# Methods to create geometry module OpenstudioStandards module Geometry # @!group CreateBar # Building Form Defaults from Table 4.2 in Achieving the 30% Goal: Energy and Cost Savings Analysis of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 # aspect ratio for NA replaced with floor area to perimeter ratio from prototype model # currently no reason to split apart doe and deer inputs here # # @param building_type [String] standard building type # @return [Hash] Hash of aspect_ratio, wwr, typical_story, and perim_mult def self.building_form_defaults(building_type) hash = {} # DOE Prototypes # calculate aspect ratios not represented on Table 4.2 primary_footprint = 73958.0 primary_p = 619.0 # wrote measure using calculate_perimeter method in os_lib_geometry primary_ns_ew_ratio = 2.829268293 # estimated from ratio of ns/ew total wall area primary_width = Math.sqrt(primary_footprint / primary_ns_ew_ratio) primary_p_min = 2 * (primary_width + primary_width / primary_footprint) primary_p_mult = primary_p / primary_p_min secondary_footprint = 210887.0 / 2.0 # floor area divided by area instead of true footprint 128112.0) secondary_p = 708.0 # wrote measure using calculate_perimeter method in os_lib_geometry secondary_ns_ew_ratio = 2.069230769 # estimated from ratio of ns/ew total wall area secondary_width = Math.sqrt(secondary_footprint / secondary_ns_ew_ratio) secondary_p_min = 2 * (secondary_width + secondary_width / secondary_footprint) secondary_p_mult = secondary_p / secondary_p_min outpatient_footprint = 40946.0 / 3.0 # floor area divided by area instead of true footprint 17872.0) outpatient_p = 537.0 # wrote measure using calculate_perimeter method in os_lib_geometry outpatient_ns_ew_ratio = 1.56448737 # estimated from ratio of ns/ew total wall area outpatient_width = Math.sqrt(outpatient_footprint / outpatient_ns_ew_ratio) outpatient_p_min = 2 * (outpatient_width + outpatient_footprint / outpatient_width) outpatient_p_mult = outpatient_p / outpatient_p_min # primary_aspet_ratio = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.aspect_ratio(73958.0, 2060.0) # secondary_aspet_ratio = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.aspect_ratio(128112.0, 2447.0) # outpatient_aspet_ratio = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.aspect_ratio(14782.0, 588.0) supermarket_a = 45001.0 supermarket_p = 866.0 supermarket_wwr = 1880.0 / (supermarket_p * 20.0) supermarket_aspect_ratio = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.aspect_ratio(supermarket_a, supermarket_p) hash['SmallOffice'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.5, wwr: 0.15, typical_story: 10.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } hash['MediumOffice'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.5, wwr: 0.33, typical_story: 13.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } hash['LargeOffice'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.5, wwr: 0.15, typical_story: 13.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } hash['RetailStandalone'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.28, wwr: 0.07, typical_story: 20.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } hash['RetailStripmall'] = { aspect_ratio: 4.0, wwr: 0.11, typical_story: 17.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } hash['PrimarySchool'] = { aspect_ratio: primary_ns_ew_ratio.round(1), wwr: 0.35, typical_story: 13.0, perim_mult: primary_p_mult.round(3) } hash['SecondarySchool'] = { aspect_ratio: secondary_ns_ew_ratio.round(1), wwr: 0.33, typical_story: 13.0, perim_mult: secondary_p_mult.round(3) } hash['Outpatient'] = { aspect_ratio: outpatient_ns_ew_ratio.round(1), wwr: 0.20, typical_story: 10.0, perim_mult: outpatient_p_mult.round(3) } hash['Hospital'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.33, wwr: 0.16, typical_story: 14.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } hash['SmallHotel'] = { aspect_ratio: 3.0, wwr: 0.11, typical_story: 9.0, first_story: 11.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } hash['LargeHotel'] = { aspect_ratio: 5.1, wwr: 0.27, typical_story: 10.0, first_story: 13.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } # code in get_space_types_from_building_type is used to override building wwr with space type specific wwr hash['Warehouse'] = { aspect_ratio: 2.2, wwr: 0.0, typical_story: 28.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } hash['QuickServiceRestaurant'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.0, wwr: 0.14, typical_story: 10.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } hash['FullServiceRestaurant'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.0, wwr: 0.18, typical_story: 10.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } hash['QuickServiceRestaurant'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.0, wwr: 0.18, typical_story: 10.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } hash['MidriseApartment'] = { aspect_ratio: 2.75, wwr: 0.15, typical_story: 10.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } hash['HighriseApartment'] = { aspect_ratio: 2.75, wwr: 0.15, typical_story: 10.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } # SuperMarket inputs come from prototype model hash['SuperMarket'] = { aspect_ratio: supermarket_aspect_ratio.round(1), wwr: supermarket_wwr.round(2), typical_story: 20.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } # Add Laboratory and Data Centers hash['Laboratory'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.33, wwr: 0.12, typical_story: 10.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } hash['LargeDataCenterLowITE'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.67, wwr: 0.0, typical_story: 14.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } hash['LargeDataCenterHighITE'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.67, wwr: 0.0, typical_story: 14.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } hash['SmallDataCenterLowITE'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.5, wwr: 0.0, typical_story: 14.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } hash['SmallDataCenterHighITE'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.5, wwr: 0.0, typical_story: 14.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } # Add Courthouse and Education hash['Courthouse'] = { aspect_ratio: 2.06, wwr: 0.18, typical_story: 16.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } hash['College'] = { aspect_ratio: 2.5, wwr: 0.037, typical_story: 13.0, perim_mult: 1.0 } # DEER Prototypes hash['Asm'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.0, wwr: 0.19, typical_story: 15.0 } hash['ECC'] = { aspect_ratio: 4.0, wwr: 0.25, typical_story: 13.0 } hash['EPr'] = { aspect_ratio: 2.0, wwr: 0.16, typical_story: 12.0 } hash['ERC'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.7, wwr: 0.03, typical_story: 12.0 } hash['ESe'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.0, wwr: 0.15, typical_story: 13.0 } hash['EUn'] = { aspect_ratio: 2.5, wwr: 0.3, typical_story: 14.0 } hash['Gro'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.0, wwr: 0.07, typical_story: 25.0 } hash['Hsp'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.5, wwr: 0.11, typical_story: 13.0 } hash['Htl'] = { aspect_ratio: 3.0, wwr: 0.23, typical_story: 9.5, first_story: 12.0 } hash['MBT'] = { aspect_ratio: 10.7, wwr: 0.12, typical_story: 15.0 } hash['MFm'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.4, wwr: 0.24, typical_story: 9.5 } hash['MLI'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.0, wwr: 0.01, typical_story: 35.0 } hash['Mtl'] = { aspect_ratio: 5.1, wwr: 0.41, typical_story: 9.0 } hash['Nrs'] = { aspect_ratio: 10.3, wwr: 0.2, typical_story: 13.0 } hash['OfL'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.5, wwr: 0.33, typical_story: 12.0 } hash['OfS'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.5, wwr: 0.33, typical_story: 12.0 } hash['RFF'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.0, wwr: 0.25, typical_story: 13.0 } hash['RSD'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.0, wwr: 0.13, typical_story: 13.0 } hash['Rt3'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.0, wwr: 0.02, typical_story: 20.8 } hash['RtL'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.0, wwr: 0.03, typical_story: 20.5 } hash['RtS'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.0, wwr: 0.13, typical_story: 12.0 } hash['SCn'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.0, wwr: 0.01, typical_story: 48.0 } hash['SUn'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.0, wwr: 0.01, typical_story: 48.0 } hash['WRf'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.6, wwr: 0.0, typical_story: 32.0 } return hash[building_type] end # sort building stories # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Hash] An Hash with key OpenStudio BuildingStory objects and their minimum z value def self.model_sort_building_stories_and_get_min_multiplier(model) sorted_building_stories = {} # loop through stories model.getBuildingStorys.sort.each do |story| story_min_z = nil # loop through spaces in story. story.spaces.sort.each do |space| space_z_min = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.surfaces_get_z_values(space.surfaces.to_a).min + space.zOrigin if story_min_z.nil? || (story_min_z > space_z_min) story_min_z = space_z_min end end sorted_building_stories[story] = story_min_z end return sorted_building_stories end # gather envelope data for envelope simplification # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @return [Hash] A hash of envelope data used by other methods # @todo full list of hash returns aren't documented yet def self.model_envelope_data(model) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Gathering envelope data.') # hash to contain envelope data envelope_data_hash = {} # used for overhang and party wall orientation catigorization facade_options = { 'north_east' => 45.0, 'south_east' => 125.0, 'south_west' => 225.0, 'north_west' => 315.0 } # get building level inputs envelope_data_hash[:north_axis] = model.getBuilding.northAxis envelope_data_hash[:building_floor_area] = model.getBuilding.floorArea envelope_data_hash[:building_exterior_surface_area] = model.getBuilding.exteriorSurfaceArea envelope_data_hash[:building_exterior_wall_area] = model.getBuilding.exteriorWallArea envelope_data_hash[:building_exterior_roof_area] = envelope_data_hash[:building_exterior_surface_area] - envelope_data_hash[:building_exterior_wall_area] envelope_data_hash[:building_air_volume] = model.getBuilding.airVolume envelope_data_hash[:building_perimeter] = nil # will be applied for first story without ground walls # get bounding_box bounding_box = OpenStudio::BoundingBox.new model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| space.surfaces.sort.each do |space_surface| bounding_box.addPoints(space.transformation * space_surface.vertices) end end min_x = bounding_box.minX.get min_y = bounding_box.minY.get min_z = bounding_box.minZ.get max_x = bounding_box.maxX.get max_y = bounding_box.maxY.get max_z = bounding_box.maxZ.get envelope_data_hash[:building_min_xyz] = [min_x, min_y, min_z] envelope_data_hash[:building_max_xyz] = [max_x, max_y, max_z] # add orientation specific wwr ext_surfaces_hash = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.model_get_exterior_window_and_wall_area_by_orientation(model) envelope_data_hash[:building_wwr_n] = ext_surfaces_hash['north_window'] / ext_surfaces_hash['north_wall'] envelope_data_hash[:building_wwr_s] = ext_surfaces_hash['south_window'] / ext_surfaces_hash['south_wall'] envelope_data_hash[:building_wwr_e] = ext_surfaces_hash['east_window'] / ext_surfaces_hash['east_wall'] envelope_data_hash[:building_wwr_w] = ext_surfaces_hash['west_window'] / ext_surfaces_hash['west_wall'] envelope_data_hash[:stories] = {} # each entry will be hash with buildingStory as key and attributes has values envelope_data_hash[:space_types] = {} # each entry will be hash with spaceType as key and attributes has values # as rough estimate overhang area / glazing area should be close to projection factor assuming overhang is same width as windows # will only add building shading surfaces assoicated with a sub-surface. building_overhang_area_n = 0.0 building_overhang_area_s = 0.0 building_overhang_area_e = 0.0 building_overhang_area_w = 0.0 # loop through stories based on mine z height of surfaces. sorted_stories = sort_building_stories_and_get_min_multiplier(model).sort_by { |k, v| v } sorted_stories.each do |story, story_min_z| story_min_multiplier = nil story_footprint = nil story_multiplied_floor_area = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.spaces_get_floor_area(story.spaces) # goal of footprint calc is to count multiplier for hotel room on facade,but not to count what is intended as a story multiplier story_multiplied_exterior_surface_area = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.spaces_get_exterior_area(story.spaces) story_multiplied_exterior_wall_area = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.spaces_get_exterior_wall_area(story.spaces) story_multiplied_exterior_roof_area = story_multiplied_exterior_surface_area - story_multiplied_exterior_wall_area story_has_ground_walls = [] story_has_adiabatic_walls = [] story_included_in_building_area = false # will be true if any spaces on story are inclued in building area story_max_z = nil # loop through spaces for story gathering information story.spaces.each do |space| # get min multiplier value multiplier = space.multiplier if story_min_multiplier.nil? || (story_min_multiplier > multiplier) story_min_multiplier = multiplier end # calculate footprint story_footprint = story_multiplied_floor_area / story_min_multiplier # see if part of floor area if space.partofTotalFloorArea story_included_in_building_area = true # add to space type ratio hash when space is included in building floor area if space.spaceType.is_initialized space_type = space.spaceType.get space_floor_area = space.floorArea * space.multiplier if envelope_data_hash[:space_types].key?