Acu.setup do |config| # name it to the Base Application Controller that your project # is going to use as a base of all of your controllers. config.base_controller = :ApplicationController # to tighten the security this is enabled by default # i.e if it checked to be true, then if a request didn't match to any of rules, it will get passed through # otherwise the requests which don't fit into any of rules, the request is denied by default config.allow_by_default = false # the audit log file, to log how the requests handles, good for production # leave it black for nil to disable the logging config.audit_log_file = "" # cache the rules to make rule matching much faster # it's not recommended to use it in developement/test evn. config.use_cache = false # the caching namespace config.cache_namespace = 'acu' # define the expiration of cached entries config.cache_expires_in = nil # the race condition ttl config.cache_race_condition_ttl = nil # more details about cache options: # end