module Stamina
class Automaton
# Automaton state.
class State
include Stamina::Markable
attr_reader :automaton, :index
# Creates a state.
# Arguments:
# - automaton: parent automaton of the state.
# - index: index of the state in the state list.
# - data: user data attached to this state.
def initialize(automaton, index, data)
@automaton = automaton
@index = index
@data = data.dup
@out_edges = []
@in_edges = []
@epsilon_closure = nil
### public read-only section ###############################################
# Returns true if this state is an initial state, false otherwise.
def initial?
# Sets this state as an initial state.
def initial!(value = true)
@data[:initial] = value
# Returns true if this state is an accepting state, false otherwise.
def accepting?
# Sets this state as an accepting state.
def accepting!(value = true)
@data[:accepting] = value
# Returns true if this state is an error state, false otherwise.
def error?
# Sets this state as an error state.
def error!(value = true)
@data[:error] = value
# Returns true if this state is deterministic, false otherwise.
def deterministic?
outs = out_symbols
(outs.size==@out_edges.size) and not(outs.include?(nil))
# Checks if this state is a sink state or not. Sink states are defined as
# non accepting states having no outgoing transition or only loop
# transitions.
def sink?
!accepting? && out_edges.all?{|e|}
# Returns an array containing all incoming edges of the state. Edges are
# sorted if _sorted_ is set to true. If two incoming edges have same symbol
# no order is guaranteed between them.
# Returned array may be modified.
def in_edges(sorted=false)
sorted ? @in_edges.sort : @in_edges.dup
# Returns an array containing all outgoing edges of the state. Edges are
# sorted if _sorted_ is set to true. If two outgoing edges have same symbol
# no order is guaranteed between them.
# Returned array may be modified.
def out_edges(sorted=false)
sorted ? @out_edges.sort : @out_edges.dup
# Returns an array with the different symbols appearing on incoming edges.
# Returned array does not contain duplicates. Symbols are sorted in the
# array if _sorted_ is set to true.
# Returned array may be modified.
def in_symbols(sorted=false)
symbols = @in_edges.collect{|e| e.symbol}.uniq
return sorted ? (symbols.sort &automaton.symbols_comparator) : symbols
# Returns an array with the different symbols appearing on outgoing edges.
# Returned array does not contain duplicates. Symbols are sorted in the
# array if _sorted_ is set to true.
# Returned array may be modified.
def out_symbols(sorted=false)
symbols = @out_edges.collect{|e| e.symbol}.uniq
return sorted ? (symbols.sort &automaton.symbols_comparator) : symbols
# Returns an array with adjacent states (in or out edge).
# Returned array may be modified.
def adjacent_states()
# Returns an array with adjacent states along an incoming edge (without
# duplicates).
# Returned array may be modified.
def in_adjacent_states()
(@in_edges.collect {|e| e.source}).uniq
# Returns an array with adjacent states along an outgoing edge (whithout
# duplicates).
# Returned array may be modified.
def out_adjacent_states()
(@out_edges.collect {|e|}).uniq
# Returns reachable states from this one with an input _symbol_. Returned
# array does not contain duplicates and may be modified. This method if not
# epsilon symbol aware.
def step(symbol){|e| e.symbol==symbol}.collect{|e|}
# Returns the state reached from this one with an input _symbol_, or nil if
# no such state. This method is not epsilon symbol aware. Moreover it is
# expected to be used on deterministic states only. If the state is not
# deterministic, the method returns one reachable state if such a state
# exists; which one is returned must be considered non deterministic.
def dfa_step(symbol)
edge = @out_edges.find{|e| e.symbol==symbol}
edge ? : nil
# Computes the epsilon closure of this state. Epsilon closure is the set of
# all states reached from this one with a eps* input (sequence of
# zero or more epsilon symbols). The current state is always contained in
# the epsilon closure. Returns an unsorted array without duplicates; this
# array may not be modified.
def epsilon_closure()
@epsilon_closure ||= compute_epsilon_closure(
# Internal implementation of epsilon_closure. _result_ is expected to be
# a Set instance, is modified and is the returned value.
def compute_epsilon_closure(result)
result << self
step(nil).each do |t|
t.compute_epsilon_closure(result) unless result.include?(t)
raise if result.nil?
return result
# Computes an array representing the set of states that can be reached from
# this state with a given input _symbol_. Returned array does not contain
# duplicates and may be modified. No particular ordering of states in the
# array is guaranteed.
# This method is epsilon symbol aware (represented with nil) on non
# deterministic automata, meaning that it actually computes the set of
# reachable states through strings respecting the eps* symbol eps*
# regular expression, where eps is the epsilon symbol.
def delta(symbol)
if automaton.deterministic?
target = dfa_delta(symbol)
target.nil? ? [] : [target]
at_epsilon = epsilon_closure
at_espilon_then_symbol ={|s| s.step(symbol)}.flatten.uniq{|s| s.epsilon_closure}.flatten.uniq
# Returns the target state that can be reached from this state with _symbol_
# input. Returns nil if no such state exists.
# This method is expected to be used on deterministic automata. Unlike delta,
# it returns a State instance (or nil), not an array of states. When used on
# non deterministic automata, it returns a state immediately reachable from
# this state with _symbol_ input, or nil if no such state exists. This
# method is not epsilon aware.
def dfa_delta(symbol)
return nil if symbol.nil?
edge = @out_edges.find{|e| e.symbol==symbol}
edge.nil? ? nil :
# Provides comparator of states, based on the index in the automaton state
# list. This method returns nil unless _o_ is a State from the same
# automaton than self.
def <=>(o)
return nil unless State===o
return nil unless automaton===o.automaton
return index <=> o.index
# Returns a string representation
def inspect
's' << @index.to_s
# Returns a string representation
def to_s
's' << @index.to_s
### protected write section ################################################
# Changes the index of this state in the state list. This method is only
# expected to be used by the automaton itself.
def index=(i) @index=i end
# Fired by Loaded when a user data is changed. The message is forwarded to
# the automaton.
def state_changed(what, description)
@epsilon_closure = nil
@automaton.send(:state_changed, what, description)
# Adds an incoming edge to the state.
def add_incoming_edge(edge)
@epsilon_closure = nil
@in_edges << edge
# Adds an outgoing edge to the state.
def add_outgoing_edge(edge)
@epsilon_closure = nil
@out_edges << edge
# Adds an incoming edge to the state.
def drop_incoming_edge(edge)
@epsilon_closure = nil
# Adds an outgoing edge to the state.
def drop_outgoing_edge(edge)
@epsilon_closure = nil
protected :compute_epsilon_closure
end # class State
end # class Automaton
end # module Stamina