(space_type) envelope_data_hash[:space_types][space_type][:floor_area] += space_floor_area else envelope_data_hash[:space_types][space_type] = {} envelope_data_hash[:space_types][space_type][:floor_area] = space_floor_area # make hash for heating and cooling setpoints envelope_data_hash[:space_types][space_type][:htg_setpoint] = {} envelope_data_hash[:space_types][space_type][:clg_setpoint] = {} end # add heating and cooling setpoints if space.thermalZone.is_initialized && space.thermalZone.get.thermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.is_initialized thermostat = space.thermalZone.get.thermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get # log heating schedule if thermostat.heatingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.is_initialized htg_sch = thermostat.heatingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.get if envelope_data_hash[:space_types][space_type][:htg_setpoint].key?(htg_sch) envelope_data_hash[:space_types][space_type][:htg_setpoint][htg_sch] += space_floor_area else envelope_data_hash[:space_types][space_type][:htg_setpoint][htg_sch] = space_floor_area end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "#{space.thermalZone.get.name} containing #{space.name} doesn't have a heating setpoint schedule.") end # log cooling schedule if thermostat.coolingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.is_initialized clg_sch = thermostat.coolingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.get if envelope_data_hash[:space_types][space_type][:clg_setpoint].key?(clg_sch) envelope_data_hash[:space_types][space_type][:clg_setpoint][clg_sch] += space_floor_area else envelope_data_hash[:space_types][space_type][:clg_setpoint][clg_sch] = space_floor_area end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "#{space.thermalZone.get.name} containing #{space.name} doesn't have a heating setpoint schedule.") end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "#{space.name} either isn't in a thermal zone or doesn't have a thermostat assigned") end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "#{space.name} is included in the building floor area but isn't assigned a space type.") end end # check for walls with adiabatic and ground boundary condition space.surfaces.each do |surface| next if surface.surfaceType != 'Wall' if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Ground' story_has_ground_walls << surface elsif surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Adiabatic' story_has_adiabatic_walls << surface end end # populate overhang values space.surfaces.each do |surface| surface.subSurfaces.each do |sub_surface| sub_surface.shadingSurfaceGroups.each do |shading_surface_group| shading_surface_group.shadingSurfaces.each do |shading_surface| absolute_azimuth = OpenStudio.convert(sub_surface.azimuth, 'rad', 'deg').get + sub_surface.space.get.directionofRelativeNorth + model.getBuilding.northAxis absolute_azimuth -= 360.0 until absolute_azimuth < 360.0 # add to hash based on orientation if (facade_options['north_east'] <= absolute_azimuth) && (absolute_azimuth < facade_options['south_east']) # East overhang building_overhang_area_e += shading_surface.grossArea * space.multiplier elsif (facade_options['south_east'] <= absolute_azimuth) && (absolute_azimuth < facade_options['south_west']) # South overhang building_overhang_area_s += shading_surface.grossArea * space.multiplier elsif (facade_options['south_west'] <= absolute_azimuth) && (absolute_azimuth < facade_options['north_west']) # West overhang building_overhang_area_w += shading_surface.grossArea * space.multiplier else # North overhang building_overhang_area_n += shading_surface.grossArea * space.multiplier end end end end end # get max z space_z_max = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.surfaces_get_z_values(space.surfaces.to_a).max + space.zOrigin if story_max_z.nil? || (story_max_z > space_z_max) story_max_z = space_z_max end end # populate hash for story data envelope_data_hash[:stories][story] = {} envelope_data_hash[:stories][story][:story_min_height] = story_min_z envelope_data_hash[:stories][story][:story_max_height] = story_max_z envelope_data_hash[:stories][story][:story_min_multiplier] = story_min_multiplier envelope_data_hash[:stories][story][:story_has_ground_walls] = story_has_ground_walls envelope_data_hash[:stories][story][:story_has_adiabatic_walls] = story_has_adiabatic_walls envelope_data_hash[:stories][story][:story_included_in_building_area] = story_included_in_building_area envelope_data_hash[:stories][story][:story_footprint] = story_footprint envelope_data_hash[:stories][story][:story_multiplied_floor_area] = story_multiplied_floor_area envelope_data_hash[:stories][story][:story_exterior_surface_area] = story_multiplied_exterior_surface_area envelope_data_hash[:stories][story][:story_multiplied_exterior_wall_area] = story_multiplied_exterior_wall_area envelope_data_hash[:stories][story][:story_multiplied_exterior_roof_area] = story_multiplied_exterior_roof_area # get perimeter and adiabatic walls that appear to be party walls perimeter_and_party_walls = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.story_get_exterior_wall_perimeter(story, multiplier_adjustment: story_min_multiplier, bounding_box: bounding_box) envelope_data_hash[:stories][story][:story_perimeter] = perimeter_and_party_walls[:perimeter] envelope_data_hash[:stories][story][:story_party_walls] = [] east = false south = false west = false north = false perimeter_and_party_walls[:party_walls].each do |surface| absolute_azimuth = OpenStudio.convert(surface.azimuth, 'rad', 'deg').get + surface.space.get.directionofRelativeNorth + model.getBuilding.northAxis absolute_azimuth -= 360.0 until absolute_azimuth < 360.0 # add to hash based on orientation (initially added array of sourfaces, but swtiched to just true/false flag) if (facade_options['north_east'] <= absolute_azimuth) && (absolute_azimuth < facade_options['south_east']) # East party walls east = true elsif (facade_options['south_east'] <= absolute_azimuth) && (absolute_azimuth < facade_options['south_west']) # South party walls south = true elsif (facade_options['south_west'] <= absolute_azimuth) && (absolute_azimuth < facade_options['north_west']) # West party walls west = true else # North party walls north = true end end if east then envelope_data_hash[:stories][story][:story_party_walls] << 'east' end if south then envelope_data_hash[:stories][story][:story_party_walls] << 'south' end if west then envelope_data_hash[:stories][story][:story_party_walls] << 'west' end if north then envelope_data_hash[:stories][story][:story_party_walls] << 'north' end # store perimeter from first story that doesn't have ground walls if story_has_ground_walls.empty? && envelope_data_hash[:building_perimeter].nil? envelope_data_hash[:building_perimeter] = envelope_data_hash[:stories][story][:story_perimeter] OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', " * #{story.name} is the first above grade story and will be used for the building perimeter.") end end envelope_data_hash[:building_overhang_proj_factor_n] = building_overhang_area_n / ext_surfaces_hash['northWindow'] envelope_data_hash[:building_overhang_proj_factor_s] = building_overhang_area_s / ext_surfaces_hash['southWindow'] envelope_data_hash[:building_overhang_proj_factor_e] = building_overhang_area_e / ext_surfaces_hash['eastWindow'] envelope_data_hash[:building_overhang_proj_factor_w] = building_overhang_area_w / ext_surfaces_hash['westWindow'] # warn for spaces that are not on a story (in future could infer stories for these) model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| if !space.buildingStory.is_initialized OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "#{space.name} is not on a building story, may have unexpected results.") end end return envelope_data_hash end # get length and width of rectangle matching bounding box aspect ratio will maintaining proper floor area # # @param envelope_data_hash [Hash] Hash of envelope data # @return [Hash] hash of bar length and width def self.bar_reduced_bounding_box(envelope_data_hash) bar = {} bounding_length = envelope_data_hash[:building_max_xyz][0] - envelope_data_hash[:building_min_xyz][0] bounding_width = envelope_data_hash[:building_max_xyz][1] - envelope_data_hash[:building_min_xyz][1] bounding_area = bounding_length * bounding_width footprint_area = envelope_data_hash[:building_floor_area] / envelope_data_hash[:effective_num_stories].to_f area_multiplier = footprint_area / bounding_area edge_multiplier = Math.sqrt(area_multiplier) bar[:length] = bounding_length * edge_multiplier bar[:width] = bounding_width * edge_multiplier return bar end # get length and width of rectangle matching longer of two edges, and reducing the other way until floor area matches # # @param envelope_data_hash [Hash] Hash of envelope data # @return [Hash] hash of bar length and width def self.bar_reduced_width(envelope_data_hash) bar = {} bounding_length = envelope_data_hash[:building_max_xyz][0] - envelope_data_hash[:building_min_xyz][0] bounding_width = envelope_data_hash[:building_max_xyz][1] - envelope_data_hash[:building_min_xyz][1] footprint_area = envelope_data_hash[:building_floor_area] / envelope_data_hash[:effective_num_stories].to_f if bounding_length >= bounding_width bar[:length] = bounding_length bar[:width] = footprint_area / bounding_length else bar[:width] = bounding_width bar[:length] = footprint_area / bounding_width end return bar end # get length and width of rectangle by stretching it until both floor area and exterior wall area or perimeter match # # @param envelope_data_hash [Hash] Hash of envelope data including # @return [Hash] hash of bar length and width def self.bar_stretched(envelope_data_hash) bar = {} bounding_length = envelope_data_hash[:building_max_xyz][0] - envelope_data_hash[:building_min_xyz][0] bounding_width = envelope_data_hash[:building_max_xyz][1] - envelope_data_hash[:building_min_xyz][1] a = envelope_data_hash[:building_floor_area] / envelope_data_hash[:effective_num_stories].to_f p = envelope_data_hash[:building_perimeter] if bounding_length >= bounding_width bar[:length] = 0.25 * (p + Math.sqrt(p**2 - 16 * a)) bar[:width] = 0.25 * (p - Math.sqrt(p**2 - 16 * a)) else bar[:length] = 0.25 * (p - Math.sqrt(p**2 - 16 * a)) bar[:width] = 0.25 * (p + Math.sqrt(p**2 - 16 * a)) end return bar end # create_bar creates spaces based on a set of geometric characteristics # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param bar_hash [Hash] A hash object of bar characteristics # @return [Array] An array of OpenStudio Space objects def self.create_bar(model, bar_hash) # make custom story hash when number of stories below grade > 0 # @todo update this so have option basements are not below 0? (useful for simplifying existing model and maintaining z position relative to site shading) story_hash = {} eff_below = bar_hash[:num_stories_below_grade] eff_above = bar_hash[:num_stories_above_grade] footprint_origin_point = bar_hash[:center_of_footprint] typical_story_height = bar_hash[:floor_height] # warn about site shading if !model.getSite.shadingSurfaceGroups.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'The model has one or more site shading surfaces. New geometry may not be positioned where expected, it will be centered over the center of the original geometry.') end # flatten story_hash out to individual stories included in building area stories_flat = [] stories_flat_counter = 0 bar_hash[:stories].each_with_index do |(k, v), i| # k is invalid in some cases, old story object that has been removed, should be from low to high including basement # skip if source story insn't included in building area if v[:story_included_in_building_area].nil? || (v[:story_included_in_building_area] == true) # add to counter stories_flat_counter += v[:story_min_multiplier] flat_hash = {} flat_hash[:story_party_walls] = v[:story_party_walls] flat_hash[:below_partial_story] = v[:below_partial_story] flat_hash[:bottom_story_ground_exposed_floor] = v[:bottom_story_ground_exposed_floor] flat_hash[:top_story_exterior_exposed_roof] = v[:top_story_exterior_exposed_roof] if i < eff_below flat_hash[:story_type] = 'b' flat_hash[:multiplier] = 1 elsif i == eff_below flat_hash[:story_type] = 'ground' flat_hash[:multiplier] = 1 elsif stories_flat_counter == eff_below + eff_above.ceil flat_hash[:story_type] = 'top' flat_hash[:multiplier] = 1 else flat_hash[:story_type] = 'mid' flat_hash[:multiplier] = v[:story_min_multiplier] end compare_hash = {} if !stories_flat.empty? stories_flat.last.each { |k, v| compare_hash[k] = flat_hash[k] if flat_hash[k] != v } end if (bar_hash[:story_multiplier_method] != 'None' && stories_flat.last == flat_hash) || (bar_hash[:story_multiplier_method] != 'None' && compare_hash.size == 1 && compare_hash.include?