#!/usr/bin/env RUBYOPT=-Ku ruby require "pathname" require "trollop" root = Pathname.new(__FILE__).dirname.parent lib_path = (root + "lib").realdirpath current_dir = File.join(Dir.pwd, "lib") $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib_path) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(current_dir) require "alephant/preview" require "alephant/preview/tasks" SUB_COMMANDS = %w(preview).freeze global_opts = Trollop.options do banner <<-EOS Static publishing to S3 based on SQS messages Usage: alephant-preview # Runs preview server alephant-preview update # Attempts to update preview template Dependent on the following environmen variables being set: - STATIC_HOST_REGEX"static.(int|test|live).myhost.com" - PREVIEW_TEMPLATE_URL"http://myapp.com/mustache_template" EOS stop_on SUB_COMMANDS end cmd = ARGV.shift # get the subcommand case cmd when nil Rake::Task["alephant:preview:go"].invoke when "update" Rake::Task["alephant:preview:update"].invoke else Trollop.die "unknown subcommand #{cmd.inspect}" end