require 'dragonfly' module Refinery class Image < Refinery::Core::BaseModel ::Refinery::Images::Dragonfly.setup! include Images::Validators image_accessor :image validates :image, :presence => true validates_with ImageSizeValidator validates_property :mime_type, :of => :image, :in => ::Refinery::Images.whitelisted_mime_types, :message => :incorrect_format # Docs for acts_as_indexed acts_as_indexed :fields => [:title] # allows Mass-Assignment attr_accessible :id, :image, :image_size delegate :size, :mime_type, :url, :width, :height, :to => :image class << self # How many images per page should be displayed? def per_page(dialog = false, has_size_options = false) if dialog unless has_size_options Images.pages_per_dialog else Images.pages_per_dialog_that_have_size_options end else Images.pages_per_admin_index end end end # Get a thumbnail job object given a geometry. def thumbnail(geometry = nil) if geometry.is_a?(Symbol) and Refinery::Images.user_image_sizes.keys.include?(geometry) geometry = Refinery::Images.user_image_sizes[geometry] end if geometry.present? && !geometry.is_a?(Symbol) image.thumb(geometry) else image end end # Intelligently works out dimensions for a thumbnail of this image based on the Dragonfly geometry string. def thumbnail_dimensions(geometry) geometry = geometry.to_s width = original_width = self.image_width.to_f height = original_height = self.image_height.to_f geometry_width, geometry_height = geometry.split(%r{\#{1,2}|\+|>|!|x}im)[0..1].map(&:to_f) if (original_width * original_height > 0) && geometry =~ ::Dragonfly::ImageMagick::Processor::THUMB_GEOMETRY if geometry =~ ::Dragonfly::ImageMagick::Processor::RESIZE_GEOMETRY if geometry !~ %r{\d+x\d+>} || (geometry =~ %r{\d+x\d+>} && (width > geometry_width.to_f || height > geometry_height.to_f)) # Try scaling with width factor first. (wf = width factor) wf_width = (original_width * (geometry_width / width)).ceil wf_height = (original_height * (geometry_width / width)).ceil # Scale with height factor (hf = height factor) hf_width = (original_width * (geometry_height / height)).ceil hf_height = (original_height * (geometry_height / height)).ceil # Take the highest value that doesn't exceed either axis limit. use_wf = wf_width <= geometry_width && wf_height <= geometry_height if use_wf && hf_width <= geometry_width && hf_height <= geometry_height use_wf = wf_width * wf_height > hf_width * hf_height end if use_wf width = wf_width height = wf_height else width = hf_width height = hf_height end end else # cropping width = geometry_width height = geometry_height end end { :width => width.to_i, :height => height.to_i } end # Returns a titleized version of the filename # my_file.jpg returns My File def title CGI::unescape(image_name.to_s).gsub(/\.\w+$/, '').titleize end end end