo (int 1)) "::Foo = 1" ~~~ name ~ operator ~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ #### Scoped constant Format: ~~~ (cdecl (lvar :a) :Foo (int 1)) "a::Foo = 1" ~~~ name ~ operator ~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ #### Unscoped constant Format: ~~~ (cdecl nil :Foo (int 1)) "Foo = 1" ~~~ name ~ operator ~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Multiple assignment #### Multiple left hand side Format: ~~~ (mlhs (lvasgn :a) (lvasgn :b)) "a, b" ~~~~ expression "(a, b)" ^ begin ^ end ~~~~~~ expression ~~~ #### Assignment Rule of thumb: every node inside `(mlhs)` is "incomplete"; to make it "complete", one could imagine that a corresponding node from the mrhs is "appended" to the node in question. This applies both to side-effect free assignments (`lvasgn`, etc) and side-effectful assignments (`send`). Format: ~~~ (masgn (mlhs (lvasgn :foo) (lvasgn :bar)) (array (int 1) (int 2))) "foo, bar = 1, 2" ^ operator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression (masgn (mlhs (ivasgn :@a) (cvasgn :@@b)) (array (splat (lvar :c)))) "@a, @@b = *c" (masgn (mlhs (mlhs (lvasgn :a) (lvasgn :b)) (lvasgn :c)) (lvar :d)) "a, (b, c) = d" (masgn (mlhs (send (self) :a=) (send (self) :[]= (int 1))) (lvar :a)) "self.a, self[1] = a" ~~~ ### Binary operator-assignment Binary operator-assignment features the same "incomplete assignments" and "incomplete calls" as [multiple assignment](#assignment-1). #### Variable binary operator-assignment Format: ~~~ (op-asgn (lvasgn :a) :+ (int 1)) "a += 1" ~~ operator ~~~~~~ expression (op-asgn (ivasgn :a) :+ (int 1)) "@a += 1" ~~~ Ruby_parser output for reference: ~~~ "a += 1" s(:lasgn, :a, s(:call, s(:lvar, :a), :+, s(:int, 1))) "@a += 1" s(:iasgn, :@a, s(:call, s(:ivar, :@a), :+, s(:int, 1))) ~~~ #### Method binary operator-assignment Format: ~~~ (op-asgn (send (ivar :@a) :b) :+ (int 1)) "@a.b += 1" ~ selector (send) ~~~~ expression (send) ~~ operator (op-asgn) ~~~~~~~~~ expression (op-asgn) (op-asgn (send (ivar :@a) :[] (int 0) (int 1))) :+ (int 1)) "@a[0, 1] += 1" ~~~~~~ selector (send) ~~~~~~~~ expression (send) ~~ operator (op-asgn) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression (op-asgn) ~~~ Ruby_parser output for reference: ~~~ "@a.b += 1" s(:op_asgn2, s(:ivar, :@a), :b=, :+, s(:int, 1)) "@a[0, 1] += 1" s(:op_asgn1, s(:ivar, :@a), s(:arglist, s(:int, 0), s(:int, 1)), :+, s(:int, 1)) ~~~ ### Logical operator-assignment Logical operator-assignment features the same "incomplete assignments" and "incomplete calls" as [multiple assignment](#assignment-1). #### Variable logical operator-assignment Format: ~~~ (or-asgn (iasgn :@a) (int 1)) "@a ||= 1" ~~~ operator ~~~~~~~~ expression (and-asgn (lasgn :a) (int 1)) "a &&= 1" ~~~ operator ~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ Ruby_parser output for reference: ~~~ "@a ||= 1" s(:op_asgn_or, s(:ivar, :@a), s(:iasgn, :@a, s(:int, 1))) "a &&= 1" s(:op_asgn_and, s(:lvar, :a), s(:lasgn, :a, s(:int, 1))) ~~~ #### Method logical operator-assignment Format: ~~~ (or-asgn (send (ivar :@foo) :bar) (int 1)) " ||= 1" ~~~ selector (send) ~~~~~~~~ expr (send) ~~~ operator (or-asgn) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression (or-asgn) (and-asgn (send (lvar :@foo) :bar) (int 1)) " &&= 1" ~~~ selector (send) ~~~~~~~ expr (send) ~~~ operator (and-asgn) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression (and-asgn) (or-asgn (send (ivar :@foo) :[] (int 1) (int 2)) (int 1)) "@foo[1, 2] ||= 1" ~~~~~~ selector (send) ~~~~~~~~~~ expr (send) ~~~ operator (or-asgn) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression (or-asgn) ~~~ Ruby_parser output for reference: ~~~ " &&= 1" s(:op_asgn2, s(:ivar, :@foo), :bar=, :"&&", s(:int, 1)) "@foo[0] ||= 1" s(:op_asgn1, s(:ivar, :@foo), s(:arglist, s(:int, 0)), :"||", s(:int, 1)) ~~~ ## Class and module definition ### Module Format: ~~~ (module (const nil :Foo) (nil)) "module Foo; end" ~~~~~~ keyword ~~~ end ~~~ ### Class Format: ~~~ (class (const nil :Foo) (const nil :Bar) (nil)) "class Foo < Bar; end" ~~~~~ keyword ~~~ end ~ operator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression (class (const nil :Foo) nil (nil)) "class Foo; end" ~~~~~ keyword ~~~ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Singleton class Format: ~~~ (sclass (lvar :a) (nil)) "class << a; end" ~~~~~ keyword ~~ operator ~~~ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ## Method (un)definition ### Instance methods Format: ~~~ (def :foo (args) nil) "def foo; end" ~~~ keyword ~~~ name ~~~ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Singleton methods Format: ~~~ (defs (self) (args) nil) "def; end" ~~~ keyword ~~~ name ~~~ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Undefinition Format: ~~~ (undef (sym :foo) (sym :bar) (dsym (str "foo") (int 1))) "undef foo :bar :"foo#{1}"" ~~~~~ keyword ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ## Aliasing ### Method aliasing Format: ~~~ (alias (sym :foo) (dsym (str "foo") (int 1))) "alias foo :"foo#{1}"" ~~~~~ keyword ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Global variable aliasing Format: ~~~ (alias (gvar :$foo) (gvar :$bar)) "alias $foo $bar" ~~~~~ keyword ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression (alias (gvar :$foo) (back-ref :$&)) "alias $foo $&" ~~~~~ keyword ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ## Formal arguments Format: ~~~ (args (arg :foo)) "(foo)" ~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Required argument Format: ~~~ (arg :foo) "foo" ~~~ expression ~~~ name ~~~ ### Optional argument Format: ~~~ (optarg :foo (int 1)) "foo = 1" ~~~~~~~ expression ^ operator ~~~ name ~~~ ### Named splat argument Format: ~~~ (restarg :foo) "*foo" ~~~~ expression ~~~ name ~~~ Begin of the `expression` points to `*`. ### Unnamed splat argument Format: ~~~ (restarg) "*" ^ expression ~~~ ### Block argument Format: ~~~ (blockarg :foo) "&foo" ~~~ name ~~~~ expression ~~~ Begin of the `expression` points to `&`. ### Expression arguments Ruby 1.8 allows to use arbitrary expressions as block arguments, such as `@var` or ``. Such expressions should be treated as if they were on the lhs of a multiple assignment. Format: ~~~ (args (arg_expr (ivasgn :@bar))) "|@bar|" (args (arg_expr (send (send nil :foo) :a=))) "|foo.a|" (args (restarg_expr (ivasgn :@bar))) "|*@bar|" (args (blockarg_expr (ivasgn :@bar))) "|&@bar|" ~~~ ### Block shadow arguments Format: ~~~ (args (shadowarg :foo) (shadowarg :bar)) "|; foo, bar|" ~~~ ### Decomposition Format: ~~~ (def :f (args (arg :a) (mlhs (arg :foo) (restarg :bar)))) "def f(a, (foo, *bar)); end" ^ begin ^ end ~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Required keyword argument Format: ~~~ (kwarg :foo (int 1)) "foo:" ~~~~ expression ~~~~ name ~~~ ### Optional keyword argument Format: ~~~ (kwoptarg :foo (int 1)) "foo: 1" ~~~~~~ expression ~~~~ name ~~~ ### Named keyword splat argument Format: ~~~ (kwrestarg :foo) "**foo" ~~~~~ expression ~~~ name ~~~ ### Unnamed keyword splat argument Format: ~~~ (kwrestarg) "**" ~~ expression ~~~ ## Send ### To self Format: ~~~ (send nil :foo (lvar :bar)) "foo(bar)" ~~~ selector ^ begin ^ end ~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### To receiver Format: ~~~ (send (lvar :foo) :bar (int 1)) "" ~~~ selector ^ begin ^ end ~~~~~~~~~~ expression (send (lvar :foo) :+ (int 1)) "foo + 1" ^ selector ~~~~~~~ expression (send (lvar :foo) :-@) "-foo" ^ selector ~~~~ expression (send (lvar :foo) :a= (int 1)) "foo.a = 1" ~ selector ^ operator ~~~~~~~~~ expression (send (lvar :foo) :[] (int 1)) "foo[i]" ~~~ selector ~~~~~~ expression (send (lvar :bar) :[]= (int 1) (int 2) (lvar :baz)) "bar[1, 2] = baz" ~~~~~~ selector ^ operator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### To superclass Format of super with arguments: ~~~ (super (lvar :a)) "super a" ~~~~~ keyword ~~~~~~~ expression (super) "super()" ^ begin ^ end ~~~~~ keyword ~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ Format of super without arguments (**z**ero-arity): ~~~ (zsuper) "super" ~~~~~ keyword ~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### To block argument Format: ~~~ (yield (lvar :foo)) "yield(foo)" ~~~~~ keyword ^ begin ^ end ~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Passing a literal block ~~~ (block (send nil :foo) (args (arg :bar)) (begin ...)) "foo do |bar|; end" ~~ begin ~~~ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Passing expression as block Used when passing expression as block `foo(&bar)` ~~~ (send nil :foo (int 1) (block-pass (lvar :foo))) "foo(1, &foo)" ^ operator ~~~~ expression ~~~ ## Control flow ### Logical operators #### Binary (and or && ||) Format: ~~~ (and (lvar :foo) (lvar :bar)) "foo and bar" ~~~ operator ~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ #### Unary (! not) (1.8) Format: ~~~ (not (lvar :foo)) "!foo" ^ operator "not foo" ~~~ operator ~~~ ### Branching #### Without else Format: ~~~ (if (lvar :cond) (lvar :iftrue) nil) "if cond then iftrue; end" ~~ keyword ~~~~ begin ~~~ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression "if cond; iftrue; end" ~~ keyword ~~~ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression "iftrue if cond" ~~ keyword ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression (if (lvar :cond) nil (lvar :iftrue)) "unless cond then iftrue; end" ~~~~~~ keyword ~~~~ begin ~~~ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression "unless cond; iftrue; end" ~~~~~~ keyword ~~~ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression "iftrue unless cond" ~~~~~~ keyword ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ #### With else Format: ~~~ (if (lvar :cond) (lvar :iftrue) (lvar :iffalse)) "if cond then iftrue; else; iffalse; end" ~~ keyword ~~~~ begin ~~~~ else ~~~ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression "if cond; iftrue; else; iffalse; end" ~~ keyword ~~~~ else ~~~ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression (if (lvar :cond) (lvar :iffalse) (lvar :iftrue)) "unless cond then iftrue; else; iffalse; end" ~~~~~~ keyword ~~~~ begin ~~~~ else ~~~ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression "unless cond; iftrue; else; iffalse; end" ~~~~~~ keyword ~~~~ else ~~~ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ #### With elsif Format: ~~~ (if (lvar :cond1) (int 1) (if (lvar :cond2 (int 2) (int 3)))) "if cond1; 1; elsif cond2; 2; else 3; end" ~~ keyword (left) ~~~~~ else (left) ~~~ end (left) ~~~~~ keyword (right) ~~~~ else (right) ~~~ end (right) ~~~ #### Ternary Format: ~~~ (if (lvar :cond) (lvar :iftrue) (lvar :iffalse)) "cond ? iftrue : iffalse" ^ question ^ colon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Case matching #### When clause Format: ~~~ (when (regexp "foo" (regopt)) (begin (lvar :bar))) "when /foo/ then bar" ~~~~ keyword ~~~~ begin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression (when (int 1) (int 2) (send nil :meth)) "when 1, 2; meth" (when (int 1) (splat (lvar :foo)) (send nil :meth)) "when 1, *foo; meth" (when (splat (lvar :foo)) (send nil :meth)) "when *foo; meth" ~~~ #### Case-expression clause ##### Without else Format: ~~~ (case (lvar :foo) (when (str "bar") (lvar :bar)) nil) "case foo; when "bar"; bar; end" ~~~~ keyword ~~~ end ~~~ ##### With else Format: ~~~ (case (lvar :foo) (when (str "bar") (lvar :bar)) (lvar :baz)) "case foo; when "bar"; bar; else baz; end" ~~~~ keyword ~~~~ else ~~~ end ~~~ #### Case-conditions clause ##### Without else Format: ~~~ (case nil (when (lvar :bar) (lvar :bar)) nil) "case; when bar; bar; end" ~~~~ keyword ~~~ end ~~~ ##### With else Format: ~~~ (case nil (when (lvar :bar) (lvar :bar)) (lvar :baz)) "case; when bar; bar; else baz; end" ~~~~ keyword ~~~~ else ~~~ end (case nil (lvar :baz)) "case; else baz; end" ~~~~ keyword ~~~~ else ~~~ end ~~~ ### Looping #### With precondition Format: ~~~ (while (lvar :condition) (send nil :foo)) "while condition do foo; end" ~~~~~ keyword ~~ begin ~~~ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression "while condition; foo; end" ~~~~~ keyword ~~~ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression "foo while condition" ~~~~~ keyword ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression (until (lvar :condition) (send nil :foo)) "until condition do foo; end" ~~~~~ keyword ~~ begin ~~~ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression (until (lvar :condition) (send nil :foo)) "until condition; foo; end" ~~~~~ keyword ~~~ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression "foo until condition" ~~~~~ keyword ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ #### With postcondition Format: ~~~ (while-post (lvar :condition) (begin (send nil :foo))) "begin; foo; end while condition" ~~~~~ begin (begin) ~~~ end (begin) ~~~~~ keyword (while-post) (until-post (lvar :condition) (begin (send nil :foo))) "begin; foo; end until condition" ~~~~~ begin (begin) ~~~ end (begin) ~~~~~ keyword (until-post) ~~~ #### For-in Format: ~~~ (for (lasgn :a) (lvar :array) (send nil :p (lvar :a))) "for a in array do p a; end" ~~~ keyword ~~ in ~~ begin ~~~ end "for a in array; p a; end" ~~~ keyword ~~ in ~~~ end (for (mlhs (lasgn :a) (lasgn :b)) (lvar :array) (send nil :p (lvar :a) (lvar :b))) "for a, b in array; p a, b; end" ~~~ #### Break Format: ~~~ (break (int 1)) "break 1" ~~~~~ keyword ~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ #### Next Format: ~~~ (next (int 1)) "next 1" ~~~~ keyword ~~~~~~ expression ~~~ #### Redo Format: ~~~ (redo) "redo" ~~~~ keyword ~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Return Format: ~~~ (return (lvar :foo)) "return(foo)" ~~~~~~ keyword ~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### Exception handling #### Rescue body Format: ~~~ (resbody (array (const nil :Exception) (const nil :A)) (lvasgn :bar) (int 1)) "rescue Exception, A => bar; 1" ~~~~~~ keyword ~~ assoc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression "rescue Exception, A => bar then 1" ~~~~~~ keyword ~~ assoc ~~~~ begin (resbody (array (const nil :Exception)) (ivasgn :bar) (int 1)) "rescue Exception => @bar; 1" ~~~~~~ keyword ~~ assoc (resbody nil (lvasgn :bar) (int 1)) "rescue => bar; 1" ~~~~~~ keyword ~~ assoc (resbody nil nil (int 1)) "rescue; 1" ~~~~~~ keyword ~~~ #### Rescue statement ##### Without else Format: ~~~ (begin (rescue (send nil :foo) (resbody ...) (resbody ...) nil)) "begin; foo; rescue Exception; rescue; end" ~~~~~ begin ~~~ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression (rescue.resbody/1) ~~~~~~~ expression (rescue.resbody/2) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression (rescue) ~~~ ##### With else Format: ~~~ (begin (rescue (send nil :foo) (resbody ...) (resbody ...) (true))) "begin; foo; rescue Exception; rescue; else true end" ~~~~~ begin ~~~~ else (rescue) ~~~ end ~~~ #### Ensure statement Format: ~~~ (begin (ensure (send nil :foo) (send nil :bar)) "begin; foo; ensure; bar; end" ~~~~~ begin ~~~~~~ keyword (ensure) ~~~ end ~~~ #### Rescue with ensure Format: ~~~ (begin (ensure (rescue (send nil :foo) (resbody ...) (int 1)) (send nil :bar)) "begin; foo; rescue; nil; else; 1; ensure; bar; end" ~~~~~ begin ~~~~ else (ensure.rescue) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression (rescue) ~~~~~~ keyword (ensure) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression (ensure) ~~~ end ~~~ #### Retry Format: ~~~ (retry) "retry" ~~~~~ keyword ~~~~~ expression ~~~ ### BEGIN and END Format: ~~~ (preexe (send nil :puts (str "foo"))) "BEGIN { puts "foo" }" ~~~~~ keyword ^ begin ^ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression (postexe (send nil :puts (str "bar"))) "END { puts "bar" }" ~~~ keyword ^ begin ^ end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expression ~~~