module Nokogiri module XML class NodeSet attr_accessor :cstruct # :nodoc: def dup # :nodoc: dup = LibXML.xmlXPathNodeSetMerge(nil, self.cstruct) NodeSet.wrap(dup, self.document) end def length # :nodoc: cstruct.pointer.null? ? 0 : cstruct[:nodeNr] end def push(node) # :nodoc: raise(ArgumentError, "node must be a Nokogiri::XML::Node") unless node.is_a?(XML::Node) LibXML.xmlXPathNodeSetAdd(cstruct, node.cstruct) self end def |(node_set) # :nodoc: raise(ArgumentError, "node_set must be a Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet") unless node_set.is_a?(XML::NodeSet) new_set_ptr = LibXML::xmlXPathNodeSetMerge(nil, self.cstruct) new_set_ptr = LibXML::xmlXPathNodeSetMerge(new_set_ptr, node_set.cstruct) NodeSet.wrap(new_set_ptr, self.document) end def -(node_set) # :nodoc: raise(ArgumentError, "node_set must be a Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet") unless node_set.is_a?(XML::NodeSet) new_set_ptr = LibXML.xmlXPathNodeSetMerge(nil, self.cstruct) other_nodetab = node_set.cstruct.nodeTab node_set.cstruct[:nodeNr].times do |j| LibXML.xmlXPathNodeSetDel(new_set_ptr, other_nodetab[j]) end NodeSet.wrap(new_set_ptr, self.document) end def delete(node) # :nodoc: raise(ArgumentError, "node must be a Nokogiri::XML::Node") unless node.is_a?(XML::Node) if LibXML.xmlXPathNodeSetContains(cstruct, node.cstruct) != 0 LibXML.xmlXPathNodeSetDel(cstruct, node.cstruct) return node end return nil end def [](*args) # :nodoc: raise(ArgumentError, "got #{args.length} arguments, expected 1 (or 2)") if args.length > 2 if args.length == 2 beg = args[0] len = args[1] beg += cstruct[:nodeNr] if beg < 0 return subseq(beg, len) end arg = args[0] return subseq(arg.first, arg.last-arg.first+1) if arg.is_a?(Range) index_at(arg) end alias_method :slice, :[] def &(node_set) # :nodoc: raise(ArgumentError, "node_set must be a Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet") unless node_set.is_a?(XML::NodeSet) new_set_ptr = LibXML.xmlXPathIntersection(cstruct, node_set.cstruct) NodeSet.wrap(new_set_ptr, self.document) end def include?(node) # :nodoc: raise(ArgumentError, "node must be a Nokogiri::XML::Node") unless node.is_a?(XML::Node) (LibXML.xmlXPathNodeSetContains(cstruct, node.cstruct) != 0) ? true : false end def to_a # :nodoc: cstruct.nodeTab.collect do |node| node_cstruct = if node_cstruct[:type] == XML::Node::NAMESPACE_DECL Namespace.wrap(document.cstruct, node) else Node.wrap(node_cstruct) end end end def unlink # :nodoc: nodetab = cstruct.nodeTab cstruct[:nodeNr].times do |j| node_cstruct =[j]) if node_cstruct[:type] != XML::Node::NAMESPACE_DECL node = Node.wrap(node_cstruct) node.unlink nodetab[j] = node.cstruct.pointer end end cstruct.nodeTab = nodetab self end def document, list = [] # :nodoc: set = NodeSet.wrap(LibXML.xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(nil), document) set.document = document list.each { |x| set << x } yield set if block_given? set end def self.wrap(ptr, document) # :nodoc: set = allocate set.cstruct = if document set.document = document document.decorate(set) end set end private def index_at(number) # :nodoc: return nil if (number >= cstruct[:nodeNr] || number.abs > cstruct[:nodeNr]) number = number + cstruct[:nodeNr] if number < 0 node_ptr = cstruct.nodeAt(number) node_cstruct = if node_cstruct[:type] == XML::Node::NAMESPACE_DECL Namespace.wrap(document.cstruct, node_ptr) else Node.wrap(node_cstruct) end end def subseq(beg, len) # :nodoc: return nil if beg > cstruct[:nodeNr] return nil if beg < 0 || len < 0 len = cstruct[:nodeNr] - beg if beg + len > cstruct[:nodeNr] set = NodeSet.wrap(LibXML.xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(nil), self.document) beg.upto(beg+len-1) do |j| LibXML.xmlXPathNodeSetAddUnique(set.cstruct, cstruct.nodeAt(j)); end set end end end end