# :stopdoc: # This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation # generator. Do not alter this file. # :startdoc: module Wx # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_ALERT_HIGH = 1 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_ALERT_MEDIUM = 2 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_ALERT_LOW = 4 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_ANIMATED = 8 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_BUSY = 16 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_CHECKED = 32 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_COLLAPSED = 64 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT = 128 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_EXPANDED = 256 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_EXTSELECTABLE = 512 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_FLOATING = 1024 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSABLE = 2048 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED = 4096 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_HOTTRACKED = 8192 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE = 16384 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_MARQUEED = 32768 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_MIXED = 65536 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_MULTISELECTABLE = 131072 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_OFFSCREEN = 262144 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_PRESSED = 524288 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_PROTECTED = 1048576 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_READONLY = 2097152 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTABLE = 4194304 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTED = 8388608 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_SELFVOICING = 16777216 # ACC_STATE_SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE = 33554432 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_SOUND = 1 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_ALERT = 2 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND = 3 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUSTART = 4 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUEND = 5 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPSTART = 6 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPEND = 7 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_CAPTURESTART = 8 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_CAPTUREEND = 9 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_MOVESIZESTART = 10 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_MOVESIZEEND = 11 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_CONTEXTHELPSTART = 12 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_CONTEXTHELPEND = 13 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_DRAGDROPSTART = 14 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_DRAGDROPEND = 15 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_DIALOGSTART = 16 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_DIALOGEND = 17 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_SCROLLINGSTART = 18 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_SCROLLINGEND = 19 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_SWITCHSTART = 20 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_SWITCHEND = 21 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_MINIMIZESTART = 22 # ACC_EVENT_SYSTEM_MINIMIZEEND = 23 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE = 32768 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_DESTROY = 32769 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_SHOW = 32770 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_HIDE = 32771 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_REORDER = 32772 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS = 32773 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTION = 32774 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONADD = 32775 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONREMOVE = 32776 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONWITHIN = 32777 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE = 32778 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_LOCATIONCHANGE = 32779 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE = 32780 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_DESCRIPTIONCHANGE = 32781 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_VALUECHANGE = 32782 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_PARENTCHANGE = 32783 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_HELPCHANGE = 32784 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_DEFACTIONCHANGE = 32785 # ACC_EVENT_OBJECT_ACCELERATORCHANGE = 32786 # ACC_SELF = 0 # {Wx::Accessible} functions return a {Wx::AccStatus} error code, which may be one of this enum's values. # # # # @wxrb_require USE_ACCESSIBILITY class AccStatus < Wx::Enum # The function failed. # ACC_FAIL = Wx::AccStatus.new(0) # The function returned false. # ACC_FALSE = Wx::AccStatus.new(1) # The function completed successfully. # ACC_OK = Wx::AccStatus.new(2) # The function is not implemented. # ACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = Wx::AccStatus.new(3) # The function is not supported. # ACC_NOT_SUPPORTED = Wx::AccStatus.new(4) # An argument is not valid (e.g. # ACC_INVALID_ARG = Wx::AccStatus.new(5) end # AccStatus # This enum represents directions of navigation used in {Wx::Accessible#navigate}. # # # # @wxrb_require USE_ACCESSIBILITY class NavDir < Wx::Enum # Navigate to the first child of the object. # NAVDIR_FIRSTCHILD = Wx::NavDir.new(1) # Navigate to the last child of the object. # NAVDIR_LASTCHILD = Wx::NavDir.new(2) # # NAVDIR_DOWN = Wx::NavDir.new(0) # # NAVDIR_LEFT = Wx::NavDir.new(3) # # NAVDIR_NEXT = Wx::NavDir.new(4) # # NAVDIR_PREVIOUS = Wx::NavDir.new(5) # # NAVDIR_RIGHT = Wx::NavDir.new(6) # # NAVDIR_UP = Wx::NavDir.new(7) end # NavDir # The role of a user interface element is represented by the values of this enum. # # # # @wxrb_require USE_ACCESSIBILITY class AccRole < Wx::Enum # # ROLE_NONE = Wx::AccRole.new(0) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_ALERT = Wx::AccRole.new(1) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_ANIMATION = Wx::AccRole.new(2) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_APPLICATION = Wx::AccRole.new(3) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_BORDER = Wx::AccRole.new(4) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONDROPDOWN = Wx::AccRole.new(5) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONDROPDOWNGRID = Wx::AccRole.new(6) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONMENU = Wx::AccRole.new(7) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_CARET = Wx::AccRole.new(8) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_CELL = Wx::AccRole.new(9) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_CHARACTER = Wx::AccRole.new(10) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_CHART = Wx::AccRole.new(11) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_CHECKBUTTON = Wx::AccRole.new(12) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_CLIENT = Wx::AccRole.new(13) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_CLOCK = Wx::AccRole.new(14) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_COLUMN = Wx::AccRole.new(15) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_COLUMNHEADER = Wx::AccRole.new(16) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_COMBOBOX = Wx::AccRole.new(17) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_CURSOR = Wx::AccRole.new(18) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_DIAGRAM = Wx::AccRole.new(19) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_DIAL = Wx::AccRole.new(20) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_DIALOG = Wx::AccRole.new(21) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_DOCUMENT = Wx::AccRole.new(22) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_DROPLIST = Wx::AccRole.new(23) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_EQUATION = Wx::AccRole.new(24) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_GRAPHIC = Wx::AccRole.new(25) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_GRIP = Wx::AccRole.new(26) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_GROUPING = Wx::AccRole.new(27) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_HELPBALLOON = Wx::AccRole.new(28) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_HOTKEYFIELD = Wx::AccRole.new(29) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_INDICATOR = Wx::AccRole.new(30) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_LINK = Wx::AccRole.new(31) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_LIST = Wx::AccRole.new(32) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_LISTITEM = Wx::AccRole.new(33) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUBAR = Wx::AccRole.new(34) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUITEM = Wx::AccRole.new(35) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUP = Wx::AccRole.new(36) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINE = Wx::AccRole.new(37) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINEITEM = Wx::AccRole.new(38) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_PAGETAB = Wx::AccRole.new(39) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_PAGETABLIST = Wx::AccRole.new(40) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_PANE = Wx::AccRole.new(41) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_PROGRESSBAR = Wx::AccRole.new(42) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_PROPERTYPAGE = Wx::AccRole.new(43) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_PUSHBUTTON = Wx::AccRole.new(44) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_RADIOBUTTON = Wx::AccRole.new(45) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_ROW = Wx::AccRole.new(46) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_ROWHEADER = Wx::AccRole.new(47) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_SCROLLBAR = Wx::AccRole.new(48) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_SEPARATOR = Wx::AccRole.new(49) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_SLIDER = Wx::AccRole.new(50) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_SOUND = Wx::AccRole.new(51) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_SPINBUTTON = Wx::AccRole.new(52) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_STATICTEXT = Wx::AccRole.new(53) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_STATUSBAR = Wx::AccRole.new(54) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_TABLE = Wx::AccRole.new(55) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT = Wx::AccRole.new(56) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR = Wx::AccRole.new(57) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_TOOLBAR = Wx::AccRole.new(58) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_TOOLTIP = Wx::AccRole.new(59) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_WHITESPACE = Wx::AccRole.new(60) # # ROLE_SYSTEM_WINDOW = Wx::AccRole.new(61) end # AccRole # Objects are represented by a {Wx::AccObject} enum value. # # # # @wxrb_require USE_ACCESSIBILITY class AccObject < Wx::Enum # # OBJID_WINDOW = Wx::AccObject.new(0) # # OBJID_SYSMENU = Wx::AccObject.new(-1) # # OBJID_TITLEBAR = Wx::AccObject.new(-2) # # OBJID_MENU = Wx::AccObject.new(-3) # # OBJID_CLIENT = Wx::AccObject.new(-4) # # OBJID_VSCROLL = Wx::AccObject.new(-5) # # OBJID_HSCROLL = Wx::AccObject.new(-6) # # OBJID_SIZEGRIP = Wx::AccObject.new(-7) # # OBJID_CARET = Wx::AccObject.new(-8) # # OBJID_CURSOR = Wx::AccObject.new(-9) # # OBJID_ALERT = Wx::AccObject.new(-10) # # OBJID_SOUND = Wx::AccObject.new(-11) end # AccObject # Selection actions are identified by the {Wx::AccSelectionFlags} values. # # # # @wxrb_require USE_ACCESSIBILITY class AccSelectionFlags < Wx::Enum # No action is performed. # ACC_SEL_NONE = Wx::AccSelectionFlags.new(0) # The object is focused and becomes the selection anchor. # ACC_SEL_TAKEFOCUS = Wx::AccSelectionFlags.new(1) # The object is selected and all other objects are removed from the current selection. # ACC_SEL_TAKESELECTION = Wx::AccSelectionFlags.new(2) # All objects between the selection anchor and this object are added to the current selection if the anchor object's is selected or they are removed from the current selection otherwise. # ACC_SEL_EXTENDSELECTION = Wx::AccSelectionFlags.new(4) # The object is added to the current selection. # ACC_SEL_ADDSELECTION = Wx::AccSelectionFlags.new(8) # The object is removed from the current selection. # ACC_SEL_REMOVESELECTION = Wx::AccSelectionFlags.new(16) end # AccSelectionFlags # The {Wx::Accessible} class allows wxWidgets applications, and wxWidgets itself, to return extended information about user interface elements to client applications such as screen readers. # # This is the main way in which wxWidgets implements accessibility features. # At present, only Microsoft Active Accessibility is supported by this class. # To use this class, derive from {Wx::Accessible}, implement appropriate functions, and associate an object of the class with a window using {Wx::Window#set_accessible}. # All functions return an indication of success, failure, or not implemented using values of the {Wx::AccStatus} enum type. # If you return {Wx::AccStatus::ACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED} from any function, the system will try to implement the appropriate functionality. However this will not work with all functions. # Most functions work with an object id, which can be zero to refer to 'this' UI element, or greater than zero to refer to the nth child element. This allows you to specify elements that don't have a corresponding {Wx::Window} or {Wx::Accessible}; for example, the sash of a splitter window. # For details on the semantics of functions and types, please refer to the Microsoft Active Accessibility 1.2 documentation. # This class is compiled into wxWidgets only if the {Wx::Setup::USE_ACCESSIBILITY} setup symbol is set to 1. # Availability: only available for the WXMSW port. # # Category: {Wx::Miscellaneous} # @see Accessibility Sample # # # @wxrb_require USE_ACCESSIBILITY class Accessible < Object # Constructor, taking an optional window. # # The object can be associated with a window later. # @param win [Wx::Window] # @return [Wx::Accessible] def initialize(win=nil) end # Performs the default action for the object. # # childId is 0 (the action for this object) or greater than 0 (the action for a child). # {Wx::AccStatus::ACC_NOT_SUPPORTED} if there is no default action for this window (e.g. an edit control). # @param childId [Integer] # @return [Wx::AccStatus] def do_default_action(childId) end # Gets the specified child (starting from 1). # # If child is NULL and the return value is {Wx::AccStatus::ACC_OK}, this means that the child is a simple element and not an accessible object. # @param childId [Integer] # @return [Array(Wx::AccStatus,Wx::Accessible)] def get_child(childId) end alias_method :child, :get_child # Returns the number of children in childCount. # @return [Array(Wx::AccStatus,Integer)] def get_child_count; end alias_method :child_count, :get_child_count # Gets the default action for this object (0) or a child (greater than 0). # # Return {Wx::AccStatus::ACC_OK} even if there is no action. actionName is the action, or the empty string if there is no action. The retrieved string describes the action that is performed on an object, not what the object does as a result. For example, a toolbar button that prints a document has a default action of "Press" rather than "Prints # the current document." # @param childId [Integer] # @return [Array(Wx::AccStatus,String)] def get_default_action(childId) end alias_method :default_action, :get_default_action # Returns the description for this object or a child. # @param childId [Integer] # @return [Array(Wx::AccStatus,String)] def get_description(childId) end alias_method :description, :get_description # Gets the window with the keyboard focus. # # If childId is 0 and child is NULL, no object in this subhierarchy has the focus. If this object has the focus, child should be 'this'. # @return [Array(Wx::AccStatus,Integer,Wx::Accessible)] def get_focus; end alias_method :focus, :get_focus # Returns help text for this object or a child, similar to tooltip text. # @param childId [Integer] # @return [Array(Wx::AccStatus,String)] def get_help_text(childId) end alias_method :help_text, :get_help_text # Returns the keyboard shortcut for this object or child. # # Returns e.g. ALT+K. # @param childId [Integer] # @return [Array(Wx::AccStatus,String)] def get_keyboard_shortcut(childId) end alias_method :keyboard_shortcut, :get_keyboard_shortcut # Returns the rectangle for this object (id is 0) or a child element (id is greater than 0). # # rect is in screen coordinates. # @param rect [Wx::Rect] # @param elementId [Integer] # @return [Wx::AccStatus] def get_location(rect, elementId) end alias_method :location, :get_location # Gets the name of the specified object. # @param childId [Integer] # @return [Array(Wx::AccStatus,String)] def get_name(childId) end alias_method :name, :get_name # Returns the parent of this object, or NULL. # @return [Array(Wx::AccStatus,Wx::Accessible)] def get_parent; end alias_method :parent, :get_parent # Returns a role constant describing this object. # # See {Wx::AccRole} for a list of these roles. # @param childId [Integer] # @return [Array(Wx::AccStatus,Wx::AccRole)] def get_role(childId) end alias_method :role, :get_role # Gets a variant representing the selected children of this object. # # Acceptable values are: # # - a null variant (IsNull() returns true) if no children are selected # # - a void* pointer to a {Wx::Accessible} of selected child object # # - an integer representing the selected child element, or 0 if this object is selected (GetType() == "long") # # - a list variant (GetType() == "list") if multiple child objects are selected # @param selections [Wx::Variant] # @return [Wx::AccStatus] def get_selections(selections) end alias_method :selections, :get_selections # Returns a state constant. # # See {Wx::AccStatus} for a list of these states. # @param childId [Integer] # @return [Array(Wx::AccStatus,Integer)] def get_state(childId) end alias_method :state, :get_state # Returns a localized string representing the value for the object or child. # @param childId [Integer] # @return [Array(Wx::AccStatus,String)] def get_value(childId) end alias_method :value, :get_value # Returns the window associated with this object. # @return [Wx::Window] def get_window; end alias_method :window, :get_window # Returns a status value and object id to indicate whether the given point was on this or a child object. # # Can return either a child object, or an integer representing the child element, starting from 1. # pt is in screen coordinates. # @param pt [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point] # @return [Array(Wx::AccStatus,Integer,Wx::Accessible)] def hit_test(pt) end # Navigates from fromId to toId or to toObject. # @param navDir [Wx::NavDir] # @param fromId [Integer] # @return [Array(Wx::AccStatus,Integer,Wx::Accessible)] def navigate(navDir, fromId) end # Selects the object or child. # # See {Wx::AccSelectionFlags} for a list of the selection actions. # @param childId [Integer] # @param selectFlags [Wx::AccSelectionFlags] # @return [Wx::AccStatus] def select(childId, selectFlags) end # Sets the window associated with this object. # @param window [Wx::Window] # @return [void] def set_window(window) end alias_method :window=, :set_window # Allows the application to send an event when something changes in an accessible object. # @param eventType [Integer] # @param window [Wx::Window] # @param objectType [Wx::AccObject] # @param objectId [Integer] # @return [void] def self.notify_event(eventType, window, objectType, objectId) end end # Accessible end