# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/inputs/base" require "logstash/namespace" require "stud/interval" require "logstash-input-http_jars" require "logstash/plugin_mixins/ecs_compatibility_support" # Using this input you can receive single or multiline events over http(s). # Applications can send a HTTP POST request with a body to the endpoint started by this # input and Logstash will convert it into an event for subsequent processing. Users # can pass plain text, JSON, or any formatted data and use a corresponding codec with this # input. For Content-Type `application/json` the `json` codec is used, but for all other # data formats, `plain` codec is used. # # This input can also be used to receive webhook requests to integrate with other services # and applications. By taking advantage of the vast plugin ecosystem available in Logstash # you can trigger actionable events right from your application. # # ==== Security # This plugin supports standard HTTP basic authentication headers to identify the requester. # You can pass in an username, password combination while sending data to this input # # You can also setup SSL and send data securely over https, with an option of validating # the client's certificate. Currently, the certificate setup is through # https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19509-01/820-3503/ggfen/index.html[Java Keystore # format] # class LogStash::Inputs::Http < LogStash::Inputs::Base include LogStash::PluginMixins::ECSCompatibilitySupport(:disabled, :v1, :v8 => :v1) require "logstash/inputs/http/tls" java_import "io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpUtil" java_import 'org.logstash.plugins.inputs.http.util.SslSimpleBuilder' config_name "http" # Codec used to decode the incoming data. # This codec will be used as a fall-back if the content-type # is not found in the "additional_codecs" hash default :codec, "plain" # The host or ip to bind config :host, :validate => :string, :default => "" # The TCP port to bind to config :port, :validate => :number, :default => 8080 # Username for basic authorization config :user, :validate => :string, :required => false # Password for basic authorization config :password, :validate => :password, :required => false # Events are by default sent in plain text. You can # enable encryption by setting `ssl` to true and configuring # the `ssl_certificate` and `ssl_key` options. config :ssl, :validate => :boolean, :default => false # SSL certificate to use. config :ssl_certificate, :validate => :path # SSL key to use. # NOTE: This key need to be in the PKCS8 format, you can convert it with https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.0/apps/pkcs8.html[OpenSSL] # for more information. config :ssl_key, :validate => :path # SSL key passphrase to use. config :ssl_key_passphrase, :validate => :password # Validate client certificates against these authorities. # You can define multiple files or paths. All the certificates will # be read and added to the trust store. You need to configure the `ssl_verify_mode` # to `peer` or `force_peer` to enable the verification. config :ssl_certificate_authorities, :validate => :array, :default => [] # By default the server doesn't do any client verification. # # `peer` will make the server ask the client to provide a certificate. # If the client provides a certificate, it will be validated. # # `force_peer` will make the server ask the client to provide a certificate. # If the client doesn't provide a certificate, the connection will be closed. # # This option needs to be used with `ssl_certificate_authorities` and a defined list of CAs. config :ssl_verify_mode, :validate => ["none", "peer", "force_peer"], :default => "none" # Time in milliseconds for an incomplete ssl handshake to timeout config :ssl_handshake_timeout, :validate => :number, :default => 10000 # The list of ciphers suite to use, listed by priorities. config :ssl_cipher_suites, :validate => SslSimpleBuilder::SUPPORTED_CIPHERS.to_a, :default => SslSimpleBuilder.getDefaultCiphers, :list => true config :ssl_supported_protocols, :validate => ['TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2', 'TLSv1.3'], :default => ['TLSv1.2', 'TLSv1.3'], :list => true # Apply specific codecs for specific content types. # The default codec will be applied only after this list is checked # and no codec for the request's content-type is found config :additional_codecs, :validate => :hash, :default => { "application/json" => "json" } # specify a custom set of response headers config :response_headers, :validate => :hash, :default => { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' } # target field for the client host of the http request config :remote_host_target_field, :validate => :string # target field for the client