(:multiplier)) stories_flat.last[:multiplier] += v[:story_min_multiplier] else stories_flat << flat_hash end end end if bar_hash[:num_stories_below_grade] > 0 # add in below grade levels (may want to add below grade multipliers at some point if we start running deep basements) eff_below.times do |i| story_hash["B#{i + 1}"] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin_point.z - typical_story_height * (i + 1), space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: 1 } end end # add in above grade levels if eff_above > 2 story_hash['ground'] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin_point.z, space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: 1 } footprint_counter = 0 effective_stories_counter = 1 stories_flat.each do |hash| next if hash[:story_type] != 'mid' if footprint_counter == 0 string = 'mid' else string = "mid#{footprint_counter + 1}" end story_hash[string] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin_point.z + typical_story_height * effective_stories_counter + typical_story_height * (hash[:multiplier] - 1) / 2.0, space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: hash[:multiplier] } footprint_counter += 1 effective_stories_counter += hash[:multiplier] end story_hash['top'] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin_point.z + typical_story_height * (eff_above.ceil - 1), space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: 1 } elsif eff_above > 1 story_hash['ground'] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin_point.z, space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: 1 } story_hash['top'] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin_point.z + typical_story_height * (eff_above.ceil - 1), space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: 1 } else # one story only story_hash['ground'] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin_point.z, space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: 1 } end # create footprints if bar_hash[:bar_division_method] == 'Multiple Space Types - Simple Sliced' footprints = [] story_hash.size.times do |i| # adjust size of bar of top story is not a full story if i + 1 == story_hash.size area_multiplier = (1.0 - bar_hash[:num_stories_above_grade].ceil + bar_hash[:num_stories_above_grade]) edge_multiplier = Math.sqrt(area_multiplier) length = bar_hash[:length] * edge_multiplier width = bar_hash[:width] * edge_multiplier else length = bar_hash[:length] width = bar_hash[:width] end footprints << OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.create_sliced_bar_simple_polygons(bar_hash[:space_types], length, width, bar_hash[:center_of_footprint]) end elsif bar_hash[:bar_division_method] == 'Multiple Space Types - Individual Stories Sliced' # update story_hash for partial_story_above story_hash.each_with_index do |(k, v), i| # adjust size of bar of top story is not a full story if i + 1 == story_hash.size story_hash[k][:partial_story_multiplier] = (1.0 - bar_hash[:num_stories_above_grade].ceil + bar_hash[:num_stories_above_grade]) end end footprints = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.create_sliced_bar_multi_polygons(bar_hash[:space_types], bar_hash[:length], bar_hash[:width], bar_hash[:center_of_footprint], story_hash) else footprints = [] story_hash.size.times do |i| # adjust size of bar of top story is not a full story if i + 1 == story_hash.size area_multiplier = (1.0 - bar_hash[:num_stories_above_grade].ceil + bar_hash[:num_stories_above_grade]) edge_multiplier = Math.sqrt(area_multiplier) length = bar_hash[:length] * edge_multiplier width = bar_hash[:width] * edge_multiplier else length = bar_hash[:length] width = bar_hash[:width] end # perimeter defaults to 15 ft footprints << OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.create_core_and_perimeter_polygons(length, width, bar_hash[:center_of_footprint]) end # set primary space type to building default space type space_types = bar_hash[:space_types].sort_by { |k, v| v[:floor_area] } if space_types.last.first.class.to_s == 'OpenStudio::Model::SpaceType' model.getBuilding.setSpaceType(space_types.last.first) end end # make spaces from polygons new_spaces = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.create_spaces_from_polygons(model, footprints, bar_hash[:floor_height], bar_hash[:num_stories], bar_hash[:center_of_footprint], story_hash) # put all of the spaces in the model into a vector for intersection and surface matching spaces = OpenStudio::Model::SpaceVector.new model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| spaces << space end # flag for intersection and matching type diagnostic_intersect = true # only intersect if make_mid_story_surfaces_adiabatic false if diagnostic_intersect model.getPlanarSurfaces.sort.each do |surface| array = [] vertices = surface.vertices fixed = false vertices.each do |vertex| next if fixed if array.include?(vertex) # create a new set of vertices new_vertices = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new array_b = [] surface.vertices.each do |vertex_b| next if array_b.include?(vertex_b) new_vertices << vertex_b array_b << vertex_b end surface.setVertices(new_vertices) num_removed = vertices.size - surface.vertices.size OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "#{surface.name} has duplicate vertices. Started with #{vertices.size} vertices, removed #{num_removed}.") fixed = true else array << vertex end end end # remove collinear points in a surface model.getPlanarSurfaces.sort.each do |surface| new_vertices = OpenStudio.removeCollinear(surface.vertices) starting_count = surface.vertices.size final_count = new_vertices.size if final_count < starting_count OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Removing #{starting_count - final_count} collinear vertices from #{surface.name}.") surface.setVertices(new_vertices) end end # remove duplicate surfaces in a space (should be done after remove duplicate and collinear points) model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| # secondary array to compare against surfaces_b = space.surfaces.sort space.surfaces.sort.each do |surface_a| # delete from secondary array surfaces_b.delete(surface_a) surfaces_b.each do |surface_b| next if surface_a == surface_b # dont' test against same surface if surface_a.equalVertices(surface_b) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "#{surface_a.name} and #{surface_b.name} in #{space.name} have duplicate geometry, removing #{surface_b.name}.") surface_b.remove elsif surface_a.reverseEqualVertices(surface_b) # @todo add logic to determine which face naormal is reversed and which is correct OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "#{surface_a.name} and #{surface_b.name} in #{space.name} have reversed geometry, removing #{surface_b.name}.") surface_b.remove end end end end if !(bar_hash[:make_mid_story_surfaces_adiabatic]) # intersect and surface match two pair by pair spaces_b = model.getSpaces.sort # looping through vector of each space model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space_a| spaces_b.delete(space_a) spaces_b.each do |space_b| # OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Intersecting and matching surfaces between #{space_a.name} and #{space.name}") spaces_temp = OpenStudio::Model::SpaceVector.new spaces_temp << space_a spaces_temp << space_b # intersect and sort OpenStudio::Model.intersectSurfaces(spaces_temp) OpenStudio::Model.matchSurfaces(spaces_temp) end end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Intersecting and matching surfaces in model, this will create additional geometry.') else # elsif bar_hash[:double_loaded_corridor] # only intersect spaces in each story, not between wtory model.getBuilding.buildingStories.sort.each do |story| # intersect and surface match two pair by pair spaces_b = story.spaces.sort # looping through vector of each space story.spaces.sort.each do |space_a| spaces_b.delete(space_a) spaces_b.each do |space_b| spaces_temp = OpenStudio::Model::SpaceVector.new spaces_temp << space_a spaces_temp << space_b # intersect and sort OpenStudio::Model.intersectSurfaces(spaces_temp) OpenStudio::Model.matchSurfaces(spaces_temp) end end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Intersecting and matching surfaces in story #{story.name}, this will create additional geometry.") end end else if !(bar_hash[:make_mid_story_surfaces_adiabatic]) # intersect surfaces # (when bottom floor has many space types and one above doesn't will end up with heavily subdivided floor. Maybe use adiabatic and don't intersect floor/ceilings) intersect_surfaces = true if intersect_surfaces OpenStudio::Model.intersectSurfaces(spaces) OpenStudio::Model.matchSurfaces(spaces) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Intersecting and matching surfaces in model, this will create additional geometry.') end else # elsif bar_hash[:double_loaded_corridor] # only intersect spaces in each story, not between wtory model.getBuilding.buildingStories.sort.each do |story| story_spaces = OpenStudio::Model::SpaceVector.new story.spaces.sort.each do |space| story_spaces << space end # intersect and sort OpenStudio::Model.intersectSurfaces(story_spaces) OpenStudio::Model.matchSurfaces(story_spaces) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Intersecting and matching surfaces in story #{story.name}, this will create additional geometry.") end end end # set boundary conditions if not already set when geometry was created # @todo update this to use space original z value vs. story name if bar_hash[:num_stories_below_grade] > 0 model.getBuildingStorys.sort.each do |story| next if !story.name.to_s.include?('Story B') story.spaces.sort.each do |space| next if !new_spaces.include?(space) space.surfaces.sort.each do |surface| next if surface.surfaceType != 'Wall' next if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition != 'Outdoors' surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition('Ground') end end end end # set wall boundary condtions to adiabatic if using make_mid_story_surfaces_adiabatic prior to windows being made if bar_hash[:make_mid_story_surfaces_adiabatic] OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Finding non-exterior walls and setting boundary condition to adiabatic') # need to organize by story incase top story is partial story # should also be only for a single bar story_bounding = {} missed_match_count = 0 # gather new spaces by story new_spaces.each do |space| story = space.buildingStory.get if story_bounding.key?(story) story_bounding[story][:spaces] << space else story_bounding[story] = { spaces: [space] } end end # get bounding box for each story story_bounding.each do |story, v| # get bounding_box bounding_box = OpenStudio::BoundingBox.new v[:spaces].each do |space| space.surfaces.each do |space_surface| bounding_box.addPoints(space.transformation * space_surface.vertices) end end min_x = bounding_box.minX.get min_y = bounding_box.minY.get max_x = bounding_box.maxX.get max_y = bounding_box.maxY.get ext_wall_toll = 0.01 # check surfaces again against min/max and change to adiabatic if not fully on one min or max x or y # todo - may need to look at aidiabiatc constructions in downstream measure. Some may be exterior party wall others may be interior walls v[:spaces].each do |space| space.surfaces.each do |space_surface| next if space_surface.surfaceType != 'Wall' next if space_surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Surface' # if if found a match leave it alone, don't change to adiabiatc surface_bounding_box = OpenStudio::BoundingBox.new surface_bounding_box.addPoints(space.transformation * space_surface.vertices) surface_on_outside = false # check xmin if (surface_bounding_box.minX.get - min_x).abs < ext_wall_toll && (surface_bounding_box.maxX.get - min_x).abs < ext_wall_toll then surface_on_outside = true end # check xmax if (surface_bounding_box.minX.get - max_x).abs < ext_wall_toll && (surface_bounding_box.maxX.get - max_x).abs < ext_wall_toll then surface_on_outside = true end # check ymin if (surface_bounding_box.minY.get - min_y).abs < ext_wall_toll && (surface_bounding_box.maxY.get - min_y).abs < ext_wall_toll then surface_on_outside = true end # check ymax if (surface_bounding_box.minY.get - max_y).abs < ext_wall_toll && (surface_bounding_box.maxY.get - max_y).abs < ext_wall_toll then surface_on_outside = true end # change if not exterior if !surface_on_outside space_surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition('Adiabatic') missed_match_count += 1 end end end end if missed_match_count > 0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "#{missed_match_count} surfaces that were exterior appear to be interior walls and had boundary condition chagned to adiabiatic.") end end # sort stories (by name for now but need better way) sorted_stories = {} new_spaces.each do |space| next if !space.buildingStory.is_initialized story = space.buildingStory.get if !sorted_stories.key?(name.to_s) sorted_stories[story.name.to_s] = story end end # flag space types that have wwr overrides space_type_wwr_overrides = {} # loop through building stories, spaces, and surfaces sorted_stories.sort.each_with_index do |(key, story), i| # flag for adiabatic floor if building doesn't have ground exposed floor if stories_flat[i][:bottom_story_ground_exposed_floor] == false adiabatic_floor = true end # flag for adiabatic roof if building doesn't have exterior exposed roof if stories_flat[i][:top_story_exterior_exposed_roof] == false adiabatic_ceiling = true end # make all mid story floor and ceilings adiabatic if requested if bar_hash[:make_mid_story_surfaces_adiabatic] if i > 0 adiabatic_floor = true end if i < sorted_stories.size - 1 adiabatic_ceiling = true end end # flag orientations for this story to recieve party walls party_wall_facades = stories_flat[i][:story_party_walls] story.spaces.each do |space| next if !new_spaces.include?