/*** = Description ** Abstracts the DOM Event differences between browsers. ***/ var//RSence.Core Event = { /** Returns the element of the event. **/ element: function(e) { return e.target || e.srcElement; }, /** Returns the mouse cursor x -coordinate of the event. **/ pointerX: function(e) { return ( e.pageX || e.clientX ) + document.body.scrollLeft; }, /** Returns the mouse cursor y -coordinate of the event. **/ pointerY: function(e) { return ( e.pageY || e.clientY ) + document.body.scrollTop; }, /** Stops event propagation **/ stop: function(e) { if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } else { e.returnValue = false; e.cancelBubble = true; } }, /** Returns true if the left mouse butten was clicked. **/ isLeftClick: function(e) { // IE: left 1, middle 4, right 2 if (BROWSER_TYPE.ie && !BROWSER_TYPE.ie9) { return (e.button === 1 || e.button === 3 || e.button === 5); } else { return (e.button === 0); } }, /** List of event observers **/ observers: false, /* Implementation of observe */ _observeAndCache: function(_elem, _name, _function, _useCapture) { if (!Event.observers) { Event.observers = []; } if (_elem && _elem.addEventListener) { this.observers.push([_elem, _name, _function, _useCapture]); _elem.addEventListener(_name, _function, _useCapture); } else if (_elem && _elem.attachEvent) { this.observers.push([_elem, _name, _function, _useCapture]); _elem.attachEvent("on" + _name, _function); } }, /** Flushes the event observer cache. **/ unloadCache: function() { if (!Event.observers) { return; } var i, l = Event.observers.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { try { Event.stopObserving.apply(this, Event.observers[0]); } catch(e){} } Event.observers = false; }, /** Starts observing the named event of the element and * specifies a callback function. **/ observe: function(_elem, _name, _function, _useCapture) { _useCapture = _useCapture || false; Event._observeAndCache(_elem, _name, _function, _useCapture); return _function; }, /** Stops observing the named event of the element and * removes the callback function. **/ stopObserving: function(_elem, _name, _function, _useCapture) { if (_elem === undefined) { console.log('Warning Event.stopObserving of event name: "' + _name + '" called with an undefined elem!'); return; } _useCapture = _useCapture || false; if (_elem['removeEventListener']) { _elem.removeEventListener(_name, _function, _useCapture); } else if (detachEvent) { _elem.detachEvent("on" + _name, _function); } var i = 0; while (i < Event.observers.length) { var eo = Event.observers[i]; if (eo && eo[0] === _elem && eo[1] === _name && eo[2] === _function && eo[3] === _useCapture) { Event.observers[i] = null; Event.observers.splice(i, 1); } else { i++; } } }, // List of ASCII "special characters": KEY_BACKSPACE: 8, KEY_TAB: 9, KEY_RETURN: 13, KEY_ESC: 27, KEY_LEFT: 37, KEY_UP: 38, KEY_RIGHT: 39, KEY_DOWN: 40, KEY_DELETE: 46, KEY_HOME: 36, KEY_END: 35, KEY_PAGEUP: 33, KEY_PAGEDOWN: 34 }; // Activates the garbage collector of Internet Explorer // when the document is unloaded: if (BROWSER_TYPE.ie && !BROWSER_TYPE.ie9) { Event.observe(window, "unload", Event.unloadCache, false); }