data: - { _id: 1, x: 11 } - { _id: 2, x: 22 } collection_name: &collection_name 'DeleteOne_hint' tests: - description: "Unacknowledged deleteOne with hint string fails with client-side error" operations: - object: collection collectionOptions: &collection_options writeConcern: { w: 0 } name: deleteOne arguments: filter: &filter { _id: 1 } hint: "_id_" error: true expectations: [] outcome: &outcome collection: data: - { _id: 1, x: 11 } - { _id: 2, x: 22 } - description: "Unacknowledged deleteOne with hint document fails with client-side error" operations: - object: collection collectionOptions: *collection_options name: deleteOne arguments: filter: *filter hint: { _id: 1 } error: true expectations: [] outcome: *outcome