(space) space.surfaces. each do |surface| # set floor to adiabatic if requited if adiabatic_floor && surface.surfaceType == 'Floor' surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition('Adiabatic') elsif adiabatic_ceiling && surface.surfaceType == 'RoofCeiling' surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition('Adiabatic') end # skip of not exterior wall next if surface.surfaceType != 'Wall' next if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition != 'Outdoors' # get the absolute azimuth for the surface so we can categorize it absolute_azimuth = OpenStudio.convert(surface.azimuth, 'rad', 'deg').get + surface.space.get.directionofRelativeNorth + model.getBuilding.northAxis absolute_azimuth = absolute_azimuth % 360.0 # should result in value between 0 and 360 absolute_azimuth = absolute_azimuth.round(5) # this was creating issues at 45 deg angles with opposing facades # target wwr values that may be changed for specific space types wwr_n = bar_hash[:building_wwr_n] wwr_e = bar_hash[:building_wwr_e] wwr_s = bar_hash[:building_wwr_s] wwr_w = bar_hash[:building_wwr_w] # look for space type specific wwr values if surface.space.is_initialized && surface.space.get.spaceType.is_initialized space_type = surface.space.get.spaceType.get # see if space type has wwr value bar_hash[:space_types].each do |k, v| if v.key?(:space_type) && space_type == v[:space_type] # if matching space type specifies a wwr then override the orientation specific recommendations for this surface. if v.key?(:wwr) wwr_n = v[:wwr] wwr_e = v[:wwr] wwr_s = v[:wwr] wwr_w = v[:wwr] space_type_wwr_overrides[space_type] = v[:wwr] end end end end # add fenestration (wwr for now, maybe overhang and overhead doors later) if (absolute_azimuth >= 315.0) || (absolute_azimuth < 45.0) if party_wall_facades.include?('north') surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition('Adiabatic') else surface.setWindowToWallRatio(wwr_n) end elsif (absolute_azimuth >= 45.0) && (absolute_azimuth < 135.0) if party_wall_facades.include?('east') surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition('Adiabatic') else surface.setWindowToWallRatio(wwr_e) end elsif (absolute_azimuth >= 135.0) && (absolute_azimuth < 225.0) if party_wall_facades.include?('south') surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition('Adiabatic') else surface.setWindowToWallRatio(wwr_s) end elsif (absolute_azimuth >= 225.0) && (absolute_azimuth < 315.0) if party_wall_facades.include?('west') surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition('Adiabatic') else surface.setWindowToWallRatio(wwr_w) end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Unexpected value of facade: ' + absolute_azimuth + '.') return false end end end end # report space types with custom wwr values space_type_wwr_overrides.each do |space_type, wwr| OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "For #{space_type.name} the default building wwr was replaced with a space type specfic value of #{wwr}") end new_floor_area_si = 0.0 new_spaces.each do |space| new_floor_area_si += space.floorArea * space.multiplier end new_floor_area_ip = OpenStudio.convert(new_floor_area_si, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get final_floor_area_ip = OpenStudio.convert(model.getBuilding.floorArea, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get if new_floor_area_ip == final_floor_area_ip OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Created bar envelope with floor area of #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(new_floor_area_ip, 0, true)} ft^2.") else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Created bar envelope with floor area of #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(new_floor_area_ip, 0, true)} ft^2. Total building area is #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(final_floor_area_ip, 0, true)} ft^2.") end return new_spaces end # give info messages bar hash for create_bar method # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param args [Hash] user arguments # @param length [Double] length of building in meters # @param width [Double] width of building in meters # @param floor_height [Double] floor height in meters # @param center_of_footprint [OpenStudio::Point3d] center of footprint # @param space_types_hash [Hash] space type hash # @param num_stories [Double] number of stories # @return [Boolean] returns true if successful, false if not def self.bar_hash_setup_run(model, args, length, width, floor_height, center_of_footprint, space_types_hash, num_stories) # create envelope # populate bar_hash and create envelope with data from envelope_data_hash and user arguments bar_hash = {} bar_hash[:length] = length bar_hash[:width] = width bar_hash[:num_stories_below_grade] = args[:num_stories_below_grade] bar_hash[:num_stories_above_grade] = args[:num_stories_above_grade] bar_hash[:floor_height] = floor_height bar_hash[:center_of_footprint] = center_of_footprint bar_hash[:bar_division_method] = args[:bar_division_method] bar_hash[:story_multiplier_method] = args[:story_multiplier_method] bar_hash[:make_mid_story_surfaces_adiabatic] = args[:make_mid_story_surfaces_adiabatic] bar_hash[:space_types] = space_types_hash bar_hash[:building_wwr_n] = args[:wwr] bar_hash[:building_wwr_s] = args[:wwr] bar_hash[:building_wwr_e] = args[:wwr] bar_hash[:building_wwr_w] = args[:wwr] # round up non integer stoires to next integer num_stories_round_up = num_stories.ceil OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Making bar with length of #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(length, 'm', 'ft').get, 0, true)} ft and width of #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(width, 'm', 'ft').get, 0, true)} ft") # party_walls_array to be used by orientation specific or fractional party wall values party_walls_array = [] # this is an array of arrays, where each entry is effective building story with array of directions if args[:party_wall_stories_north] + args[:party_wall_stories_south] + args[:party_wall_stories_east] + args[:party_wall_stories_west] > 0 # loop through effective number of stories add orientation specific party walls per user arguments num_stories_round_up.times do |i| test_value = i + 1 - bar_hash[:num_stories_below_grade] array = [] if args[:party_wall_stories_north] >= test_value array << 'north' end if args[:party_wall_stories_south] >= test_value array << 'south' end if args[:party_wall_stories_east] >= test_value array << 'east' end if args[:party_wall_stories_west] >= test_value array << 'west' end # populate party_wall_array for this story party_walls_array << array end end # calculate party walls if using party_wall_fraction method if args[:party_wall_fraction] > 0 && !party_walls_array.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Both orientation and fractional party wall values arguments were populated, will ignore fractional party wall input') elsif args[:party_wall_fraction] > 0 # orientation of long and short side of building will vary based on building rotation # full story ext wall area typical_length_facade_area = length * floor_height typical_width_facade_area = width * floor_height # top story ext wall area, may be partial story partial_story_multiplier = (1.0 - args[:num_stories_above_grade].ceil + args[:num_stories_above_grade]) area_multiplier = partial_story_multiplier edge_multiplier = Math.sqrt(area_multiplier) top_story_length = length * edge_multiplier top_story_width = width * edge_multiplier top_story_length_facade_area = top_story_length * floor_height top_story_width_facade_area = top_story_width * floor_height total_exterior_wall_area = 2 * (length + width) * (args[:num_stories_above_grade].ceil - 1.0) * floor_height + 2 * (top_story_length + top_story_width) * floor_height target_party_wall_area = total_exterior_wall_area * args[:party_wall_fraction] width_counter = 0 width_area = 0.0 facade_area = typical_width_facade_area until (width_area + facade_area >= target_party_wall_area) || (width_counter == args[:num_stories_above_grade].ceil * 2) # update facade area for top story if width_counter == args[:num_stories_above_grade].ceil - 1 || width_counter == args[:num_stories_above_grade].ceil * 2 - 1 facade_area = top_story_width_facade_area else facade_area = typical_width_facade_area end width_counter += 1 width_area += facade_area end width_area_remainder = target_party_wall_area - width_area length_counter = 0 length_area = 0.0 facade_area = typical_length_facade_area until (length_area + facade_area >= target_party_wall_area) || (length_counter == args[:num_stories_above_grade].ceil * 2) # update facade area for top story if length_counter == args[:num_stories_above_grade].ceil - 1 || length_counter == args[:num_stories_above_grade].ceil * 2 - 1 facade_area = top_story_length_facade_area else facade_area = typical_length_facade_area end length_counter += 1 length_area += facade_area end length_area_remainder = target_party_wall_area - length_area # get rotation and best fit to adjust orientation for fraction party wall rotation = args[:building_rotation] % 360.0 # should result in value between 0 and 360 card_dir_array = [0.0, 90.0, 180.0, 270.0, 360.0] # reverse array to properly handle 45, 135, 225, and 315 best_fit = card_dir_array.reverse.min_by { |x| (x.to_f - rotation).abs } if ![90.0, 270.0].include? best_fit width_card_dir = ['east', 'west'] length_card_dir = ['north', 'south'] else # if rotation is closest to 90 or 270 then reverse which orientation is used for length and width width_card_dir = ['north', 'south'] length_card_dir = ['east', 'west'] end # if dont' find enough on short sides if width_area_remainder <= typical_length_facade_area num_stories_round_up.times do |i| if i + 1 <= args[:num_stories_below_grade] party_walls_array << [] next end if i + 1 - args[:num_stories_below_grade] <= width_counter if i + 1 - args[:num_stories_below_grade] <= width_counter - args[:num_stories_above_grade] party_walls_array << width_card_dir else party_walls_array << [width_card_dir.first] end else party_walls_array << [] end end else # use long sides instead num_stories_round_up.times do |i| if i + 1 <= args[:num_stories_below_grade] party_walls_array << [] next end if i + 1 - args[:num_stories_below_grade] <= length_counter if i + 1 - args[:num_stories_below_grade] <= length_counter - args[:num_stories_above_grade] party_walls_array << length_card_dir else party_walls_array << [length_card_dir.first] end else party_walls_array << [] end end end # @todo currently won't go past making two opposing sets of walls party walls. Info and registerValue are after create_bar in measure.rb end # populate bar hash with story information bar_hash[:stories] = {} num_stories_round_up.times do |i| if party_walls_array.empty? party_walls = [] else party_walls = party_walls_array[i] end # add below_partial_story if num_stories.ceil > num_stories && i == num_stories_round_up - 2 below_partial_story = true else below_partial_story = false end # bottom_story_ground_exposed_floor and top_story_exterior_exposed_roof already setup as bool bar_hash[:stories]["key #{i}"] = { story_party_walls: party_walls, story_min_multiplier: 1, story_included_in_building_area: true, below_partial_story: below_partial_story, bottom_story_ground_exposed_floor: args[:bottom_story_ground_exposed_floor], top_story_exterior_exposed_roof: args[:top_story_exterior_exposed_roof] } end # create bar new_spaces = create_bar(model, bar_hash) # check expect roof and wall area target_footprint = bar_hash[:length] * bar_hash[:width] ground_floor_area = 0.0 roof_area = 0.0 new_spaces.each do |space| space.surfaces.each do |surface| if surface.surfaceType == 'Floor' && surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Ground' ground_floor_area += surface.netArea elsif surface.surfaceType == 'RoofCeiling' && surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors' roof_area += surface.netArea end end end # @todo extend to address when top and or bottom story are not exposed via argument if ground_floor_area > target_footprint + 0.001 || roof_area > target_footprint + 0.001 # OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Ground exposed floor or Roof area is larger than footprint, likely inter-floor surface matching and intersection error.") # return false # not providing adiabatic work around when top story is partial story. if args[:num_stories_above_grade].to_f != args[:num_stories_above_grade].ceil OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Ground exposed floor or Roof area is larger than footprint, likely inter-floor surface matching and intersection error.') return false else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Ground exposed floor or Roof area is larger than footprint, likely inter-floor surface matching and intersection error, altering impacted surfaces boundary condition to be adiabatic.') match_error = true end else match_error = false end # @todo should be able to remove this fix after OpenStudio intersection issue is fixed. At that time turn the above message into an error with return false after it if match_error # identify z value of top and bottom story bottom_story = nil top_story = nil new_spaces.each do |space| story = space.buildingStory.get nom_z = story.nominalZCoordinate.get if bottom_story.nil? bottom_story = nom_z elsif bottom_story > nom_z bottom_story = nom_z end if top_story.nil? top_story = nom_z elsif top_story < nom_z top_story = nom_z end end # change boundary condition and intersection as needed. new_spaces.each do |space| if space.buildingStory.get.nominalZCoordinate.get > bottom_story # change floors space.surfaces.each do |surface| next if !