module Refinery class Activity attr_accessor :conditions # Image asset to use to represent newly created instances of the class this activity # represents attr_accessor :created_image # Total number of activies to show for a given class of activity attr_accessor :limit attr_accessor :nested_with # SQL order by string to specify how to order the activities in the activity feed for # the given activities class attr_accessor :order # The title to be displayed for each item of this activity attr_accessor :title # Image asset to use to represent updated instance of the class thisa activity represents attr_accessor :updated_image # Creates a new instance of Activity for a registered Refinery Plugin. An optional # hash of options can be specified to customize the values of each attribute # accessor defined on this class. Each key specified in the options hash should be a # symbol representation of the accessor name you wish to customize the value for. # # Example: # To override the limit and title of the activity: # => 10, :title => "Newest Activity!") # # Warning: # for the nested_with option, pass in the reverse order of ancestry e.g. [parent.parent_of_parent, parent] def initialize(options = {}) { :class_name => nil, :conditions => nil, :created_image => "add.png", :limit => 7, :nested_with => [], :order => "updated_at DESC", :title => "title", :updated_image => "edit.png", :url => nil, :url_prefix => "edit" }.merge(options).each { |key, value| self.send(:"#{key}=", value) } end # Returns a string representation of the Class name of the object which this instance is recording attr_reader :class_name # Sets the class_name instance variable. Takes one parameter which must be a Class Constant, String, or Symbol. # # Example: # activity.class_name = :'refinery/image' # activity.class_name = "Refinery::Image" # activity.class_name = Refinery::Image def class_name=(value) @class_name = value.to_s.camelize end # Returns a string containing the base class name (everything to the right of the last :: in the class definition) # of the Class this instance is recording # # Example: # Given: => "Refinery::Image") # # activity.base_class_name => "Image" def base_class_name end # Returns the Class Constant for the Class which this instance is recording # # Example: # activity.klass => Refinery::Image def klass self.class_name.constantize end # to use in a URL like edit_refinery_admin_group_individuals_path(, record) # which will help you if you're using nested routed. def nesting(record_string = "record") self.nested_with.inject("") { |nest_chain, nesting| nest_chain << "#{record_string}.#{nesting}," } end attr_writer :url_prefix def url_prefix "#{"#{@url_prefix}_".gsub("__", "_") if @url_prefix.present?}" end attr_writer :url def url @url ||= "refinery.#{url_prefix}#{Refinery.route_for_model(klass)}" end end end