require 'spec_helper' require 'pact_broker/webhooks/service' require 'pact_broker/webhooks/triggered_webhook' require 'pact_broker/webhooks/webhook_event' require 'webmock/rspec' require 'sucker_punch/testing/inline' module PactBroker module Webhooks describe Service do before do allow(Service).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) end let(:td) { } let(:logger) { double('logger').as_null_object } describe ".delete_by_uuid" do before do td.create_pact_with_hierarchy .create_webhook .create_triggered_webhook .create_deprecated_webhook_execution end subject { Service.delete_by_uuid td.webhook.uuid } it "deletes the webhook" do expect { subject }.to change { Webhook.count }.by(-1) end end describe ".update_by_uuid" do before do allow_any_instance_of(PactBroker::Webhooks::Repository).to receive(:find_by_uuid).and_return(existing_webhook) end let(:request) { existing_password, headers: headers)} let(:existing_password) { nil } let(:headers) { {} } let(:existing_webhook) { request) } let(:params) do { 'request' => { 'url' => "http://url" } } end subject { Service.update_by_uuid("1234", params) } it "sends through the params to the repository" do updated_webhook = nil allow_any_instance_of(PactBroker::Webhooks::Repository).to receive(:update_by_uuid) do | instance, uuid, webhook | updated_webhook = webhook true end subject expect(updated_webhook.request.url).to eq 'http://url' end context "when the webhook has a password and the incoming parameters do not contain a password" do let(:existing_password) { 'password' } it "does not overwite the password" do updated_webhook = nil allow_any_instance_of(PactBroker::Webhooks::Repository).to receive(:update_by_uuid) do | instance, uuid, webhook | updated_webhook = webhook true end subject expect(updated_webhook.request.password).to eq 'password' end end context "when the webhook has a password and the incoming parameters contain a *** password" do let(:existing_password) { 'password' } let(:params) do { 'request' => { 'url' => 'http://url', 'password' => '*******' } } end it "does not overwite the password" do updated_webhook = nil allow_any_instance_of(PactBroker::Webhooks::Repository).to receive(:update_by_uuid) do | instance, uuid, webhook | updated_webhook = webhook true end subject expect(updated_webhook.request.password).to eq 'password' end end context "when the webhook has an authorization header and the incoming parameters contain a *** authorization header" do let(:headers) { { 'Authorization' => 'existing'} } let(:params) do { 'request' => { 'url' => "http://url", 'headers' => { 'authorization' => "***********" } } } end it "does not overwite the authorization header" do updated_webhook = nil allow_any_instance_of(PactBroker::Webhooks::Repository).to receive(:update_by_uuid) do | instance, uuid, webhook | updated_webhook = webhook true end subject expect(updated_webhook.request.headers['Authorization']).to eq 'existing' end end context "the incoming parameters contain a password" do let(:params) do { 'request' => { 'password' => "updated" } } end it "updates the password" do updated_webhook = nil allow_any_instance_of(PactBroker::Webhooks::Repository).to receive(:update_by_uuid) do | instance, uuid, webhook | updated_webhook = webhook true end subject expect(updated_webhook.request.password).to eq 'updated' end end end describe ".trigger_webhooks" do let(:verification) { instance_double(PactBroker::Domain::Verification)} let(:pact) { instance_double(PactBroker::Domain::Pact, consumer: consumer, provider: provider, consumer_version: consumer_version)} let(:consumer_version) { '1.2.3') } let(:consumer) { 'Consumer') } let(:provider) { 'Provider') } let(:webhooks) { [instance_double(PactBroker::Domain::Webhook, description: 'description', uuid: '1244')]} let(:triggered_webhook) { instance_double(PactBroker::Webhooks::TriggeredWebhook) } let(:options) do { database_connector: double('database_connector'), webhook_context: {}, execution_options: {} } end before do allow_any_instance_of(PactBroker::Webhooks::Repository).to receive(:find_by_consumer_and_or_provider_and_event_name).and_return(webhooks) allow_any_instance_of(PactBroker::Webhooks::Repository).to receive(:create_triggered_webhook).and_return(triggered_webhook) allow(Job).to receive(:perform_in) end subject { Service.trigger_webhooks pact, verification, PactBroker::Webhooks::WebhookEvent::CONTRACT_CONTENT_CHANGED, options } it "finds the webhooks" do expect_any_instance_of(PactBroker::Webhooks::Repository).to receive(:find_by_consumer_and_or_provider_and_event_name).with(consumer, provider, PactBroker::Webhooks::WebhookEvent::DEFAULT_EVENT_NAME) subject end context "when webhooks are found" do it "executes the webhook" do expect(Service).to receive(:run_later).with(webhooks, pact, verification, PactBroker::Webhooks::WebhookEvent::CONTRACT_CONTENT_CHANGED, options) subject end end context "when no webhooks are found" do let(:webhooks) { [] } it "does nothing" do expect(Service).to_not receive(:run_later) subject end it "logs that no webhook was found" do expect(logger).to receive(:debug).with(/No enabled webhooks found/) subject end end context "when there is a scheduling error", job: true do before do allow(Job).to