(surface.surfaceType == 'Floor' && surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Ground') surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition('Adiabatic') end end if space.buildingStory.get.nominalZCoordinate.get < top_story # change ceilings space.surfaces.each do |surface| next if !(surface.surfaceType == 'RoofCeiling' && surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors') surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition('Adiabatic') end end end end end # create bar from arguments and building type hash # # @param args [Hash] user arguments # @option args [Double] :single_floor_area (0.0) Single floor area in ft^2. Non-zero value will fix the single floor area, overriding a user entry for total_bldg_floor_area # @option args [Double] :total_bldg_floor_area (10000.0) Total building floor area in ft^2 # @option args [Double] :floor_height (0.0) Typical floor to floor height. Selecting a typical floor height of 0 will trigger a smart building type default. # @option args [Boolean] :custom_height_bar (true) This is argument value is only relevant when smart default floor to floor height is used for a building type that has spaces with custom heights. # @option args [Integer] :num_stories_above_grade (1) Number of stories above grade # @option args [Integer] :num_stories_below_grade (0) Number of stories below grade # @option args [Double] :building_rotation (0.0) Building rotation. Set Building Rotation off of North (positive value is clockwise). Rotation applied after geometry generation. Values greater than +/- 45 will result in aspect ratio and party wall orientations that do not match cardinal directions of the inputs. # @option args [Double] :ns_to_ew_ratio (0.0) Ratio of North/South facade length relative to east/west facade length. Selecting an aspect ratio of 0 will trigger a smart building type default. Aspect ratios less than one are not recommended for sliced bar geometry, instead rotate building and use a greater than 1 aspect ratio. # @option args [Double] :perim_mult (0.0) Perimeter multiplier. Selecting a value of 0 will trigger a smart building type default. This represents a multiplier for the building perimeter relative to the perimeter of a rectangular building that meets the area and aspect ratio inputs. Other than the smart default of 0.0 this argument should have a value of 1.0 or higher and is only applicable Multiple Space Types - Individual Stories Sliced division method. # @option args [Double] :bar_width (0.0) Bar Width. Non-zero value will fix the building width, overriding user entry for Perimeter Multiplier. NS/EW Aspect Ratio may be limited based on target width. # @option args [Double] :bar_sep_dist_mult (10.0) Bar separation distance multiplier. Multiplier of separation between bar elements relative to building height. # @option args [Double] :wwr (0.0) Window to wall ratio. Selecting a window to wall ratio of 0 will trigger a smart building type default. # @option args [Double] :party_wall_fraction (0.0) fraction of exterior wall area with an adjacent structure # @option args [Integer] :party_wall_stories_north (0) Number of North facing stories with party wall # @option args [Integer] :party_wall_stories_south (0) Number of South facing stories with party wall # @option args [Integer] :party_wall_stories_east (0) Number of East facing stories with party wall # @option args [Integer] :party_wall_stories_west (0) Number of West facing stories with party wall # @option args [Boolean] :bottom_story_ground_exposed_floor (true) Is the bottom story exposed to the ground # @option args [Boolean] :top_story_exterior_exposed_roof (true) Is the top story an exterior roof # @option args [String] :story_multiplier_method ('Basements Ground Mid Top') Calculation method for story multiplier. Options are 'None' and 'Basements Ground Mid Top' # @option args [Boolean] :make_mid_story_surfaces_adiabatic (true) Make mid story floor surfaces adiabatic. If set to true, this will skip surface intersection and make mid story floors and celings adiabatic, not just at multiplied gaps. # @option args [String] :bar_division_method ('Multiple Space Types - Individual Stories Sliced') Division method for bar space types. Options are 'Multiple Space Types - Simple Sliced', 'Multiple Space Types - Individual Stories Sliced', 'Single Space Type - Core and Perimeter' # @option args [String] :double_loaded_corridor ('Primary Space Type') Method for double loaded corridor. Add double loaded corridor for building types that have a defined circulation space type, to the selected space types. Options are 'None' and 'Primary Space Type' # @option args [String] :space_type_sort_logic ('Building Type > Size') Space type sorting method. Options are 'Size' and 'Building Type > Size' # @option args [String] :template ('90.1-2013') target standard # @param building_type_hash [Array] array of building type hashes # @option building_type_hash [Double] :frac_bldg_area fraction of building area # @option building_type_hash [Hash] :space_types hash of space types data # @return [Boolean] returns true if successful, false if not def self.create_bar_from_args_and_building_type_hash(model, args, building_type_hash) # set argument defaults if not present args[:single_floor_area] = args.fetch(:single_floor_area, 0.0) args[:total_bldg_floor_area] = args.fetch(:total_bldg_floor_area, 10000.0) args[:floor_height] = args.fetch(:floor_height, 0.0) args[:custom_height_bar] = args.fetch(:custom_height_bar, true) args[:num_stories_above_grade] = args.fetch(:num_stories_above_grade, 1) args[:num_stories_below_grade] = args.fetch(:num_stories_below_grade, 0) args[:building_rotation] = args.fetch(:building_rotation, 0.0) args[:ns_to_ew_ratio] = args.fetch(:ns_to_ew_ratio, 0.0) args[:perim_mult] = args.fetch(:perim_mult, 0.0) args[:bar_width] = args.fetch(:bar_width, 0.0) args[:bar_sep_dist_mult] = args.fetch(:bar_sep_dist_mult, 10.0) args[:wwr] = args.fetch(:wwr, 0.0) args[:party_wall_fraction] = args.fetch(:party_wall_fraction, 0.0) args[:party_wall_stories_north] = args.fetch(:party_wall_stories_north, 0) args[:party_wall_stories_south] = args.fetch(:party_wall_stories_south, 0) args[:party_wall_stories_east] = args.fetch(:party_wall_stories_east, 0) args[:party_wall_stories_west] = args.fetch(:party_wall_stories_west, 0) args[:bottom_story_ground_exposed_floor] = args.fetch(:bottom_story_ground_exposed_floor, true) args[:top_story_exterior_exposed_roof] = args.fetch(:top_story_exterior_exposed_roof, true) args[:story_multiplier_method] = args.fetch(:story_multiplier_method, 'Basements Ground Mid Top') args[:make_mid_story_surfaces_adiabatic] = args.fetch(:make_mid_story_surfaces_adiabatic, true) args[:bar_division_method] = args.fetch(:bar_division_method, 'Multiple Space Types - Individual Stories Sliced') args[:double_loaded_corridor] = args.fetch(:double_loaded_corridor, 'Primary Space Type') args[:space_type_sort_logic] = args.fetch(:space_type_sort_logic, 'Building Type > Size') args[:template] = args.fetch(:template, '90.1-2013') # get defaults for the primary building type primary_building_type = args[:primary_building_type] building_form_defaults = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.building_form_defaults(primary_building_type) # if aspect ratio, story height or wwr have argument value of 0 then use smart building type defaults # store list of defaulted items defaulted_args = [] if args[:ns_to_ew_ratio] == 0.0 args[:ns_to_ew_ratio] = building_form_defaults[:aspect_ratio] OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "0.0 value for aspect ratio will be replaced with smart default for #{primary_building_type} of #{building_form_defaults[:aspect_ratio]}.") end if args[:perim_mult] == 0.0 # if this is not defined then use default of 1.0 if !building_form_defaults.key?(:perim_mult) args[:perim_mult] = 1.0 else args[:perim_mult] = building_form_defaults[:perim_mult] end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "0.0 value for minimum perimeter multiplier will be replaced with smart default for #{primary_building_type} of #{building_form_defaults[:perim_mult]}.") elsif args[:perim_mult] < 1.0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Other than the smart default value of 0, the minimum perimeter multiplier should be equal to 1.0 or greater.') return false end if args[:floor_height] == 0.0 args[:floor_height] = building_form_defaults[:typical_story] OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "0.0 value for floor height will be replaced with smart default for #{primary_building_type} of #{building_form_defaults[:typical_story]}.") defaulted_args << 'floor_height' end # because of this can't set wwr to 0.0. If that is desired then we can change this to check for 1.0 instead of 0.0 if args[:wwr] == 0.0 args[:wwr] = building_form_defaults[:wwr] OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "0.0 value for window to wall ratio will be replaced with smart default for #{primary_building_type} of #{building_form_defaults[:wwr]}.") end # report initial condition of model OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "The building started with #{model.getSpaces.size} spaces.") # determine of ns_ew needs to be mirrored mirror_ns_ew = false rotation = model.getBuilding.northAxis if rotation > 45.0 && rotation < 135.0 mirror_ns_ew = true elsif rotation > 45.0 && rotation < 135.0 mirror_ns_ew = true end # remove non-resource objects not removed by removing the building # remove_non_resource_objects(model) # creating space types for requested building types building_type_hash.each do |building_type, building_type_hash| OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Creating Space Types for #{building_type}.") # mapping building_type name is needed for a few methods temp_standard = Standard.build('90.1-2013') building_type = temp_standard.model_get_lookup_name(building_type) # create space_type_map from array sum_of_ratios = 0.0 building_type_hash[:space_types] = building_type_hash[:space_types].sort_by { |k, v| v[:ratio] }.to_h building_type_hash[:space_types].each do |space_type_name, hash| next if hash[:space_type_gen] == false # space types like undeveloped and basement are skipped. # create space type space_type = OpenStudio::Model::SpaceType.new(model) space_type.setStandardsBuildingType(building_type) space_type.setStandardsSpaceType(space_type_name) space_type.setName("#{building_type} #{space_type_name}") # set color test = temp_standard.space_type_apply_rendering_color(space_type) if !test # @todo once fixed in standards un-comment this # OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Could not find color for #{space_type.name}") end # extend hash to hold new space type object hash[:space_type] = space_type # add to sum_of_ratios counter for adjustment multiplier sum_of_ratios += hash[:ratio] end # store multiplier needed to adjust sum of ratios to equal 1.0 building_type_hash[:ratio_adjustment_multiplier] = 1.0 / sum_of_ratios end # calculate length and with of bar total_bldg_floor_area_si = OpenStudio.convert(args[:total_bldg_floor_area], 'ft^2', 'm^2').get single_floor_area_si = OpenStudio.convert(args[:single_floor_area], 'ft^2', 'm^2').get # store number of stories num_stories = args[:num_stories_below_grade] + args[:num_stories_above_grade] # handle user-assigned single floor plate size condition if args[:single_floor_area] > 0.0 footprint_si = single_floor_area_si total_bldg_floor_area_si = footprint_si * num_stories.to_f OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'User-defined single floor area was used for calculation of total building floor area') # add warning if custom_height_bar is true and applicable building type is selected if args[:custom_height_bar] OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Cannot use custom height bar with single floor area method, will not create custom height bar.') args[:custom_height_bar] = false end else footprint_si = nil end # populate space_types_hash space_types_hash = {} multi_height_space_types_hash = {} custom_story_heights = [] if args[:space_type_sort_logic] == 'Building Type > Size' building_type_hash = building_type_hash.sort_by { |k, v| v[:frac_bldg_area] } end building_type_hash.each do |building_type, building_type_hash| if args[:double_loaded_corridor] == 'Primary Space Type' # see if building type has circulation space type, if so then merge that along with default space type into hash key in place of space type default_st = nil circ_st = nil building_type_hash[:space_types].each do |space_type_name, hash| if hash[:default] then default_st = space_type_name end if hash[:circ] then circ_st = space_type_name end end # update building hash if !default_st.nil? && !circ_st.