host of the http request config :request_headers_target_field, :validate => :string config :threads, :validate => :number, :required => false, :default => ::LogStash::Config::CpuCoreStrategy.maximum config :max_pending_requests, :validate => :number, :required => false, :default => 200 config :max_content_length, :validate => :number, :required => false, :default => 100 * 1024 * 1024 config :response_code, :validate => [200, 201, 202, 204], :default => 200 # Deprecated options # The JKS keystore to validate the client's certificates config :keystore, :validate => :path, :deprecated => "Set 'ssl_certificate' and 'ssl_key' instead." config :keystore_password, :validate => :password, :deprecated => "Set 'ssl_key_passphrase' instead." config :verify_mode, :validate => ['none', 'peer', 'force_peer'], :default => 'none', :deprecated => "Set 'ssl_verify_mode' instead." config :cipher_suites, :validate => :array, :default => [], :deprecated => "Set 'ssl_cipher_suites' instead." # The minimum TLS version allowed for the encrypted connections. The value must be one of the following: # 1.0 for TLS 1.0, 1.1 for TLS 1.1, 1.2 for TLS 1.2, 1.3 for TLS 1.3 config :tls_min_version, :validate => :number, :default => TLS.min.version, :deprecated => "Set 'ssl_supported_protocols' instead." # The maximum TLS version allowed for the encrypted connections. The value must be the one of the following: # 1.0 for TLS 1.0, 1.1 for TLS 1.1, 1.2 for TLS 1.2, 1.3 for TLS 1.3 config :tls_max_version, :validate => :number, :default => TLS.max.version, :deprecated => "Set 'ssl_supported_protocols' instead." attr_reader :codecs public def register validate_ssl_settings! if @user && @password token = Base64.strict_encode64("#{@user}:#{@password.value}") @auth_token = "Basic #{token}" end @codecs = Hash.new @additional_codecs.each do |content_type, codec| @codecs[content_type] = initialize_codec(codec) end require "logstash/inputs/http/message_handler" message_handler = MessageHandler.new(self, @codec, @codecs, @auth_token) @http_server = create_http_server(message_handler) @remote_host_target_field ||= ecs_select[disabled: "host", v1: "[host][ip]"] @request_headers_target_field ||= ecs_select[disabled: "headers", v1: "[@metadata][input][http][request][headers]"] end # def register def run(queue) @queue = queue @logger.info("Starting http input listener", :address => "#{@host}:#{@port}", :ssl => "#{@ssl}") @http_server.run() end def stop @http_server.close() rescue nil end def close @http_server.close() rescue nil end def decode_body(headers, remote_address, body, default_codec, additional_codecs) content_type = headers.fetch("content_type", "") codec = additional_codecs.fetch(HttpUtil.getMimeType(content_type), default_codec) codec.decode(body) { |event| push_decoded_event(headers, remote_address, event) } codec.flush { |event| push_decoded_event(headers, remote_address, event) } true rescue => e @logger.error( "unable to process event.", :message => e.message, :class => e.class.name, :backtrace => e.backtrace ) false end def push_decoded_event(headers, remote_address, event) add_ecs_fields(headers, event) event.set(@request_headers_target_field, headers) event.set(@remote_host_target_field, remote_address) decorate(event) @queue << event end def add_ecs_fields(headers, event) return if ecs_compatibility == :disabled http_version = headers.get("http_version") event.set("[http][version]", http_version) if http_version http_user_agent = headers.get("http_user_agent") event.set("[user_agent][original]", http_user_agent) if http_user_agent http_host = headers.get("http_host") domain, port = self.class.get_domain_port(http_host) event.set("[url][domain]", domain) if domain event.set("[url][port]", port) if port request_method = headers.get("request_method") event.set("[http][method]", request_method) if request_method request_path = headers.get("request_path") event.set("[url][path]", request_path) if request_path content_length = headers.get("content_length") event.set("[http][request][body][bytes]", content_length) if content_length content_type = headers.get("content_type") event.set("[http][request][mime_type]", content_type) if content_type end # match the domain and port in either IPV4, "", or IPV6, "[2001:db8::8a2e:370:7334]:8080", style # return [domain, port] def self.get_domain_port(http_host) if /^(([^:]+)|\[(.*)\])\:([\d]+)$/ =~ http_host ["#{$2 || $3}", $4.to_i] else [http_host, nil] end end def validate_ssl_settings! if !@ssl @logger.warn("SSL Certificate will not be used") if @ssl_certificate @logger.warn("SSL Key will not be used") if @ssl_key @logger.warn("SSL Java Key Store will not be used") if @keystore return # code bellow assumes `ssl => true` end if !(ssl_key_configured? || ssl_jks_configured?) raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, "Certificate or JKS must be configured" end if original_params.key?