receive(:perform_in).and_raise("an error") end it "logs the error" do allow(Service.logger).to receive(:error) expect(Service.logger).to receive(:error).with(/an error/) subject end end end describe ".test_execution" do let(:webhook) do instance_double(PactBroker::Domain::Webhook, trigger_on_provider_verification_published?: trigger_on_verification, consumer_name: 'consumer', provider_name: 'provider', execute: result ) end let(:pact) { instance_double(PactBroker::Domain::Pact) } let(:verification) { instance_double(PactBroker::Domain::Verification) } let(:trigger_on_verification) { false } let(:result) { double('result') } let(:options) do { execution_options: { failure_log_message: "Webhook execution failed", show_response: 'foo', }, webhook_context: { base_url: 'http://broker' } } end before do allow(PactBroker::Pacts::Service).to receive(:search_for_latest_pact).and_return(pact) allow(PactBroker::Verifications::Service).to receive(:search_for_latest).and_return(verification) allow(PactBroker.configuration).to receive(:show_webhook_response?).and_return('foo') end subject { Service.test_execution(webhook, options) } it "searches for the latest matching pact" do expect(PactBroker::Pacts::Service).to receive(:search_for_latest_pact).with(consumer_name: 'consumer', provider_name: 'provider') subject end it "returns the result" do expect(subject).to be result end context "when the trigger is not for a verification" do it "executes the webhook with the pact" do expect(webhook).to receive(:execute).with(pact, nil, options) subject end end context "when a pact cannot be found" do let(:pact) { nil } it "executes the webhook with a placeholder pact" do expect(webhook).to receive(:execute).with(an_instance_of(PactBroker::Pacts::PlaceholderPact), anything, anything) subject end end context "when the trigger is for a verification publication" do let(:trigger_on_verification) { true } it "searches for the latest matching verification" do expect(PactBroker::Verifications::Service).to receive(:search_for_latest).with('consumer', 'provider') subject end it "executes the webhook with the pact and the verification" do expect(webhook).to receive(:execute).with(pact, verification, options) subject end context "when a verification cannot be found" do let(:verification) { nil } it "executes the webhook with a placeholder verification" do expect(webhook).to receive(:execute).with(anything, an_instance_of(PactBroker::Verifications::PlaceholderVerification), anything) subject end end end end # describe ".execute_webhook_now integration test", job: true do # let(:td) { } # let!(:http_request) do # stub_request(:get, ""). # to_return(:status => 200) # end # let!(:pact) do # td.create_consumer # .create_provider # .create_consumer_version # .create_pact # .create_webhook(method: 'GET', url: '') # .create_verification # .and_return(:pact) # end # subject { PactBroker::Webhooks::Service.execute_webhook_now td.webhook, pact, td.verification } # it "executes the HTTP request of the webhook" do # subject # expect(http_request).to have_been_made # end # it "saves the triggered webhook" do # expect { subject }.to change { PactBroker::Webhooks::TriggeredWebhook.count }.by(1) # end # it "saves the pact" do # subject # expect(PactBroker::Webhooks::TriggeredWebhook.order(:id).last.pact_publication_id).to_not be nil # end # it "saves the verification" do # subject # expect(PactBroker::Webhooks::TriggeredWebhook.order(:id).last.verification_id).to_not be nil # end # it "saves the execution" do # expect { subject }.to change { PactBroker::Webhooks::Execution.count }.by(1) # end # it "marks the triggered webhook as a success" do # subject # expect(TriggeredWebhook.first.status).to eq TriggeredWebhook::STATUS_SUCCESS # end # end describe ".trigger_webhooks integration test", job: true do let!(:http_request) do stub_request(:get, ""). to_return(:status => 200) end let(:events) { [{ name: PactBroker::Webhooks::WebhookEvent::DEFAULT_EVENT_NAME }] } let(:options) do { database_connector: database_connector, webhook_context: { base_url: '' }, execution_options: execution_options } end let(:execution_options) { { show_response: true } } let(:database_connector) { ->(&block) { } } let(:pact) do td.create_consumer .create_provider .create_consumer_version .create_pact .create_verification .create_webhook(method: 'GET', url: '', events: events) .and_return(:pact) end subject { PactBroker::Webhooks::Service.trigger_webhooks pact, td.verification, PactBroker::Webhooks::WebhookEvent::CONTRACT_CONTENT_CHANGED, options } it "executes the HTTP request of the webhook" do subject expect(http_request).to have_been_made end it "executes the webhook with the correct options" do expect_any_instance_of(PactBroker::Domain::WebhookRequest).to receive(:execute).with(hash_including(execution_options)).and_call_original subject end it "saves the triggered webhook" do expect { subject }.to change { PactBroker::Webhooks::TriggeredWebhook.count }.by(1) end it "saves the execution" do expect { subject }.to change { PactBroker::Webhooks::Execution.count }.by(1) end it "marks the triggered webhook as a success" do subject expect(TriggeredWebhook.first.status).to eq TriggeredWebhook::STATUS_SUCCESS end end end end end