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Combining #{default_st} and #{circ_st} into a group representing a double loaded corridor") # add new item building_type_hash[:space_types]['Double Loaded Corridor'] = {} double_loaded_st = building_type_hash[:space_types]['Double Loaded Corridor'] double_loaded_st[:ratio] = building_type_hash[:space_types][default_st][:ratio] + building_type_hash[:space_types][circ_st][:ratio] double_loaded_st[:double_loaded_corridor] = true double_loaded_st[:space_type] = model.getBuilding double_loaded_st[:children] = {} building_type_hash[:space_types][default_st][:orig_ratio] = building_type_hash[:ratio_adjustment_multiplier] * building_type_hash[:frac_bldg_area] * building_type_hash[:space_types][default_st][:ratio] building_type_hash[:space_types][circ_st][:orig_ratio] = building_type_hash[:ratio_adjustment_multiplier] * building_type_hash[:frac_bldg_area] * building_type_hash[:space_types][circ_st][:ratio] building_type_hash[:space_types][default_st][:name] = default_st building_type_hash[:space_types][circ_st][:name] = circ_st double_loaded_st[:children][:default] = building_type_hash[:space_types][default_st] double_loaded_st[:children][:circ] = building_type_hash[:space_types][circ_st] double_loaded_st[:orig_ratio] = 0.0 # zero out ratios from old item (don't delete because I still want the space types made) building_type_hash[:space_types][default_st][:ratio] = 0.0 building_type_hash[:space_types][circ_st][:ratio] = 0.0 end end building_type_hash[:space_types].each do |space_type_name, hash| next if hash[:space_type_gen] == false space_type = hash[:space_type] ratio_of_bldg_total = hash[:ratio] * building_type_hash[:ratio_adjustment_multiplier] * building_type_hash[:frac_bldg_area] final_floor_area = ratio_of_bldg_total * total_bldg_floor_area_si # I think I can just pass ratio but passing in area is cleaner # only add custom height space if 0 is used for floor_height if defaulted_args.include?(:floor_height) && hash.key?(:story_height) && args[:custom_height_bar] multi_height_space_types_hash[space_type] = { floor_area: final_floor_area, space_type: space_type, story_height: hash[:story_height] } if hash.key?(:orig_ratio) then multi_height_space_types_hash[space_type][:orig_ratio] = hash[:orig_ratio] end custom_story_heights << hash[:story_height] if args[:wwr] == 0 && hash.key?(:wwr) multi_height_space_types_hash[space_type][:wwr] = hash[:wwr] end else # only add wwr if 0 used for wwr arg and if space type has wwr as key space_types_hash[space_type] = { floor_area: final_floor_area, space_type: space_type } if hash.key?(:orig_ratio) then space_types_hash[space_type][:orig_ratio] = hash[:orig_ratio] end if args[:wwr] == 0 && hash.key?(:wwr) space_types_hash[space_type][:wwr] = hash[:wwr] end if hash[:double_loaded_corridor] space_types_hash[space_type][:children] = hash[:children] end end end end # resort if not sorted by building type if args[:space_type_sort_logic] == 'Size' # added code to convert to hash. I use sort_by 3 other times, but those seem to be working fine as is now. space_types_hash = Hash[space_types_hash.sort_by { |k, v| v[:floor_area] }] end # calculate targets for testing target_areas = {} # used for checks target_areas_cust_height = 0.0 space_types_hash.each do |k, v| if v.key?(:orig_ratio) target_areas[k] = v[:orig_ratio] * total_bldg_floor_area_si else target_areas[k] = v[:floor_area] end end multi_height_space_types_hash.each do |k, v| if v.key?(:orig_ratio) target_areas[k] = v[:orig_ratio] * total_bldg_floor_area_si target_areas_cust_height += v[:orig_ratio] * total_bldg_floor_area_si else target_areas[k] = v[:floor_area] target_areas_cust_height += v[:floor_area] end end # gather inputs if footprint_si.nil? footprint_si = (total_bldg_floor_area_si - target_areas_cust_height) / num_stories.to_f end floor_height = OpenStudio.convert(args[:floor_height], 'ft', 'm').get min_allow_size = OpenStudio.convert(15.0, 'ft', 'm').get specified_bar_width_si = OpenStudio.convert(args[:bar_width], 'ft', 'm').get # set custom width if specified_bar_width_si > 0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Ignoring perimeter multiplier argument when non zero width argument is used') if footprint_si / specified_bar_width_si >= min_allow_size width = specified_bar_width_si length = footprint_si / width else length = min_allow_size width = footprint_si / length OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'User specified width results in a length that is too short, adjusting width to be narrower than specified.') end width_cust_height = specified_bar_width_si else width = Math.sqrt(footprint_si / args[:ns_to_ew_ratio]) length = footprint_si / width width_cust_height = Math.sqrt(target_areas_cust_height / args[:ns_to_ew_ratio]) end length_cust_height = target_areas_cust_height / width_cust_height if args[:perim_mult] > 1.0 && target_areas_cust_height > 0.0 # @todo update tests that hit this warning OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Ignoring perimeter multiplier for bar that represents custom height spaces.') end # check if dual bar is needed dual_bar = false if specified_bar_width_si > 0.0 && args[:bar_division_method] == 'Multiple Space Types - Individual Stories Sliced' if length / width != args[:ns_to_ew_ratio] if args[:ns_to_ew_ratio] >= 1.0 && args[:ns_to_ew_ratio] > length / width OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Can't meet target aspect ratio of #{args[:ns_to_ew_ratio]}, Lowering it to #{length / width} ") args[:ns_to_ew_ratio] = length / width elsif args[:ns_to_ew_ratio] < 1.0 && args[:ns_to_ew_ratio] > length / width OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Can't meet target aspect ratio of #{args[:ns_to_ew_ratio]}, Increasing it to #{length / width} ") args[:ns_to_ew_ratio] = length / width else # check if each bar would be longer then 15 feet, then set as dual bar and override perimeter multiplier length_alt1 = ((args[:ns_to_ew_ratio] * footprint_si) / width + 2 * args[:ns_to_ew_ratio] * width - 2 * width) / (1 + args[:ns_to_ew_ratio]) length_alt2 = length - length_alt1 if [length_alt1, length_alt2].min >= min_allow_size dual_bar = true else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Second bar would be below minimum length, will model as single bar') # swap length and width if single bar and aspect ratio less than 1 if args[:ns_to_ew_ratio] < 1.0 width = length length = specified_bar_width_si end end end end elsif args[:perim_mult] > 1.0 && args[:bar_division_method] == 'Multiple Space Types - Individual Stories Sliced' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'You selected a perimeter multiplier greater than 1.0 for a supported bar division method. This will result in two detached rectangular buildings if secondary bar meets minimum size requirements.') dual_bar = true elsif args[:perim_mult] > 1.0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "You selected a perimeter multiplier greater than 1.0 but didn't select a bar division method that supports this. The value for this argument will be ignored by the measure") end # calculations for dual bar, which later will be setup to run create_bar twice if dual_bar min_perim = 2 * width + 2 * length target_area = footprint_si target_perim = min_perim * args[:perim_mult] tol_testing = 0.00001 dual_bar_calc_approach = nil # stretched, adiabatic_ends_bar_b, dual_bar OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Minimum rectangle is #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(length, 'm', 'ft').get, 0, true)} ft x #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(width, 'm', 'ft').get, 0, true)} ft with an area of #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(length * width, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get, 0, true)} ft^2. Perimeter is #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(min_perim, 'm', 'ft').get, 0, true)} ft.") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Target dual bar perimeter is #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(target_perim, 'm', 'ft').get, 0, true)} ft.") # determine which of the three paths to hit target perimeter multiplier are possible # A use dual bar non adiabatic # B use dual bar adiabatic # C use stretched bar (requires model to miss ns/ew ratio) # custom quadratic equation to solve two bars with common width 2l^2 - p*l + 4a = 0 if target_perim**2 - 32 * footprint_si > 0 if specified_bar_width_si > 0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Ignoring perimeter multiplier argument and using use specified bar width.') dual_double_end_width = specified_bar_width_si dual_double_end_length = footprint_si / dual_double_end_width else dual_double_end_length = 0.25 * (target_perim + Math.sqrt(target_perim**2 - 32 * footprint_si)) dual_double_end_width = footprint_si / dual_double_end_length end # now that stretched bar is made, determine where to split it and rotate bar_a_length = (args[:ns_to_ew_ratio] * (dual_double_end_length + dual_double_end_width) - dual_double_end_width) / (1 + args[:ns_to_ew_ratio]) bar_b_length = dual_double_end_length - bar_a_length area_a = bar_a_length * dual_double_end_width area_b = bar_b_length * dual_double_end_width else # this will throw it to adiabatic ends test bar_a_length = 0 bar_b_length = 0 end if bar_a_length >= min_allow_size && bar_b_length >= min_allow_size dual_bar_calc_approach = 'dual_bar' else # adiabatic bar input calcs if target_perim**2 - 16 * footprint_si > 0 adiabatic_dual_double_end_length = 0.25 * (target_perim + Math.sqrt(target_perim**2 - 16 * footprint_si)) adiabatic_dual_double_end_width = footprint_si / adiabatic_dual_double_end_length # test for unexpected unexpected = false if (target_area - adiabatic_dual_double_end_length * adiabatic_dual_double_end_width).abs > tol_testing then unexpected = true end if specified_bar_width_si == 0 if (target_perim - (adiabatic_dual_double_end_length * 2 + adiabatic_dual_double_end_width * 2)).abs > tol_testing then unexpected = true end end if unexpected OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Unexpected values for dual rectangle adiabatic ends bar b.') end # now that stretched bar is made, determine where to split it and rotate adiabatic_bar_a_length = (args[:ns_to_ew_ratio] * (adiabatic_dual_double_end_length + adiabatic_dual_double_end_width)) / (1 + args[:ns_to_ew_ratio]) adiabatic_bar_b_length = adiabatic_dual_double_end_length - adiabatic_bar_a_length adiabatic_area_a = adiabatic_bar_a_length * adiabatic_dual_double_end_width adiabatic_area_b = adiabatic_bar_b_length * adiabatic_dual_double_end_width else # this will throw it stretched single bar adiabatic_bar_a_length = 0 adiabatic_bar_b_length = 0 end if adiabatic_bar_a_length >= min_allow_size && adiabatic_bar_b_length >= min_allow_size dual_bar_calc_approach = 'adiabatic_ends_bar_b' else dual_bar_calc_approach = 'stretched' end end # apply prescribed approach for stretched or dual bar if dual_bar_calc_approach == 'dual_bar' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Stretched #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(dual_double_end_length, 'm', 'ft').get, 0, true)} ft x #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(dual_double_end_width, 'm', 'ft').get, 0, true)} ft rectangle has an area of #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(dual_double_end_length * dual_double_end_width, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get, 0, true)} ft^2. When split in two the perimeter will be #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(dual_double_end_length * 2 + dual_double_end_width * 4, 'm', 'ft').get, 0, true)} ft") if (target_area - dual_double_end_length * dual_double_end_width).abs > tol_testing || (target_perim - (dual_double_end_length * 2 + dual_double_end_width * 4)).abs > tol_testing OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Unexpected values for dual rectangle.') end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "For stretched split bar, to match target ns/ew aspect ratio #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(bar_a_length, 'm', 'ft').get, 0, true)} ft of bar should be horizontal, with #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(bar_b_length, 'm', 'ft').get, 0, true)} ft turned 90 degrees. Combined area is #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(area_a + area_b, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get, 0, true)} ft^2. Combined perimeter is #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(bar_a_length * 2 + bar_b_length * 2 + dual_double_end_width * 4, 'm', 'ft').get, 0, true)} ft") if (target_area - (area_a + area_b)).abs > tol_testing || (target_perim - (bar_a_length * 2 + bar_b_length * 2 + dual_double_end_width * 4)).abs > tol_testing OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Unexpected values for rotated dual rectangle') end elsif dual_bar_calc_approach == 'adiabatic_ends_bar_b' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Can't hit target perimeter with two rectangles, need to make two ends adiabatic") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "For dual bar with adiabatic ends on bar b, to reach target aspect ratio #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(adiabatic_bar_a_length, 'm', 'ft').get, 0, true)} ft of bar should be north/south, with #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(adiabatic_bar_b_length, 'm', 'ft').get, 0, true)} ft turned 90 degrees. Combined area is #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(adiabatic_area_a + adiabatic_area_b, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get, 0, true)} ft^2}. Combined perimeter is #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(adiabatic_bar_a_length * 2 + adiabatic_bar_b_length * 2 + adiabatic_dual_double_end_width * 2, 'm', 'ft').get, 0, true)} ft") if (target_area - (adiabatic_area_a + adiabatic_area_b)).abs > tol_testing || (target_perim - (adiabatic_bar_a_length * 2 + adiabatic_bar_b_length * 2 + adiabatic_dual_double_end_width * 2)).abs > tol_testing OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Unexpected values for rotated dual rectangle adiabatic ends bar b') end else # stretched bar dual_bar = false stretched_length = 0.25 * (target_perim + Math.sqrt(target_perim**2 - 16 * footprint_si)) stretched_width = footprint_si / stretched_length if (target_area - stretched_length * stretched_width).abs > tol_testing || (target_perim - (stretched_length + stretched_width) * 2) > tol_testing OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Unexpected values for single stretched') end width = stretched_width length = stretched_length OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Creating a dual bar to match the target minimum perimeter multiplier at the given aspect ratio would result in a bar with edge shorter than #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(min_allow_size, 'm', 'ft').get, 0, true)} ft. Will create a single stretched bar instead that hits the target perimeter with a slightly different ns/ew aspect ratio.") end end bars = {} bars['primary'] = {} if dual_bar if mirror_ns_ew && dual_bar_calc_approach == 'dual_bar' bars['primary'][:length] = dual_double_end_width bars['primary'][:width] = bar_a_length elsif dual_bar_calc_approach == 'dual_bar' bars['primary'][:length] = bar_a_length bars['primary'][:width] = dual_double_end_width elsif mirror_ns_ew bars['primary'][:length] = adiabatic_dual_double_end_width bars['primary'][:width] = adiabatic_bar_a_length else bars['primary'][:length] = adiabatic_bar_a_length bars['primary'][:width] = adiabatic_dual_double_end_width end else if mirror_ns_ew bars['primary'][:length] = width bars['primary'][:width] = length else bars['primary'][:length] = length bars['primary'][:width] = width end end bars['primary'][:floor_height] = floor_height # can make use of this when breaking out multi-height spaces bars['primary'][:num_stories] = num_stories bars['primary'][:center_of_footprint] = OpenStudio::Point3d.