require 'rbbt/association' require 'rbbt/association/item' require 'rbbt/entity' class KnowledgeBase class << self attr_accessor :knowledge_base_dir, :registry def registry @registry ||= IndiferentHash.setup({}) end def knowledge_base_dir @knowledge_base_dir ||= Rbbt.var.knowledge_base end end attr_accessor :namespace, :dir, :indices, :registry, :format, :databases, :entity_options def initialize(dir, namespace = nil) @dir = Path.setup dir @namespace = namespace @format = IndiferentHash.setup({}) @registry = IndiferentHash.setup({}) @entity_options = IndiferentHash.setup({}) @indices = IndiferentHash.setup({}) @databases = IndiferentHash.setup({}) @identifiers = IndiferentHash.setup({}) @descriptions = {} @databases = {} end def version(new_namespace, force = false) return self if new_namespace == namespace and not force new_kb = dir[new_namespace], new_namespace new_kb.format.merge! self.format new_kb.entity_options.merge! self.entity_options new_kb.registry = self.registry new_kb end #{{{ Descriptions def register(name, file = nil, options = {}, &block) if block_given? block.define_singleton_method(:filename) do name.to_s end Log.debug("Registering #{ name } from code block") @registry[name] = [block, options] else Log.debug("Registering #{ name }: #{ Misc.fingerprint file }") @registry[name] = [file, options] end end def syndicate(kb, name) kb.all_databases.each do |database| db_name = [database, name] * "@" register(db_name) do kb.get_database(database) end end end def all_databases (@indices.keys + @registry.keys).uniq end def description(name) @descriptions[name] ||= get_index(name).key_field.split("~") end def source(name) description(name)[0] end def target(name) description(name)[1] end def undirected(name) description(name)[2] end def source_type(name) Entity.formats[source(name)] end def target_type(name) Entity.formats[target(name)] end def index_fields(name) get_index(name).fields end def entities all_databases.inject([]){|acc,name| acc << source(name); acc << target(name)}.uniq end def entity_types entities.collect{|entity| Entity.formats[entity] }.uniq end #{{{ Open and get def open_options {:namespace => namespace, :format => @format} end def get_database(name, options = {}) options = Misc.add_defaults options, :persist_dir => dir.databases persist_options = Misc.pull_keys options, :persist file, registered_options = registry[name] options = open_options.merge(registered_options || {}).merge(options) raise "Repo #{ name } not found and not registered" if file.nil? code = [name, Misc.hash2md5(options)] * "_" @databases[code] ||= begin Log.low "Opening database #{ name } from #{ Misc.fingerprint file }. #{options}", options, persist_options). tap{|tsv| tsv.namespace = self.namespace} end end def get_index(name, options = {}) options = Misc.add_defaults options, :persist_dir => dir.indices persist_options = Misc.pull_keys options, :persist file, registered_options = registry[name] options = open_options.merge(registered_options || {}).merge(options) raise "Repo #{ name } not found and not registered" if file.nil? @indices[name] ||= begin Log.low "Opening index #{ name } from #{ Misc.fingerprint file }. #{options}" Association.index(file, options, persist_options). tap{|tsv| tsv.namespace = self.namespace} end end def index(name, file, options = {}, persist_options = {}) @indices[name] = Association.index(file, open_options.merge(options), persist_options) end #{{{ Add manual database def add_index(name, source_type, target_type, *fields) options = fields.pop if Hash === fields.last options ||= {} undirected = Misc.process_options options, :undirected undirected = nil unless undirected repo_file = dir[name].find index = Association.index(nil, {:namespace => namespace, :key_field => [source_type, target_type, undirected].compact * "~", :fields => fields}.merge(options), :file => repo_file, :update => true) @indices[name] = index end def add(name, source, target, *rest) code = [source, target] * "~" repo = @indices[name] repo[code] = rest end def write(name) repo = @indices[name] repo.write_and_read do yield end end #{{{ Annotate def entity_options_for(type) options = entity_options[Entity.formats[type]] || {} options[:format] = @format[type] if @format.include? :type options = {:organism => namespace}.merge(options) options end def annotate(entities, type) Misc.prepare_entity(entities, type, entity_options_for(type)) end #{{{ Identify def identify_source(name, entity) database = get_database(name, :persist => true) return entity if database.include? entity source = source(name) @identifiers[name] ||= {} @identifiers[name]['source'] ||= begin if database.identifier_files.any? if TSV.parse_header(database.identifier_files.first).all_fields.include? source TSV.index(database.identifiers, :target => source, :persist => true) else {} end else if TSV.parse_header(Organism.identifiers(namespace)).all_fields.include? source Organism.identifiers(namespace).index(:target => source, :persist => true) else {} end end end @identifiers[name]['source'][entity] end def identify_target(name, entity) database = get_database(name, :persist => true) target = target(name) @identifiers[name] ||= {} @identifiers[name]['target'] ||= begin if database.identifier_files.any? if TSV.parse_header(database.identifier_files.first).all_fields.include? target TSV.index(database.identifiers, :target => target, :persist => true) else {} end else if TSV.parse_header(Organism.identifiers(namespace)).all_fields.include? target Organism.identifiers(namespace).index(:target => target, :persist => true) else database.index(:target => database.fields.first, :fields => [database.fields.first], :persist => true) end end end @identifiers[name]['target'][entity] end def identify(name, entity) identify_source(name, entity) || identify_target(name, entity) end #{{{ Query def setup(name, matches) AssociationItem.setup matches, self, name, false end def all(name, options={}) repo = get_index name, options setup name, repo.keys end def children(name, entity) repo = get_index name setup(name, repo.match(entity)) end def parents(name, entity) repo = get_index name setup(name, repo.reverse.match(entity)) end def neighbours(name, entity) if undirected(name) IndiferentHash.setup({:children => children(name, entity)}) else IndiferentHash.setup({:parents => parents(name, entity), :children => children(name, entity)}) end end def subset(name, entities) case entities when AnnotatedArray format = entities.format if entities.respond_to? :format format ||= entities.base_entity.to_s {format => entities.clean_annotations} when Hash else raise "Entities are not a Hash or an AnnotatedArray: #{Misc.fingerprint entities}" end repo = get_index name setup(name, repo.subset_entities(entities)) end def translate(entities, type) if format = @format[type] and format != entities.format format else entities end end end