class Bj module Mixin # Module that provides easy queueing of jobs. # Transparently handles instance and class methods. # # If you consider this class: # # class Repository < ActiveRecord::Base # include Bj::Mixin::Async # # def self.create_index # # code # end # # def notify_watchers # # code # end # end # # you can queue new jobs on both the class and an instance like this: # # @repository.async(:notify_watchers) # Repository.async(:create_index) # module Async def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end def async(method, *args) Bj.submit "CACHE_CLASSES=true ./script/runner '#{}.perform(#{id}, #{method.inspect})'", :stdin => args.to_yaml, :is_restartable => false end module ClassMethods def async(method, *args) Bj.submit "CACHE_CLASSES=true ./script/runner '#{}.perform(nil, #{method.inspect})'", :stdin => args.to_yaml, :is_restartable => false end # Performs a class method if id is nil or # an instance method if id has a value. def perform(id, method) args = YAML.load(STDIN) obj = id ? find(id) : self obj.send(method, *args) end end end end end