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) space_types_hash_secondary = {} if dual_bar # loop through each story and move portion for other bar to its own hash primary_footprint = bars['primary'][:length] * bars['primary'][:width] secondary_footprint = target_area - primary_footprint footprint_counter = primary_footprint secondary_footprint_counter = secondary_footprint story_counter = 0 pri_sec_tol = 0.0001 # m^2 pri_sec_min_area = 0.0001 # m^2 space_types_hash.each do |k, v| space_type_left = v[:floor_area] # do not go to next space type until this one is evaulate, which may span stories until space_type_left == 0.0 || story_counter >= num_stories # use secondary footprint if any left if secondary_footprint_counter > 0.0 hash_area = [space_type_left, secondary_footprint_counter].min # confirm that the part of space type use or what is left is greater than min allowed value projected_space_type_left = space_type_left - hash_area test_a = hash_area >= pri_sec_min_area test_b = projected_space_type_left >= pri_sec_min_area || projected_space_type_left == 0.0 ? true : false test_c = k == space_types_hash.keys.last # if last space type accept sliver, no other space to infil if (test_a && test_b) || test_c if space_types_hash_secondary.key?(k) # add to what was added for previous story space_types_hash_secondary[k][:floor_area] += hash_area else # add new space type to hash if v.key?(:children) space_types_hash_secondary[k] = { floor_area: hash_area, space_type: v[:space_type], children: v[:children] } else space_types_hash_secondary[k] = { floor_area: hash_area, space_type: v[:space_type] } end end space_types_hash[k][:floor_area] -= hash_area secondary_footprint_counter -= hash_area space_type_left -= hash_area else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Shifting space types between bars to avoid sliver of #{k.name}.") end end # remove space if entirely used up by secondary bar if space_types_hash[k][:floor_area] <= pri_sec_tol space_types_hash.delete(k) space_type_left = 0.0 else # then look at primary bar hash_area_pri = [space_type_left, footprint_counter].min footprint_counter -= hash_area_pri space_type_left -= hash_area_pri end # reset counter when full if footprint_counter <= pri_sec_tol && secondary_footprint_counter <= pri_sec_tol # check if this is partial top floor story_counter += 1 if num_stories < story_counter + 1 footprint_counter = primary_footprint * (num_stories - story_counter) secondary_footprint_counter = secondary_footprint * (num_stories - story_counter) else footprint_counter = primary_footprint secondary_footprint_counter = secondary_footprint end end end end end # setup bar_hash and run create_bar bars['primary'][:space_types_hash] = space_types_hash bars['primary'][:args] = args v = bars['primary'] OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.bar_hash_setup_run(model, v[:args], v[:length], v[:width], v[:floor_height], v[:center_of_footprint], v[:space_types_hash], v[:num_stories]) # store offset value for multiple bars if args.key?(:bar_sep_dist_mult) && args[:bar_sep_dist_mult] > 0.0 offset_val = num_stories.ceil * floor_height * args[:bar_sep_dist_mult] elsif args.key?(:bar_sep_dist_mult) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Positive value is required for bar_sep_dist_mult, ignoring input and using value of 0.1') offset_val = num_stories.ceil * floor_height * 0.1 else offset_val = num_stories.ceil * floor_height * 10.0 end if dual_bar args2 = args.clone bars['secondary'] = {} if mirror_ns_ew && dual_bar_calc_approach == 'dual_bar' bars['secondary'][:length] = bar_b_length bars['secondary'][:width] = dual_double_end_width elsif dual_bar_calc_approach == 'dual_bar' bars['secondary'][:length] = dual_double_end_width bars['secondary'][:width] = bar_b_length elsif mirror_ns_ew bars['secondary'][:length] = adiabatic_bar_b_length bars['secondary'][:width] = adiabatic_dual_double_end_width args2[:party_wall_stories_east] = num_stories.ceil args2[:party_wall_stories_west] = num_stories.ceil else bars['secondary'][:length] = adiabatic_dual_double_end_width bars['secondary'][:width] = adiabatic_bar_b_length args2[:party_wall_stories_south] = num_stories.ceil args2[:party_wall_stories_north] = num_stories.ceil end bars['secondary'][:floor_height] = floor_height # can make use of this when breaking out multi-height spaces bars['secondary'][:num_stories] = num_stories bars['secondary'][:space_types_hash] = space_types_hash_secondary if dual_bar_calc_approach == 'adiabatic_ends_bar_b' # warn that combination of dual bar with low perimeter multiplier and use of party wall may result in discrepency between target and actual adiabatic walls if args[:party_wall_fraction] > 0 || args[:party_wall_stories_north] > 0 || args[:party_wall_stories_south] > 0 || args[:party_wall_stories_east] > 0 || args[:party_wall_stories_west] > 0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'The combination of low perimeter multiplier and use of non zero party wall inputs may result in discrepency between target and actual adiabatic walls. This is due to the need to create adiabatic walls on secondary bar to maintian target building perimeter.') else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Adiabatic ends added to secondary bar because target perimeter multiplier could not be met with two full rectangular footprints.') end bars['secondary'][:center_of_footprint] = OpenStudio::Point3d.new(adiabatic_bar_a_length * 0.5 + adiabatic_dual_double_end_width * 0.5 + offset_val, adiabatic_bar_b_length * 0.5 + adiabatic_dual_double_end_width * 0.5 + offset_val, 0.0) else bars['secondary'][:center_of_footprint] = OpenStudio::Point3d.new(bar_a_length * 0.5 + dual_double_end_width * 0.5 + offset_val, bar_b_length * 0.5 + dual_double_end_width * 0.5 + offset_val, 0.0) end bars['secondary'][:args] = args2 # setup bar_hash and run create_bar v = bars['secondary'] OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.bar_hash_setup_run(model, v[:args], v[:length], v[:width], v[:floor_height], v[:center_of_footprint], v[:space_types_hash], v[:num_stories]) end # future development (up against primary bar run intersection and surface matching after add all bars, avoid interior windows) # I could loop through each space type and give them unique height but for now will just take largest height and make bar of that height, which is fine for prototypes if !multi_height_space_types_hash.empty? args3 = args.clone bars['custom_height'] = {} if mirror_ns_ew bars['custom_height'][:length] = width_cust_height bars['custom_height'][:width] = length_cust_height else bars['custom_height'][:length] = length_cust_height bars['custom_height'][:width] = width_cust_height end if args[:party_wall_stories_east] + args[:party_wall_stories_west] + args[:party_wall_stories_south] + args[:party_wall_stories_north] > 0.0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Ignorning party wall inputs for custom height bar') end # disable party walls args3['party_wall_stories_east'] = 0 args3['party_wall_stories_west'] = 0 args3['party_wall_stories_south'] = 0 args3['party_wall_stories_north'] = 0 # setup stories args3['num_stories_below_grade'] = 0 args3['num_stories_above_grade'] = 1 # can make use of this when breaking out multi-height spaces bars['custom_height'][:floor_height] = floor_height bars['custom_height'][:num_stories] = num_stories bars['custom_height'][:center_of_footprint] = OpenStudio::Point3d.new(bars['primary'][:length] * -0.5 - length_cust_height * 0.5 - offset_val, 0.0, 0.0) bars['custom_height'][:floor_height] = OpenStudio.convert(custom_story_heights.max, 'ft', 'm').get bars['custom_height'][:num_stories] = 1 bars['custom_height'][:space_types_hash] = multi_height_space_types_hash bars['custom_height'][:args] = args3 v = bars['custom_height'] OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.bar_hash_setup_run(model, v[:args], v[:length], v[:width], v[:floor_height], v[:center_of_footprint], v[:space_types_hash], v[:num_stories]) end # diagnostic log sum_actual = 0.0 sum_target = 0.0 throw_error = false # check expected floor areas against actual model.getSpaceTypes.sort.each do |space_type| next if !target_areas.key? space_type # space type in model not part of building type(s), maybe issue warning # convert to IP actual_ip = OpenStudio.convert(space_type.floorArea, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get target_ip = OpenStudio.convert(target_areas[space_type], 'm^2', 'ft^2').get sum_actual += actual_ip sum_target += target_ip if (space_type.floorArea - target_areas[space_type]).abs >= 1.0 if !args[:bar_division_method].include? 'Single Space Type' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "#{space_type.name} doesn't have the expected floor area (actual #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(actual_ip, 0, true)} ft^2, target #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(target_ip, 0, true)} ft^2)") throw_error = true else # will see this if use Single Space type division method on multi-use building or single building type without whole building space type OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "#{space_type.name} doesn't have the expected floor area (actual #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(actual_ip, 0, true)} ft^2, target #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(target_ip, 0, true)} ft^2)") end end end # report summary then throw error if throw_error OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Sum of actual floor area is #{sum_actual} ft^2, sum of target floor area is #{sum_target}.") return false end # check party wall fraction by looping through surfaces if args[:party_wall_fraction] > 0 actual_ext_wall_area = model.getBuilding.exteriorWallArea actual_party_wall_area = 0.0 model.getSurfaces.sort.each do |surface| next if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition != 'Adiabatic' next if surface.surfaceType != 'Wall' actual_party_wall_area += surface.grossArea * surface.space.get.multiplier end actual_party_wall_fraction = actual_party_wall_area / (actual_party_wall_area + actual_ext_wall_area) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Target party wall fraction is #{args[:party_wall_fraction]}. Realized fraction is #{actual_party_wall_fraction.round(2)}") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "party_wall_fraction_actual: #{actual_party_wall_fraction}") end # check ns/ew aspect ratio (harder to check when party walls are added) wall_and_window_by_orientation = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.model_get_exterior_window_and_wall_area_by_orientation(model) wall_ns = (wall_and_window_by_orientation['north_wall'] + wall_and_window_by_orientation['south_wall']) wall_ew = wall_and_window_by_orientation['east_wall'] + wall_and_window_by_orientation['west_wall'] wall_ns_ip = OpenStudio.convert(wall_ns, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get wall_ew_ip = OpenStudio.convert(wall_ew, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "wall_area_ip: #{wall_ns_ip + wall_ew_ip} ft^2") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "ns_wall_area_ip: #{wall_ns_ip} ft^2") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "ew_wall_area_ip: #{wall_ew_ip} ft^2") # for now using perimeter of ground floor and average story area (building area / num_stories) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "floor_area_to_perim_ratio: #{model.getBuilding.floorArea / (OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.model_get_perimeter_length(model) * num_stories)}") OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "bar_width: #{OpenStudio.convert(bars['primary'][:width], 'm', 'ft').get} ft") if args[:party_wall_fraction] > 0 || args[:party_wall_stories_north] > 0 || args[:party_wall_stories_south] > 0 || args[:party_wall_stories_east] > 0 || args[:party_wall_stories_west] > 0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Target facade area by orientation not validated when party walls are applied') elsif args[:num_stories_above_grade] != args[:num_stories_above_grade].ceil OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Target facade area by orientation not validated when partial top story is used') elsif dual_bar_calc_approach == 'stretched' OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Target facade area by orientation not validated when single stretched bar has to be used to meet target minimum perimeter multiplier') elsif defaulted_args.include?