require 'tmpdir' require 'terminal-table' require 'emoji_regex' require 'fastlane_core/itunes_transporter' require 'fastlane_core/build_watcher' require 'fastlane_core/ipa_upload_package_builder' require_relative 'manager' module Pilot class BuildManager < Manager def upload(options) start(options) options[:changelog] = self.class.sanitize_changelog(options[:changelog]) if options[:changelog] UI.user_error!("No ipa file given") unless config[:ipa] if options[:changelog].nil? && options[:distribute_external] == true if UI.interactive? options[:changelog] = UI.input("No changelog provided for new build. Please provide a changelog. You can also provide a changelog using the `changelog` option") else UI.user_error!("No changelog provided for new build. Please either disable `distribute_external` or provide a changelog using the `changelog` option") end end UI.success("Ready to upload new build to TestFlight (App: #{app.apple_id})...") dir = Dir.mktmpdir platform = fetch_app_platform package_path = app.apple_id, ipa_path: config[:ipa], package_path: dir, platform: platform) transporter =[:username], nil, false, options[:itc_provider]) result = transporter.upload(app.apple_id, package_path) unless result UI.user_error!("Error uploading ipa file, for more information see above") end UI.success("Successfully uploaded the new binary to iTunes Connect") if config[:skip_waiting_for_build_processing] UI.important("Skip waiting for build processing") UI.important("This means that no changelog will be set and no build will be distributed to testers") return end UI.message("If you want to skip waiting for the processing to be finished, use the `skip_waiting_for_build_processing` option") app_version = FastlaneCore::IpaFileAnalyser.fetch_app_version(config[:ipa]) app_build = FastlaneCore::IpaFileAnalyser.fetch_app_build(config[:ipa]) latest_build = FastlaneCore::BuildWatcher.wait_for_build_processing_to_be_complete(app_id: app.apple_id, platform: platform, train_version: app_version, build_version: app_build, poll_interval: config[:wait_processing_interval], strict_build_watch: config[:wait_for_uploaded_build]) unless latest_build.train_version == app_version && latest_build.build_version == app_build UI.important("Uploaded app #{app_version} - #{app_build}, but received build #{latest_build.train_version} - #{latest_build.build_version}. If you want to wait for uploaded build to be finished processing, use the `wait_for_uploaded_build` option") end distribute(options, build: latest_build) end def distribute(options, build: nil) start(options) if config[:apple_id].to_s.length == 0 && config[:app_identifier].to_s.length == 0 config[:app_identifier] = UI.input("App Identifier: ") end build ||= Spaceship::TestFlight::Build.latest(app_id: app.apple_id, platform: fetch_app_platform) if build.nil? UI.user_error!("No build to distribute!") end if should_update_app_test_information?(options) app_test_info = Spaceship::TestFlight::AppTestInfo.find(app_id: build.app_id) app_test_info.test_info.feedback_email = options[:beta_app_feedback_email] if options[:beta_app_feedback_email] app_test_info.test_info.description = options[:beta_app_description] if options[:beta_app_description] begin app_test_info.save_for_app!(app_id: build.app_id) UI.success("Successfully set the beta_app_feedback_email and/or beta_app_description") rescue => ex UI.user_error!("Could not set beta_app_feedback_email and/or beta_app_description: #{ex}") end end if should_update_build_information?(options) begin build.update_build_information!(whats_new: options[:changelog]) UI.success("Successfully set the changelog for build") rescue => ex UI.user_error!("Could not set changelog: #{ex}") end end build.auto_notify_enabled = config[:notify_external_testers] return if config[:skip_submission] distribute_build(build, options) type = options[:distribute_external] ? 'External' : 'Internal' UI.success("Successfully distributed build to #{type} testers 🚀") end def list(options) start(options) if config[:apple_id].to_s.length == 0 && config[:app_identifier].to_s.length == 0 config[:app_identifier] = UI.input("App Identifier: ") end platform = fetch_app_platform(required: false) builds = app.all_processing_builds(platform: platform) + app.builds(platform: platform) # sort by upload_date builds.sort! { |a, b| a.upload_date <=> b.upload_date } rows = builds.collect { |build| describe_build(build) } puts( title: "#{} Builds".green, headings: ["Version #", "Build #", "Installs"], rows: FastlaneCore::PrintTable.transform_output(rows) )) end def self.truncate_changelog(changelog) max_changelog_length = 4000 if changelog && changelog.length > max_changelog_length original_length = changelog.length bottom_message = "..." changelog = "#{changelog[0...max_changelog_length - bottom_message.length]}#{bottom_message}" UI.important("Changelog has been truncated since it exceeds Apple's #{max_changelog_length} character limit. It currently contains #{original_length} characters.") end changelog end def self.strip_emoji(changelog) if changelog && changelog =~ EmojiRegex::Regex changelog.gsub!(EmojiRegex::Regex, "") UI.important("Emoji symbols have been removed from the changelog, since they're not allowed by Apple.") end changelog end def self.sanitize_changelog(changelog) changelog = strip_emoji(changelog) truncate_changelog(changelog) end private def describe_build(build) row = [build.train_version, build.build_version, build.install_count] return row end def should_update_build_information?(options) options[:changelog].to_s.length > 0 end def should_update_app_test_information?(options) options[:beta_app_description].to_s.length > 0 || options[:beta_app_feedback_email].to_s.length > 0 end def distribute_build(uploaded_build, options) UI.message("Distributing new build to testers: #{uploaded_build.train_version} - #{uploaded_build.build_version}") # This is where we could add a check to see if encryption is required and has been updated uploaded_build.export_compliance.encryption_updated = false if options[:groups] || options[:distribute_external] uploaded_build.beta_review_info.demo_account_required = options[:demo_account_required] # this needs to be set for iTC to continue begin uploaded_build.submit_for_testflight_review! rescue => ex # iTunes Connect currently may 504 on this request even though it manages to get the build in # the approved state, this is a temporary workaround. raise ex unless ex.to_s.include?("504") UI.message("Submitting the build for review timed out, trying to recover.") updated_build = Spaceship::TestFlight::Build.find(app_id: uploaded_build.app_id, build_id: raise ex unless updated_build.approved? end end if options[:groups] groups = Spaceship::TestFlight::Group.filter_groups(app_id: uploaded_build.app_id) do |group| options[:groups].include?( end groups.each do |group| uploaded_build.add_group!(group) end end if options[:distribute_external] external_group = Spaceship::TestFlight::Group.default_external_group(app_id: uploaded_build.app_id) uploaded_build.add_group!(external_group) unless external_group.nil? if external_group.nil? && options[:groups].nil? UI.user_error!("You must specify at least one group using the `:groups` option to distribute externally") end else # distribute internally # in case any changes to export_compliance are required if uploaded_build.export_compliance_missing?! end end true end end end