("verify_mode") && original_params.key?("ssl_verify_mode") raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, "Both `ssl_verify_mode` and (deprecated) `verify_mode` were set. Use only `ssl_verify_mode`." elsif original_params.key?("verify_mode") @ssl_verify_mode_final = @verify_mode else @ssl_verify_mode_final = @ssl_verify_mode end if original_params.key?('cipher_suites') && original_params.key?('ssl_cipher_suites') raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, "Both `ssl_cipher_suites` and (deprecated) `cipher_suites` were set. Use only `ssl_cipher_suites`." elsif original_params.key?('cipher_suites') @ssl_cipher_suites_final = @cipher_suites else @ssl_cipher_suites_final = @ssl_cipher_suites end if original_params.key?('tls_min_version') && original_params.key?('ssl_supported_protocols') raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, "Both `ssl_supported_protocols` and (deprecated) `tls_min_ciphers` were set. Use only `ssl_supported_protocols`." elsif original_params.key?('tls_max_version') && original_params.key?('ssl_supported_protocols') raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, "Both `ssl_supported_protocols` and (deprecated) `tls_max_ciphers` were set. Use only `ssl_supported_protocols`." else if original_params.key?('tls_min_version') || original_params.key?('tls_max_version') @ssl_supported_protocols_final = TLS.get_supported(tls_min_version..tls_max_version).map(&:name) else @ssl_supported_protocols_final = @ssl_supported_protocols end end if require_certificate_authorities? && !client_authentication? raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, "Using `ssl_verify_mode` (or `verify_mode`) set to PEER or FORCE_PEER, requires the configuration of `ssl_certificate_authorities`" elsif !require_certificate_authorities? && client_authentication? raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, "The configuration of `ssl_certificate_authorities` requires setting `ssl_verify_mode` (or `verify_mode`) to PEER or FORCE_PEER" end end def create_http_server(message_handler) org.logstash.plugins.inputs.http.NettyHttpServer.new( @host, @port, message_handler, build_ssl_params(), @threads, @max_pending_requests, @max_content_length, @response_code) end def build_ssl_params return nil unless @ssl if @keystore && @keystore_password ssl_builder = org.logstash.plugins.inputs.http.util.JksSslBuilder.new(@keystore, @keystore_password.value) else begin ssl_builder = org.logstash.plugins.inputs.http.util.SslSimpleBuilder .new(@ssl_certificate, @ssl_key, @ssl_key_passphrase.nil? ? nil : @ssl_key_passphrase.value) .setCipherSuites(normalized_cipher_suites) rescue java.lang.IllegalArgumentException => e @logger.error("SSL configuration invalid", error_details(e)) raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, e end if client_authentication? ssl_builder.setCertificateAuthorities(@ssl_certificate_authorities) end end new_ssl_handshake_provider(ssl_builder) end def ssl_key_configured? !!(@ssl_certificate && @ssl_key) end def ssl_jks_configured? !!(@keystore && @keystore_password) end def client_authentication? @ssl_certificate_authorities && @ssl_certificate_authorities.size > 0 end def require_certificate_authorities? @ssl_verify_mode_final == "force_peer" || @ssl_verify_mode_final == "peer" end private def normalized_cipher_suites @ssl_cipher_suites_final.map(&:upcase) end def new_ssl_handshake_provider(ssl_builder) begin ssl_handler_provider = org.logstash.plugins.inputs.http.util.SslHandlerProvider.new(ssl_builder.build()) ssl_handler_provider.setVerifyMode(@ssl_verify_mode_final.upcase) ssl_handler_provider.setProtocols(@ssl_supported_protocols_final) ssl_handler_provider.setHandshakeTimeoutMilliseconds(@ssl_handshake_timeout) ssl_handler_provider rescue java.lang.IllegalArgumentException => e @logger.error("SSL configuration invalid", error_details(e)) raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, e rescue java.lang.Exception => e @logger.error("SSL configuration failed", error_details(e, true)) raise e end end def error_details(e, trace = false) error_details = { :exception => e.class, :message => e.message } error_details[:backtrace] = e.backtrace if trace || @logger.debug? cause = e.cause if cause && e != cause error_details[:cause] = { :exception => cause.class, :message => cause.message } error_details[:cause][:backtrace] = cause.backtrace if trace || @logger.debug? end error_details end def initialize_codec(codec_name) codec_klass = LogStash::Plugin.lookup("codec", codec_name) if defined?(::LogStash::Plugins::Contextualizer) ::LogStash::Plugins::Contextualizer.initialize_plugin(execution_context, codec_klass) else codec_klass.new end end end # class LogStash::Inputs::Http