(:floor_height) && args[:custom_height_bar] && !multi_height_space_types_hash.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Target facade area by orientation not validated when a dedicated bar is added for space types with custom heights') elsif args[:bar_width] > 0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Target facade area by orientation not validated when a dedicated custom bar width is defined') else # adjust length versus width based on building rotation if mirror_ns_ew wall_target_ns_ip = 2 * OpenStudio.convert(width, 'm', 'ft').get * args[:perim_mult] * args[:num_stories_above_grade] * args[:floor_height] wall_target_ew_ip = 2 * OpenStudio.convert(length, 'm', 'ft').get * args[:perim_mult] * args[:num_stories_above_grade] * args[:floor_height] else wall_target_ns_ip = 2 * OpenStudio.convert(length, 'm', 'ft').get * args[:perim_mult] * args[:num_stories_above_grade] * args[:floor_height] wall_target_ew_ip = 2 * OpenStudio.convert(width, 'm', 'ft').get * args[:perim_mult] * args[:num_stories_above_grade] * args[:floor_height] end flag_error = false if (wall_target_ns_ip - wall_ns_ip).abs > 0.1 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "North/South walls don't have the expected area (actual #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(wall_ns_ip, 4, true)} ft^2, target #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(wall_target_ns_ip, 4, true)} ft^2)") flag_error = true end if (wall_target_ew_ip - wall_ew_ip).abs > 0.1 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "East/West walls don't have the expected area (actual #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(wall_ew_ip, 4, true)} ft^2, target #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(wall_target_ew_ip, 4, true)} ft^2)") flag_error = true end if flag_error return false end end # test for excessive exterior roof area (indication of problem with intersection and or surface matching) ext_roof_area = model.getBuilding.exteriorSurfaceArea - model.getBuilding.exteriorWallArea expected_roof_area = args[:total_bldg_floor_area] / (args[:num_stories_above_grade] + args[:num_stories_below_grade]).to_f if ext_roof_area > expected_roof_area && single_floor_area_si == 0.0 # only test if using whole-building area input OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Roof area larger than expected, may indicate problem with inter-floor surface intersection or matching.') return false end # set building rotation initial_rotation = model.getBuilding.northAxis if args[:building_rotation] != initial_rotation model.getBuilding.setNorthAxis(args[:building_rotation]) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Set Building Rotation to #{model.getBuilding.northAxis}. Rotation altered after geometry generation is completed, as a result party wall orientation and aspect ratio may not reflect input values.") end # report final condition of model OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "The building finished with #{model.getSpaces.size} spaces.") return true end # create bar from building type ratios # arguments are passed through to lower level methods. # See create_bar_from_args_and_building_type_hash for additional argument options. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param args [Hash] user arguments # @option args [String] :bldg_type_a ('SmallOffice') primary building type # @option args [String] :bldg_type_b (nil) building type b # @option args [String] :bldg_type_c (nil) building type c # @option args [String] :bldg_type_d (nil) building type d # @option args [String] :bldg_subtype_a ('NA') primary building subtype # @option args [String] :bldg_subtype_b ('NA') building type b subtype # @option args [String] :bldg_subtype_c ('NA') building type c subtype # @option args [String] :bldg_subtype_d ('NA') building type d subtype # @option args [String] :bldg_type_a_fract_bldg_area (1.0) building type a area fraction of total floor area # @option args [String] :bldg_type_b_fract_bldg_area (0.0) building type b area fraction of total floor area # @option args [String] :bldg_type_c_fract_bldg_area (0.0) building type c area fraction of total floor area # @option args [String] :bldg_type_d_fract_bldg_area (0.0) building type d area fraction of total floor area # @option args [String] :template ('90.1-2013') target standard # @return [Boolean] returns true if successful, false if not def self.create_bar_from_building_type_ratios(model, args) bldg_type_a = args.fetch(:bldg_type_a, 'SmallOffice') bldg_type_b = args.fetch(:bldg_type_b, nil) bldg_type_c = args.fetch(:bldg_type_c, nil) bldg_type_d = args.fetch(:bldg_type_d, nil) bldg_subtype_a = args.fetch(:bldg_subtype_a, 'NA') bldg_subtype_b = args.fetch(:bldg_subtype_b, 'NA') bldg_subtype_c = args.fetch(:bldg_subtype_c, 'NA') bldg_subtype_d = args.fetch(:bldg_subtype_d, 'NA') bldg_type_a_fract_bldg_area = args.fetch(:bldg_type_a_fract_bldg_area, 1.0) bldg_type_b_fract_bldg_area = args.fetch(:bldg_type_b_fract_bldg_area, 0.0) bldg_type_c_fract_bldg_area = args.fetch(:bldg_type_c_fract_bldg_area, 0.0) bldg_type_d_fract_bldg_area = args.fetch(:bldg_type_d_fract_bldg_area, 0.0) template = args.fetch(:template, '90.1-2013') # check that sum of fractions for b,c, and d is less than 1.0 (so something is left for primary building type) bldg_type_a_fract_bldg_area = 1.0 - bldg_type_b_fract_bldg_area - bldg_type_c_fract_bldg_area - bldg_type_d_fract_bldg_area if bldg_type_a_fract_bldg_area <= 0.0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Primary Building Type fraction of floor area must be greater than 0. Please lower one or more of the fractions for Building Type B-D.') return false end # report initial condition of model OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "The building started with #{model.getSpaces.size} spaces.") # determine of ns_ew needs to be mirrored mirror_ns_ew = false rotation = model.getBuilding.northAxis if rotation > 45.0 && rotation < 135.0 mirror_ns_ew = true elsif rotation > 45.0 && rotation < 135.0 mirror_ns_ew = true end # remove non-resource objects not removed by removing the building # remove_non_resource_objects(model) # rename building to infer template in downstream measure name_array = [template, bldg_type_a] if bldg_type_b_fract_bldg_area > 0 then name_array << bldg_type_b end if bldg_type_c_fract_bldg_area > 0 then name_array << bldg_type_c end if bldg_type_d_fract_bldg_area > 0 then name_array << bldg_type_d end model.getBuilding.setName(name_array.join('|').to_s) # hash to whole building type data building_type_hash = {} # gather data for bldg_type_a building_type_hash[bldg_type_a] = {} building_type_hash[bldg_type_a][:frac_bldg_area] = bldg_type_a_fract_bldg_area building_type_hash[bldg_type_a][:space_types] = OpenstudioStandards::CreateTypical.get_space_types_from_building_type(bldg_type_a, building_subtype: bldg_subtype_a, template: template, whole_building: true) # gather data for bldg_type_b if bldg_type_b_fract_bldg_area > 0 building_type_hash[bldg_type_b] = {} building_type_hash[bldg_type_b][:frac_bldg_area] = bldg_type_b_fract_bldg_area building_type_hash[bldg_type_b][:space_types] = OpenstudioStandards::CreateTypical.get_space_types_from_building_type(bldg_type_b, building_subtype: bldg_subtype_b, template: template, whole_building: true) end # gather data for bldg_type_c if bldg_type_c_fract_bldg_area > 0 building_type_hash[bldg_type_c] = {} building_type_hash[bldg_type_c][:frac_bldg_area] = bldg_type_c_fract_bldg_area building_type_hash[bldg_type_c][:space_types] = OpenstudioStandards::CreateTypical.get_space_types_from_building_type(bldg_type_c, building_subtype: bldg_subtype_c, template: template, whole_building: true) end # gather data for bldg_type_d if bldg_type_d_fract_bldg_area > 0 building_type_hash[bldg_type_d] = {} building_type_hash[bldg_type_d][:frac_bldg_area] = bldg_type_d_fract_bldg_area building_type_hash[bldg_type_d][:space_types] = OpenstudioStandards::CreateTypical.get_space_types_from_building_type(bldg_type_d, building_subtype: bldg_subtype_d, template: template, whole_building: true) end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Creating bar based on space ratios from #{bldg_type_a} for building form defaults.") # call create_bar_from_args_and_building_type_hash to generate bar args[:primary_building_type] = bldg_type_a OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.create_bar_from_args_and_building_type_hash(model, args, building_type_hash) return true end # create bar from space type ratios # arguments are passed through to lower level methods. # See create_bar_from_args_and_building_type_hash for additional argument options. # # @param args [Hash] user arguments # @option args [String] :space_type_hash_string Space types ratio string in the form 'BuildingType | SpaceType => 0.75, BuildingType | SpaceType => 0.25'. Fractions should add up to 1. All space types should come from the selected OpenStudio Standards template. # @option args [String] :template ('90.1-2013') target standard # @return [Boolean] returns true if successful, false if not def self.create_bar_from_space_type_ratios(model, args) if args[:space_type_hash_string].empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'args hash passed to create_bar_from_space_type_ratios must include a non-empty :space_type_hash_string') return false end template = args.fetch(:template, '90.1-2013') # process arg into hash space_type_hash_name = {} args[:space_type_hash_string][0..-1].split(/, /) do |entry| entry_map = entry.split(/=>/) value_str = entry_map[1] space_type_hash_name[entry_map[0].strip[0..-1].to_s] = value_str.nil? ? '' : value_str.strip[0..-1].to_f end # create building type hash from space type ratios building_type_hash = {} building_type_fraction_of_building = 0.0 space_type_hash_name.each do |building_space_type, ratio| building_type = building_space_type.split('|')[0].strip space_type = building_space_type.split('|')[1].strip # harvest height and circ info from get_space_types_from_building_type(building_type, template, whole_building = true) building_type_lookup_info = OpenstudioStandards::CreateTypical.get_space_types_from_building_type(building_type, template: template) if building_type_lookup_info.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "#{building_type} looks like an invalid building type for #{template}") end space_type_info_hash = {} if building_type_lookup_info.key?(space_type) if building_type_lookup_info[space_type].key?(:story_height) space_type_info_hash[:story_height] = building_type_lookup_info[space_type][:story_height] end if building_type_lookup_info[space_type].key?(:default) space_type_info_hash[:default] = building_type_lookup_info[space_type][:default] end if building_type_lookup_info[space_type].key?(:circ) space_type_info_hash[:circ] = building_type_lookup_info[space_type][:circ] end else OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "#{space_type} looks like an invalid space type for #{building_type}") end # extend harvested data with custom ratios from space type ratio string argument. if building_type_hash.key?(building_type) building_type_hash[building_type][:frac_bldg_area] += ratio space_type_info_hash[:ratio] = ratio building_type_hash[building_type][:space_types][space_type] = space_type_info_hash else building_type_hash[building_type] = {} building_type_hash[building_type][:frac_bldg_area] = ratio space_type_info_hash[:ratio] = ratio space_types = {} space_types[space_type] = space_type_info_hash building_type_hash[building_type][:space_types] = space_types end building_type_fraction_of_building += ratio end # @todo confirm if this will get normalized up/down later of if I should fix or stop here instead of just a warning if building_type_fraction_of_building > 1.0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Sum of Space Type Ratio of #{building_type_fraction_of_building} is greater than the expected value of 1.0") elsif building_type_fraction_of_building < 1.0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Sum of Space Type Ratio of #{building_type_fraction_of_building} is less than the expected value of 1.0") end # identify primary building type for building form defaults # update to choose building with highest ratio primary_building_type = building_type_hash.keys.first OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Creating bar based space type ratios provided. Using building type #{primary_building_type} from the first ratio as the primary building type. This determines the building form defaults.") # call create_bar_from_args_and_building_type_hash to generate bar args[:primary_building_type] = primary_building_type OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.create_bar_from_args_and_building_type_hash(model, args, building_type_hash) return true end end end