# lib/gemwarrior/entities/monsters/bosses/emerald.rb # Emerald boss monster require_relative '../../monster' require_relative '../../items/sparkly_thing' require_relative '../../../misc/music' module Gemwarrior class Emerald < Monster # CONSTANTS MOVE_TEXT = '*** WHOOOOOOSH ***' def initialize self.name = 'Emerald' self.description = 'A wily, beefy, tower of a man, Emerald looks to be a champion of both wisdom, from what you\'ve heard, AND strength, from what you plainly see. He sports a constant glint in his eyes as he faces you, dead-on.' self.face = 'gleaming' self.hands = 'tantalizing' self.mood = 'enraged' self.level = 15 self.hp_cur = rand((level * 2)..(level * 3)) self.hp_max = hp_cur self.atk_lo = rand(level..(level * 2.5).floor) self.atk_hi = rand((level * 2.5).floor..(level * 3).floor) self.defense = rand(5..7) self.dexterity = rand(8..10) self.inventory = Inventory.new(items = [SparklyThing.new]) self.rox = rand((level * 2)..(level * 3)) self.xp = rand(level..(level * 2)) self.battlecry = 'You\'ve come for the SparklyThing(tm), I see. To that I say: Ha ha ha ha ha! Prepare yourself fool: today your whole life crumbles!' self.is_boss = true self.is_dead = false end def initiate_ending(world) # fanfare! Music::cue([ { frequencies: 'G3', duration: 250 }, { frequencies: 'A3', duration: 50 }, { frequencies: 'B3', duration: 50 }, { frequencies: 'C4', duration: 50 }, { frequencies: 'D4', duration: 250 }, { frequencies: 'E4', duration: 50 }, { frequencies: 'F#4', duration: 50 }, { frequencies: 'G4', duration: 50 }, { frequencies: 'A4', duration: 250 }, { frequencies: 'B4', duration: 50 }, { frequencies: 'C5', duration: 50 }, { frequencies: 'D5', duration: 50 }, { frequencies: 'E5', duration: 50 }, { frequencies: 'F#5', duration: 50 }, { frequencies: 'G5', duration: 1000 } ]) # get reference to throne room, emerald monster, and throne item throne_room = world.location_by_coords(world.location_coords_by_name('Sky Tower (Throne Room)')) emerald = throne_room.bosses_abounding[0] throne = throne_room.items.each { |i| i.name == 'throne' }[0] # emerald is dead, so room and items change emerald.is_dead = true emerald.face = 'sullen' emerald.hands = 'limp' emerald.mood = 'blank' emerald.hp_cur = 0 emerald.rox = 0 emerald.description = 'Emerald slumps over in his chair, completely lifeless. The color has drained from his eyes and a pallor has been cast over his face. His reign is no more.' throne_room.description = 'Emerald\'s throne room feels much less imposing now that you have defeated him in mortal combat. Who knew?' throne_room.danger_level = :none throne_room.monster_level_range = nil throne_room.monsters_abounding = [] throne.description = 'The grim spectacle of Emerald\'s dead body drooping blankly in his chosen seat really brings down the market value of it, you guess.' # world knows you beat emerald world.emerald_beaten = true # remove sparkly_thing from emerald emerald.inventory.remove_item('sparkly_thing') # give player sparkly_thing world.player.inventory.items.push(SparklyThing.new) # ending text puts '<^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^>' puts "You beat #{name}! You win! You receive the #{"SparklyThing(tm)".colorize(:magenta)} and become the true #{"Gem Warrior".colorize(:yellow)}!" puts '<^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^>' STDIN.getc puts 'Suddenly, an icy feeling shoots up your back. You feel lighter than air. Blackness takes over.' STDIN.getc # onto the queen Animation::run(phrase: MOVE_TEXT) puts return { type: 'move', data: 'Queen Room'} end end end